36 the AFTERMATH (2/2)

”No, Artemus,” he frowned. ”Your duty is to take the throne and banish Prodea from the Holy Lands. That is your duty. I do not want to offend you here on your lands, but I am baffled as to why you are letting her step on everything that we believe and...”

”Stop!” Entered Narra which hindered Mikael from continuing. ”I urge you to stop and think clearly, Mikael. After all, I am a part of the Nagozulian Army too. General Enro, Maskara Clan's Head, is here as well. And Camyl, and Gab, and everyone from Daomagar present in this chamber. Are you questioning our duty and loyalty as Bathala's Sentinels?”

Mikael looked down apologetic. ”I'm just concerned as to why she's still in power.”

”I'm sorry Chieftain Mikael,” Artemus sadly replied. ”Explaining our reasons will be complicated. Prodea has been using Dark Arts and that's only half of it. I have some problems with my powers too and with the Global Binding Spell in place, I'm not so sure forcing our way to the throne is optimal with our people. Taking away Prodea in the capital will require thousands of deaths on either side and we're making sure we extinguish every possible choice available before we're forced to deal with that hand.”

”So, the rumors are true?” Asked Mikael. ”Is she really dabbling on Dim'ion's Dark Spells?” Everyone looked at each other with a nod which answered him making his eyes widen in disgust and horror. ”Then we should mobilize everyone. Let us take her while she is still at her early stage of development with Dim'ion's Dark Arts. Daomagar will pledge our support to this campaign, and I'm sure Yagisiv Haya will too if I request of them.”

”And risk everyone dying by her hand?” Narra replied. ”We can't do that! That would mean we're going to be responsible to the deaths of thousands of sentinels marking another dark era in our time.”

”So, we leave Prodea in power? We must not! We must rally our forces to meet her in battle. That is our mandate and I'm sure Yagisiv Haya knows of this duty too. With our forces she won't stand a chance.”

”I commend your eagerness to aid us, but sadly we can't do that,” Artemus hurried. ”Father is right, we can't expose Yagisiv Haya. It is best they remain on their island. If Prodea is with foreigners, she might have promised them the fountain of life. If Yagisivian forces are captured, she might dig deep into their minds and find the secrets of the fountain. We won't let that happen to our brothers.”

”Our Mandate is the preservation of Life,” Enro started with his deep voice. ”We must take heed to their words, chieftain. Daomagarian and Yagisivian blood will flow on the rivers of Nagozul if we attempt to destroy Prodea. I say we let the Nagozulian King's prophecy take the helm. His way will require fewer deaths from our brothers and sisters. His way will not require the cooperation of Yagisivians.”

”The prophecy, the one you mailed to me?” Mikael asked Artemus.

”Yes, my father's prophecy. It is from Bathala's providence.”

”I do not intend to insult but I fear I must be frank and state that I do not believe this prophecy you're speaking of. I do not share the same faith since I do not believe mortal people can become Bathala's scribes. Only heralds of Bathala can deliver a message and even then, the heralds will communicate with the Priestess of Yagisiv Haya, not to any sentinel, and most especially not to the King of Nagozul. This has been observed for as long as we've existed. It is not possible. I find this a little convenient.”

”But indeed, what you've done is included in the prophecy. When you recalled your brothers and sisters you have managed to fulfill its fruition.”

Mikael sat down depressed seeing all of them having faith in this prophecy he's dubious about. ”I-I, I'm sorry. I haven't read the prophecy in its entirety. But if it is unfolding as you say it will, and if what you say is true, that you're putting your faith in this and that you're placing the fate of your nation to its bidding, then I'm afraid I might have to agree now to my council and close our borders for good.”

Artemus just nodded with a smile which confused him even more.

”You know I will do this?” he asked.

”Yes. Indeed, it has been written. It is much safer that way, that you close your borders, and Yagisiv Haya's too. That way we could contain the situation here in Nagozul and fewer casualties would be expected. You know what happened at the Dwendell Rebellion. We've lost so much then. I won't permit it to be repeated again.”

”Then why persuade me to come here? Why plead then to change my mind about this?”

”Because it is his duty as Grand Prince to air the needs of Nagozul,” Narra chuckled. ”Artemus is really a stickler to the rules. He also needed to do that to compel me too in believing this prophecy of his.”

”But you all know what that means? The consequences you will have to endure for a year? Or even longer?”

”Yes, Chieftain,” Major Camyl joined. ”This means those who will not heed on your call will be locked from Daomagar. We cannot go home, your grace. This means we will be stuck in here indefinitely till the matter is resolved and your orders have changed.

Enro nodded too and joined in. ”You cannot risk sending in reinforcements too if we ever have the need of your assistance so as to preserve the Daomagarian army from diminishing its officers and ranks up until a full scale attack to Nagozul has been called - if such a need justifies such recourse.”

”And you're all okay with that?” He scoffed turning to everyone with their heads bowed down. He was mildly irritated to see his brothers' determination to stay so he asked. ”Enro, Camyl, Gab, Narra, I assume this will be your decision, but what about your servants, or the soldiers under your command? Every Daomagar here entrusts their lives on your decisions? I trust they will not be held here under threat from you. I trust you will not compel them to stay against their wishes.”

”You can count on that, your grace.” Enro said quickly grabbing a dagger behind. He pressed it against the palm of his hand and slid it slowly for the crimson drops to follow trickling down to the ground. ”I, Bloodfang, swear on my family's honor to give my subordinates their free will to go back home. Though I can't promise you they will join your retreat, your grace.”

”Maskara Clan's loyalty is undeniable,” Mikael nodded. ”I understand that everyone under your command will obey you and your belief so I will not take it up against you.” He noticed the others grabbing their daggers too. ”Oh no, please. Everyone. You don't have to take a blood oath to convince me. I understand you know your duties. So long as everyone has their choices available and no one is disadvantaged, it's fine by me.”

”So, we'll move now to our second agenda?” Narra pushed.

”I concur,” Enro replied sliding back the dagger on his back while crunching his hand to a fist willing the blood from dripping till it stopped. He is a master of the Deep Root, so his combat healing skills are at par to no Daomagar alive.

”What do we know of the Hishma?” Deito asked Camyl. ”Are the rumors true then? Is Prodea behind its sacrilegious destruction?”

”Reports are coming in from the Eastern Sentries that it may be possible. Lieutenant Tarni stated that the Grand Princess Prodea have been fortifying the Palace of Hishma before it was destroyed with his Foreign Forces, The Lions - as they call themselves. Some Sibara are placed there too accompanying her manufactured Titan. But there is another possibility that she is not to blame for what happened.”

”How so?” Narra said crunching his chin in deep thoughts.

”For one thing, they are tagging the incident as an accident. They are postulating that the repairs and renovation that Prodea has been making might have strained the foundations leading for it to crumble down. That's one theory.”

”This is false,” Enro contested. ”I have seen the Palace of Hishma and have noted that its support beams stretched for tens of feet thick. It could not have crumbled down unless it is on purpose.”

”He is right,” Artemus agreed. ”The metal beams that were used there have been forged by Dal'Gur himself. It will prove indestructible against any forces of Mother Earth. Only a Daomagar strong enough to create a ravine, like our very own Enro and Deito, can destroy its foundation.”

”Are you saying she did that on purpose?” Deito said shocked.

”No, I'm not saying that she did it,” Artemus replied with worry. ”I'm saying someone else did.”

”Yes, that would make much sense,” Narra nodded. ”Prodea has been planning to take the Hishma and make a fortress out of it. With almost forty percent in its completion, hurrying dangerously on construction risking involuntary servitude from our brothers to make it, why would she then destroy it?”

”The Night Hunters have been reported to have besieged the Hishma,” Camyl added. ”The Sibara have noted this since they made aware of their intentions before attacking. The reports also include that they have threatened the lives of anyone brave enough to stop them and although my Sibaran spies have been timely on their information, I'm afraid we've lost communication after the attack confirming their threats so I do not have any information regarding the aftermath. I don't want to suppose but I firmly believe that all sentinels stationed in Hishma have perished - including the manufactured titan. An impossible feat for someone but not as impossible for Yiv.”

”Are you implying the Night Hunters did this?”

Camyl laughed almost snorting, ”You do know who the Night Hunters are, right chief?”

”I don't understand. Are the Night Hunters members of the Omega Tribe?” frowned Deito.

”They will be,” Enro answered. ”In a few years or so. You don't have to worry. They are just posing as Daomagars. They do not have Yiv as a member too so that will ease up your tension.”

”So, who are they?”

”They are your uncles, chief!” Camyl finally revealed smiling wide. ”Or, sort-of-uncles.”

Deito has been staring at them almost smiling with crooked brows still trying to figure out who they are till Artemus entered relieving his aggravation.

”They are my sons. Reus, Karus, Kayzar, and Yosh. They are posing as Daomagarians to provide skirmishes to delay Prodea's plans.”

”No...” Mikael laughed sitting at the edge of his seat. ”You are teasing me here. Who are they really?”

”Indeed, they are the sons of Light,” Enro replied to end his reluctance to believe. He's too serious to kid so Mikael trusted him right away.

”Oh.” Mikael stopped and leaned back again in contemplation till he broke asking. ”How? You are Nagozulian and Anagea is Daomagar. They have been fused with their Amplifyers on their forehead and they glowed on their birth year. It says so on record. How did they have Daomagarian lineage when they have Nagozulian blood running in their veins?”

Narra was seen tensed looking at Artemus as if swallowing a big pill. Artemus just tapped him and answered. ”They have been blessed by Bathala. This is a rare feat! A Daomagarian blood and a Nagozulian blood mixing perfectly. Bathala has blessed us with this because he knows this will happen. And through them we will liberate the evil which is Prodea.”

”Impossible,” scoffed Mikael. ”I do not believe this is happening. I don't believe Prodea will fall for this too.”

”Oh no, chief! Prodea doesn't know of this so it's best if we keep this as a secret.”

”How can you assure me Camyl that they are who they are? That my Uncles managed to perfectly mimic a Daomagar?”

”Your uncles,” Camyl laughed thinking Mikael is older than they are. ”Yes, I have seen their weapons demonstration. They fight like the Prime Perfectus with an added feature Of course, since they can incorporate elemental energies in their strike. Truly it is a splendid battle to experience. And based on the reports, it seems as though they have grown to at least ten folds from our last meet.”

”So, they can Dash, use Deep Root? That sort of thing?”

”Yes,” Enro joined. ”The little one is rumored to have been blessed by Kyrin too. He can use the Eagle Eyes with ease. The Twins on the other hand have managed to master the Great Dash. Kayzar can step into the veil and Karus can mimic your Fist of Ana'giel. Though I can't seem to see anything Daomagar-like on Reus. Maybe he's the exception.”

”Though I fear he won't need one,” Camyl added. ”The Sun Stealer need not use any Daomagarian Skills if he manages to activate his ultimate technique. No one can counter it since it's new. Only a few have witnessed it, and no one managed to analyze its weakness since everyone witnessing the feat is trapped inside his technique. That's a troublesome mystery for our enemy.”

”I truly have missed much, haven't I?” Mikael smiled sitting back. ”And I suppose there's more to it than that?”

”Yes, but let's not dwell on this,” cut Artemus. ”Right now, what we have to discuss is the emergence of the real Yiv in Nagozul. After ten years of retirement, he's back.”

”But he's terrorizing Nagozulians now?” Enro asked. ”I am dubious in his intents. What has he got to gain by making the Grand Princess angry?”

”Maybe he's operating on his own personal justice yet again,” Narra answered. ”Don't forget that he's the same man who accused those Daomagarian Generals of being corrupt and even exposed an assassination ring deep inside the ranks of Daomagar that vows to eradicate the main Yagisivian bloodline.”

”Oh, the one you apprehended Sir Narra?” Mikael replied curious. ”I thought so too. After you've captured them all, I thought Yiv would've finally given up his Shadowless Blade and disappear to obscurity.”

”And yet he's here,” Artemus said leaning back from his chair. ”If his anger and frustration get displaced, we'll have a different type of worry to occupy us. With Prodea's erratic tactics, I'm not sure we need another dreadful matter to bother us. For now, his goals are aligned with us, but I won't take that risk, so I need you, Major Camyl, to create a secret group to hunt down Yiv and locate his whereabouts.”

”Yes, Grand General,” Camyl bowed snappily.

Narra concurred. ”The previous month was the supply cargos to the city. A few days ago, the Hishma's Holy Palace. Let's not wait till Yiv can find something to destroy for tomorrow. We can't afford doing that to our Nagozulian brothers especially if one of our Daomagarians are at fault. It is up to us to stop him. So, I will join you on your search to find the scourge.”

”I'm glad to hear that Sir!” Camyl sighed in relief. ”I know we have Bathala-given skills, but I don't think my team is enough to engage Yiv. I'm confident we could take him on with you on board, Sir!”

”I did not say to engage Major, Father, just locate him. Please. I'll be dealing with him when that time comes. I'm sure it'll be some time before you could track the Shadow Fiend. He's indeed called that for a reason so this will not be a light task. Hopefully by then I'll be able to use my new bubble technique.”

”Your bubble technique is not fit to fight a Daomagar that way?” Narra hurried concerned. ”No offense, but I think we are more suited to fight the real fastest Daomagar alive.”

”Don't worry, father. I am refining my Bubble Shield so I think I can capture him when that comes. I know he's dangerous, so I don't want to lose any of you. You two are too important in the prophecy. You must survive till the end.”

”Especially you Camyl,” Enro said almost with a smiling voice. ”The one the prophecy called the Red General who will liberate Nagozul.”

Camyl smiled nodding to reply. She's smiling not just because she gets to be reminded that she's the one that's going to lead the Nagozulian Army to victory, but because she knows Enro is complimenting her - a thing he doesn't normally do.

”What I need to do now, Chieftain Mikael, is to inform you that I will cash in on that favor you owe me,” Artemus started again.

”I see. So, when you said it's going to be a few years before you cash them in, you're really not joking, aren't you?”

”Yes, and I believe I have three if memory serves,” Artemus smiled which he reciprocated.

”Hah, I should've listened to your offer then when you said I didn't have to owe you anything.”

”Well, you should've but that is not the case now.”

”Am I going to regret this?”

Artemus just smiled shaking his head to answer as he leaned forward to continue. Nobody knows how and when the Great Daomagar Chief owed the Grand Prince, but they disregarded the mystery as they listen closely on his demands.

”First, I would like you to lock your borders.”

”But I thought I just said that?”

”No, Great Chief, what I meant was to really lock your borders from anyone. Nobody should go IN. Nagozulian, Daomagarian, or any Clan members or their heads - especially Sibaras.”

”Even for me,” Narra added.

”Just to point out, you want me to stop people from going to Daomagar? And allow people to leave?”

”Yes. That's exactly my request.”

”But what about if, for example, there are refugees? Refugees from Nagozul? Are you seriously telling me I have to ignore them if they ask for shelter especially after Prodea's atrocities?”

”You can't trust them. They might include Prodea's spies. You'll just have to soldier on from that point.”

”This will be challenging, but I will try my best to do it and convince the council. It's practically not impossible but it's almost unachievable. Daomagarians live to serve our Nagozulian and Yagisivian brothers and it's going to be a tough convincing them to refuse our brothers from our borders.”

”I know this will be difficult but please bear with me. You can announce your ultimatum but please lock your borders thoroughly. Prodea is my sister and I love her, but she is dangerous. She might play tricks on us and I would be perfectly relieved knowing Daomagar is safe.”

”So that you could devote all of your concentration in Nagozul and Prodea's plans, yes, that is wise. But aren't you a little bit concerned that Sibara Clan Members would flock Nagozul by then? I believe the Grand Princess has been paying them quite a hefty sum to help her here - the payments due to the other clan members who resigned from their post I believe.” Mikael looked at Narra and Enro chuckling. ”The fractions of your clan's fees?”

”No worries. We're confident we can manage them.”

”Oh? How so? Do you have a plan you're not telling me?”

”Indeed, I have a plan, but that plan has been laid out long before. The plans mentioned in the prophecy. That will then lead us to my second request. Please read your copy of the prophecy. I believe I have given that to you years ago.”

All of them laughed almost coughing containing their urge to release the boisterous guffaw that the tickling imp churns till everyone realized he's not kidding.

”Oh,” Mikael figured. ”To really read it? Okay. If that will make you happy then.”

”But not just read it,” Artemus hurriedly added. ”I want you to understand it so that you could understand our plans. I need someone from Daomagar to understand what we're doing so that you could initiate my third request.”

”Which is?”

Artemus sat back and caressed his knuckles polishing it with his hands with a frown. He was silent for about thirty seconds before resuming his demands.

”I would like you to avenge us all here and reclaim Nagozul with whatever means necessary.”

”Wait, you're all going to die in the prophecy?”

Artemus wanted to reply but he bit his lip as if he's in doubt.

Mikael continued asking but now directed the question from everyone who is now looking down. ”So, when Bloodfang said that the Red General, Major Camyl, is important, he means that she's going to lead the assault without you?”

Narra cut in smiling. ”I-it's not absolute, I-I mean it's not - we can change that, I've been telling this to him over and over but he's like a stone really. He's incorrigible.”

”Ah, so you meant to tell me to give Nagozul full military support if in case your plan fails,” Mikael said beaming positivity at Artemus who's practically lost the brilliance of joy he has earlier.

”Yes,” Artemus finally replied. ”It has been prophesized that all of our plans will fail, and we will ultimately lead to a confrontation possibly leading to civil war which will claim the lives of some of us here, including me and my family. I want you to lead your army, helping our Red General, when that time comes to make sure Prodea will not and cannot succeed. And if unavoidable- I... I... I want you to personally put her down and obliterate her remains to ashes. I believe you could do this. You can, right?”

Artemus serious eyes gazed upon him putting an unbearable load of responsibility in his shoulders. He did not know what to react witnessing dread, fear, and sadness on his face. Artemus asked again and that snapped him right out of his daze.

”Yes. Making sure that her Dark Arts cannot resurrect her? Of course, I can. For you and for Nagozul I will.”

”Then it's settled!” Artemus concluded clapping his hands with a smile which bewildered them all. They know he's forcing that smile, so they forced a smile back as a courtesy.

They talked for hours more till the rain stopped. It was all casual, more on catching-up with everyone. But all of them have their hearts anchored on the reality that all they can do for now is to wait and enjoy every second of each other's smiles as much as they can. They all know that everything that follows after this is just pain and misery and by then, there will be no time to truly enjoy the peace that each company can provide. After all, the Hishma Prophecy has been fulfilled and who knows when they will meet again as complete and happy as they are now. This is the trouble about knowing your destiny. The only option is to accept it with open arms lest you will lose will and bring shame to your name. But not everyone knows of this as this path is reserved only to those damned souls with proud courageous hearts.