Part 15 (1/2)
”Monsieur le Maire, they have taken the bacon out of my chimney.”
”Monsieur le Maire, they have stolen the boots from under my bed.”
”Monsieur le Maire, they have given my hay to their horses. What must I do to feed my cow?”
And so on.
The Prussians are the worst thieves in the world; they have no shame; they would take the bread out of your very mouth to swallow it.
These complaints made me so angry that I took courage to speak to his highness, who listened very kindly, and said it was very unfortunate, but that I should remember the French proverb, ”a la guerre, comme a la guerre;” and that this proverb applied to peasants as well as to soldiers.
I could have borne all this if the requisitions had not begun; but now the quartermasters were making their appearance, to settle with me, as they said.
It was of no use to urge that we were poor people, already three-fourths ruined; they answered: ”Settle your own business. We must have so many tons of hay; so many bushels of oats, barley, flour; so much of meat, both beef and mutton, of good quality; or else, Monsieur le Maire, we will burn down your village.”
His highness the Duke of Saxe and his officers had just gone to inspect the camp around the place; I was left alone. I wanted to ring the church bells to a.s.semble the council, but all bell-ringing was forbidden. Then I sent round the rural policeman to summon each councillor, one after the other; but the councillors did not stir: they thought that by remaining at home they would prevent the Prussians from doing anything.
In this extremity I made Martin Kopp publish by beat of drum the list of all that the village had to supply in provisions and articles of every kind, before eleven in the morning; entreating all honest people to make haste, if they did not want to see their houses in flames from one end of the village to the other.
Scarcely had this notice been given out, when everybody made haste to bring all they could.
The quartermasters made out an inventory; they carried away my best cow, and gave me a receipt for everything in the name of his Majesty the King of Prussia.
The general indignation was terrible.
Such was the robbery and violence, in those earlier days, that not so much as a pound of salt meat could have been bought by us in the whole country; and as for fresh meat, it was no use thinking of it. Well, when the Prussians resorted to requisition, everything was obtained, by means of that threat of _fire_! It was known what they had done in Alsace, and, of course, they were supposed easily capable of beginning again.
After these requisitions, which might be regarded as a little bouquet for his highness, the Prussians raised their camp, announcing to us the arrival of new-comers. I also heard M. le Baron d'Engel command one of his orderlies to order at Sarrebourg six thousand rations of bread and of coffee. Then I saw clearly that it was intended we should feed all these fellows till the end of the campaign, and my sad reflections may easily be imagined. The German commissariat no longer seemed to me so admirable. I could see that it was simply organized robbery and pillage.
The Duke and his followers had scarcely departed, when a captain of blue hussars, Monsieur Collomb, came to take his place, with six horses, and his adjutant, the Count Bernhardy, with three more horses.
They came from Saverne wet through, having spent the night in the open air, and this gave them a terrible appet.i.te.
I explained that everything had been taken from us--that we had nothing left to eat for ourselves; but they would not believe me, and my wife was obliged to turn the house topsy-turvy to find something for them to eat.
While eating and drinking enough for four, these two gentlemen found time to tell us that they had hung eleven peasants of Gunstedt on the day of the battle of Reichshoffen! They also told us, what was quite true, that next day provisions would arrive in our village. Unhappily, this long train of provisions, which seemed endless, pa.s.sed on direct to Sarrebourg.
This was the 12th of August.
We had, then, this captain, his adjutant, their servants, and their horses on our shoulders; all of whom we had to feed to the full until the day of their departure.
The batteries of Phalsbourg had dismounted the German guns at the Quatre Vents. Sick and wounded in great numbers had been sent to the great military hospital at Saverne; there were a few left in the school-room of Pfalsweyer: this annoyed the Prussians. One would have thought that it was our duty to let them come and rob, pillage, and bombard and burn us, without defending ourselves; that we were guilty of crimes against them, and that they had rights over us, as a nation of valets.
They actually thought this.
And I have always heard these Germans making such complaints: whether they took us for fools, or were fools themselves, I do not know exactly which; but I think there was something of both.
After the pa.s.sage of a convoy of provisions, which went past us for two hours, came cannon, powder-wagons, and Never had our poor village heard such a noise; it was like a torrent roaring over the rocks.
The 11th corps was pa.s.sing. There were twelve like it, each from eighty to ninety thousand men.
We now knew nothing whatever about our own troops, nor our relations and friends in the town. We were shut up as in an island, in the midst of this deluge of Prussians, Bavarians, Wurtemburgers, Badeners, who streamed through in long, interminable columns, and seemed to have no end.