Part 11 (1/2)
”So you're saying she was angry with him?”
”Venting isn't exactly the same as anger; it's more like letting off steam,” I sidestepped neatly. A quick lesson from Psych 101.
”And it never occurred to you to tell me about this?”
He was beginning to remind me of Sam Waterston, the prosecutor on Law & Order.
I struggled for a light touch. ”Hey, I'm a talk show psychologist, remember? I listen to people's problems all day long. Most of them are calling to complain about someone in their lives, so I wasn't too surprised when Kathryn told me about her daughter and the encounter group. She was just one more person with a gripe, that's all. It happens all the time.”
”Yes, but the people they're complaining about don't usually end up dead, do they?”
Touche. ”In your professional opinion,” he said, barely containing a smirk, ”would you say that Kathryn Sinclair was mentally unbalanced or potentially violent? Could she be delusional?”
”What? No, of course not,” I said hurriedly. Why was he slapping her with a medical diagnosis? Was he on a fis.h.i.+ng expedition, or did he really have some cold, hard facts that made her a viable suspect? ”She's none of those things. She's just a mother who was upset over the way her daughter was treated.” I hesitated, trying to choose my words carefully. I had the feeling that he was mentally ticking away everything I told him, even without Opie and his ever-present notebook.
Rafe shot me a wry look that told me he guessed I was uncomfortable with the line of questioning. ”Go on.” I had the feeling he was keeping his voice deliberately even, trying to lull me into a false sense of security.
”I don't know why she chose to confide in me, but she did. She'd heard me on the radio. Sometimes it gives people the idea of a connection, even though they're total strangers to me.” I shook my head. ”I know it sounds strange, but that's the only explanation I can think of.”
”Interesting,” Martino said. He finished his lemonade and slowly stood up. Every move he made was relaxed, fluid, and he walked with an air of easy confidence. Very s.e.xy. ”I'll be back in touch with you; we may want to take a deposition.”
”A deposition?” So he really considered Kathryn Sinclair a suspect? I suddenly felt uneasy, as though I had ratted her out, all on the basis of a brief interaction at the memorial service. ”About my conversation with Kathryn, you mean?”
He didn't answer, and I found myself trotting along behind him like Pugsley pursuing his chew toy. My confidence was wilting like one of the quesadillas heating on the grill. I decided I better say something--fast--both to maintain my dignity and to set the record straight.
”I hope you didn't get the wrong impression from what I told you about Kathryn Sinclair. She was upset, that's all, and people say things that are out of character when they're under stress.” I wanted to sound professional and just a touch conciliatory, but would he buy it?
I heard a little noise in the kitchen and suspected Mom was peeking around the door to spy on us, but I didn't dare turn to look. The fact is, I couldn't take my eyes off Rafe. There was something wildly attractive about the broad shoulders, the chiseled features, the flas.h.i.+ng dark eyes. I could sense my earlier annoyance with him starting to soft-shoe toward the shadows, and my heart melted a little.
Then he frosted me with a look that killed the warm little buzz building up in my veins and stilled the pitter-patter in my heart. Rafe had his cop face on, and he was back to cop-speak.
”Thanks for the heads-up,” he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. ”I'll be sure to remember that the next time I'm interviewing a felon. Nothing like a little nugget of advice from a talk show shrink to keep me on track.”
As Rafe walked to the door, his hand grazed my arm, and my traitorous skin tingled a little when I felt the touch of his warm fingers. I blanked on a snappy retort, and he turned to face me as he opened the door. ”Oh, and that deposition I told you about? The one I may need you to give, down at the station?”
”Just to clarify things, it's not about Kathryn Sinclair.” He paused. ”I'm going to be asking you some questions about Lark Merriweather.” He hesitated for a moment, his hand on the k.n.o.b. ”Oh, and in the future? Leave the investigating to us, Nancy Drew. Okay?”
And then he was gone.
Chapter 15.
When Lark showed up at the condo a few minutes later, Mom was nearly swooning from her all-too-brief encounter with Detective Martino.
”Maggie, you never warned me how good-looking he was,” she gushed, spooning salads onto our dinner plates. The quesadillas from the grill were a little overdone but still edible with a hefty dollop of Lark's homemade salsa spooned on top. ”Can you imagine? I opened the door and nearly fainted. That young man could have quite a film career if he ever decides to leave police work. He's drop-dead gorgeous.”
”I don't think a film career is in the cards for him, Mom. I think he's pretty invested in his detective work. Maybe even obsessively so.” I thought ruefully about Rafe and his dedication to the Cypress Grove PD. The thought of him ditching it all for a movie career was about as likely as Hora tio Caine flas.h.i.+ng his badge to cadge a free donut and coffee at the Krispy Kreme in north Miami.
Some things are inviolate.
”Well, so was Dennis Farina, and look what happened to him. One moment he's a cop in Chicago and the next thing you know, he's a movie star. All because he was a technical adviser on a film set and Michael Mann noticed he had acting potential.”
Mom is an expert on Hollywood trivia and loves to recount stories of people making it against all odds in the film trade. I'm sure she thinks that it's not too late for the Hollywood G.o.ds to smile on her someday.
We were eating dinner on the tiny balcony and I could see that Lark was more than a little unnerved to hear about Rafe's surprise visit. She barely touched the vegetarian version of a key lime pie I'd whipped up earlier that day. It's laced with fresh lime juice along with vegan cream cheese, and it's usually a big hit with her.
”But what did he want, exactly?” Lark lowered her voice to a near whisper as if Rafe was lurking somewhere in the magnolia bushes under the balcony or had planted a bug in the salt shaker. ”Why did he show up here at the condo?”
I shrugged. ”Um, I'm not really sure,” I hedged. Later, I mouthed. I glanced over at Mom and raised my eyebrows a fraction of an inch, and Lark got the message. We'd talk privately after dinner when we took Pugsley for his evening stroll.
We finished our coffee, and as always, Mom pivoted the spotlight back to herself. The talk turned to WYME, and I could see Mom was angling for another guest-host spot on my show. She said she planned to spend a few more days in Cypress Grove, and I wondered whether she was staying with us out of concern for Lark or because she hoped to revive her flagging acting career.
Doing a radio talk show on WYME is certainly the bottom rung of the show business ladder, but Mom believes in trying every avenue to further her career. Holding on by her fake, French-manicured fingernails if necessary. Anything it takes to ”get her name out there,” as she calls it.
She is nothing if not persistent, and I admire that quality in her. I wondered whether she'd told Edgar about her latest gig and whether he'd encouraged her to bug Vera Mae for another chance. Or maybe I was reading too much into it, and she had just enjoyed being on the air with me.
Right after dinner, Lark and I took Pugsley out for his walk. Pugsley is a big fan of evening walks and has developed a cute trick of tugging his leash off the door k.n.o.b and dragging it across the rug until we hook it to his collar. Then he runs in manic circles until we rouse ourselves from the sofa and head outside with him. It's obvious who's the master and who's the slave in this relations.h.i.+p.
Lark was uncharacteristically quiet as we started out, and I was lost in thought. We live on a leafy street in a quiet, residential neighborhood that's canopied by banyan trees. The only commercial enterprise is the Seabreeze Inn next door. With its pale lemon exterior and glossy white ginger-bread trim, the big Victorian looks more like a private house than a B and B. Only a discreet, hand-painted sign made from white birch announces that guests are welcome. When the inn is full, Ted simply brings the sign inside. It's all very casual, and he has the same guests stay with him year after year. After the disaster with Guru Sanjay, I doubt he'd ever be willing to host another conference.
I glanced up at the wide veranda to see whether Ted might be outside chatting with the guests, but the porch was empty, the hanging baskets of ferns swaying in the gentle evening breeze. I suddenly remembered those audience evaluations Ted had shown me. Had Rafe stopped by to pick up them up the morning of Guru Sanjay's memorial service?
I made a mental note to ask Ted the next time I saw him. Of course, I had my own copy of the threatening evaluation tucked away in my underwear drawer. I had copied it impulsively and had no idea what I was going to do with the information, but I just had a gut feeling it might come in handy.
Was it simply a negative evaluation written by a disgruntled conference-goer, or was it something more sinister? A note from the murderer? But why would anyone who was planning a murder want to advertise the fact? Was it written by a man or a woman? Presumably the police would a.n.a.lyze it, and that would be one of the first things they might try to determine.
I didn't dare tell Rafe Martino that I had made my own copy; he might accuse me of tampering with evidence.
I was a little rattled by the idea that Rafe and company had attended Guru Sanjay's memorial service and that I'd been watched so closely. I hadn't even noticed, I thought ruefully. I'd played down my conversation with Kathryn Sinclair when I spoke with Rafe, and I wasn't sure why. Was I biding my time because I was too caught up in my own investigation? Did Rafe really have any justification for telling me to back off?
I was still smarting from the crack about Nancy Drew.
I didn't really think Kathryn Sinclair had murdered Guru Sanjay, but I didn't like the idea that Lark was still the number-one suspect. I was mulling this over when Lark broke into my thoughts.
”There's a couple of things you don't know about me,” she began. She tossed me a nervous glance, and her blue eyes clouded with an emotion I couldn't quite place. Doubt? Apprehension? Her voice wobbled a little and she bit her lower lip, scuffing her flip-flops on the packed-oyster-sh.e.l.l pavement. We were standing by a banyan tree, which Pugsley was sniffing with such intensity, you'd think he was looking for work as a bomb-detecting dog.
I decided to cut to the chase. ”Look, if you're talking about the brawl in the bar in Michigan? I already know about it, Lark. But I'd be interested in hearing your side of it. If you want to tell me, that is. It's entirely up to you.”
Lark let her breath out in a slow puff of air. ”I was going to tell you the truth right away, Maggie, and then things just got crazy. You know how you just put things off and then you can never find the right time to say something?”
”Yes, I've done that myself.” I felt a tug at the leash. Pugsley had finally decided there weren't any nuclear explosives tucked between the lush leaves of the banyan tree, and now he was ready to head on down the street. Pugsley is a creature of habit and insists on making his appointed rounds, going down the same streets in the same order and stopping at various points of interest.