Part 33 (1/2)
Diane said, 'You worry too much.'
They started to pa.s.s the American Airlines booth. Diane stopped and walked up to the ticket agent. 'We'd like two coach tickets to Miami on the next flight out of here.'
'Certainly.' The ticket agent checked the schedule. 'That flight will be boarding in three hours.'
'Fine. Our names are Diane Stevens and Kelly Harris.'
Kelly closed her eyes for an instant.
'Credit card or cash?'
Diane paid the clerk and he handed her their tickets.
Kelly said, 'Is this how we're going to outwit these geniuses? This wouldn't fool a ten-year-old.'
Diane started walking toward the airport exit.
Kelly hurried after her. 'Where are you going?' We re going to- 'Never mind. I don't think I want to know.'
There was a row of taxis in front of the airport. When the two women walked out of the terminal, one of the taxis pulled out of line and drove up in front of the entrance. Kelly and Diane got into the cab.
'Where to, please?'
'Kennedy airport.'
Kelly said, 'I don't know if they're going to be confused, but I sure am. I still wish we had some kind of weapon to protect ourselves.'
'I don't know where we could find a Howitzer.'
The taxi went into gear. Diane leaned forward to examine the driver's photo ID: MARIO SILVA.
'Mr. Silva, do you think that you can get us to Kennedy without being followed?'
They could see his grin in the mirror. 'You came to the right party, lady.'
He pressed down on the accelerator and made a sudden U-turn. At the first corner, he drove halfway down the street, then sped into an alley.
The women looked through the rear window. There were no cars behind them.
Mario Silva's grin widened. 'Okay?'
'Okay,' Kelly said.
For the next thirty minutes, Mario Silva kept making unexpected turns and going down small side streets, to make sure no one could follow them. Finally, the taxi pulled up in front of the main entrance to Kennedy airport.
'We're here,' Mario Silva announced triumphantly.
Diane took some bills from her purse. 'There's something extra for you.'
The driver took the money and smiled. 'Thanks.' He sat in his cab, watching his two pa.s.sengers walk into the Kennedy terminal. When they were out of sight, he picked up his cell phone.
'Tanner Kingsley please.'
At the Delta Airlines counter, the ticket agent glanced up at the board. 'Yes, we do have two tickets available on the flight you want. It leaves at five-fifty p.m. There's a one-hour layover in Madrid, and the plane arrives in Barcelona at nine-twenty a.m.'
'That will be fine,' Diane said.
'Will that be credit card or cash?'
Diane handed the ticket agent the money and turned to Kelly.
'Let's wait in the lounge.'
Thirty minutes later, Harry Flint was on his cell phone talking to Tanner.
'I got the information you asked for. They're flying Delta to Barcelona. Their plane leaves Kennedy at five-fifty this evening, with a one-hour layover in Madrid. They'll arrive in Barcelona at nine-twenty in the morning.'
'Good. You'll take a company jet to Barcelona, Mr. Flint, and meet them there when they arrive. I'm counting on you to give them a warm welcome.'
As Tanner hung up, Andrew walked in. He was wearing a boutonniere in his lapel. 'Here are the schedules for the-'
'What the h.e.l.l is that?'
Andrew was confused. 'You asked me to bring-'
'I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about that stupid flower you have on.'
Andrew's face lit up. 'I'm wearing it to your wedding. I'm your best man.'
Tanner frowned. 'What the h.e.l.l are you-?' And the realization suddenly struck him. 'That was seven years ago, you cretin, and there was no wedding. Now get your a.s.s out of here!'
Andrew stood there, stunned, trying to understand what was happening.
Tanner watched his brother leave the office. I should have put him away somewhere, he thought. The time is coming.
The takeoff on the flight to Barcelona was smooth and uneventful.