A faint knock at a second's interval echoed around. It repeated for a while till the knock hastened, becoming louder and louder like the beat of a drum.

”Zeba, what on Earth are you doing knocking at this ungodly hour?”

Zeba peered inside Prodea's chambers and frowned as she slips to enter. She found her in her nightgown, tucked on her comforters sitting on a slouch at her bed. And here she thought that Prodea never sleeps. ”I thought you told me to fix your human sacrifice?”

”Yes, but could you at least apprise me about this tomorrow instead? You just snatched me away from a good dream.”

”I just came here to tell you that the batch of slaves provided by Leonus are now in the Catacombs, I mean on the other side of the Catacombs since we still haven't fixed the one where you... you...” Zeba nodded as if hinting something which she ignored as her eyes crossed in anger.

”What's wrong with you!? Why? Why, Zeba, did you put them all there? Does it look like it's tomorrow already? No! When will we perform the sacrifice? It is tomorrow midnight! Which means they'll be stuck there for at least twenty-four full hours, scattering their filth like animals. We don't treat people like that Zeba! We do not treat people we're sacrificing as rubbish! They're not prisoners, they're not animals! For the love of all that is holy, Zeba, please have some brain and just think, think for just one second before you act!”

”B-but I just thought it'll be more...”

”No, Zeba, No!” Prodea rushed to her with her index finger almost touching her, warning her not to speak again. ”Your stupidity astounds me that I think you've gone and upgraded to a whole new level since the last time we met.”

”You're killing them anyway!” Zeba contested. ”You are treating them like animals and I'm just letting you see that for yourself!”

Prodea got insulted that she flung a slap towards Zeba which she caught before hitting. Prodea was perturbed by her mutinous reaction that she activated her Amplifyers in response to her defense.

”You don't scare me anymore, Prodea,” Zeba grunted throwing her hand away. ”I'm tired of this. From all of this. From you. From you and your unholy acts. If only I can escape this I could but since we're halfway now all I can do is...”

Prodea screamed in pain all of a sudden, breaking off Zeba's speech, as if she has been stabbed in the neck as she gurgled away grasping it disturbingly tight. She walked back shaking, curling in agony till she reached the center of her room dropping out cold for a few seconds.

Zeba was truly concerned by her sudden fit that she almost ran to her till a flashing light exploded from Prodea's eyes. An eerie sighing sound wailed throughout the room, bouncing back and forth, dimming all the lights. Zeba was forced to crawl to the corners in terror, still shouting asking if Prodea is alright. Fear truly overcame her as she thinks of a way to get close to Prodea but her shaking knees prevented her from moving forward. This continued for a full minute until the candles returned flicking once again, returning control of the silence that once was.

”G-grand Princess...” Zeba whispered disconcerted, still in the corner. ”Are you alright?”

Prodea crawled weak towards the bed. She climbed up with every effort, fumbling down twice on her try. ”Zeba,” she weakly called. ”Send the Royal Strike Teams and what remains of the Four Masters to the Hishma.”

Zeba slowly stood up, still looking all around in caution. ”What's wrong Your Highness?”

”Just do it!” she screamed.

”B-but Your Highness...”

”Zeba,” she interrupted with a weak and tired voice as if that ghastly event has just robbed her of her life. ”If you don't get out of this room this instant, I will obliterate you where you stand.”

With that threat in place, Zeba stormed out having the nerve to scoff as she closes her door in a silent click.


”I'm so sorry I've been nothing but trouble,” Illyriah whispered to Reus as they sat at a giant log in the middle of the clearing.

They have been there for hours patiently in wait with only the violet's slow-moving dances to accompany them. The waning moon is a day's away from disappearing entirely so the stars dominated the night sky once more. The jungles are pitch black and without Reus's activated Amplifyers to illuminate them, they would've been rendered blind.

”I know I've always been weak,” she continued. ”I can't even activate my own Amplifyers if there's danger.”

”Oh, don't fret Princess,” he smiled slouching putting his hands to the sides unwittingly holding her hand that is resting on that log. He looked deep into the violet's half open petals willing it to blossom as he continued. ”I'm sure everyone's been having trouble activating their Amplifyers as well. Prodea has made a Global Binding Spell to mute all of us from using our elements though I don't understand why I can. Sure, I'm a Life Elemental but I think that spell surpasses any spell ever. They are Dim'ion's arts after all and I think no one is expected to be immune to that, royalty or not.”

”You must've been so strong then, your essence I mean,” she giggled looking away blushing, occasionally looking at his hand touching hers, never moving one bit even though there's a sharp splinter protruding where her hand is. He would freak out upon noticing this accidental handholding, so she just savored the moment, ignoring the tiny chip that wants to burrow into her skin. ”I wish I was as strong as you are,” she resumed now feeling a bit somber sighing deep while still keeping her smile. ”If I were as strong as you are, I would've defended my father then all of this would've never happened.”

Reus just gave her his kind eyes of solace. He would like to say a word of comfort, but he heard a slight break in her calming voice. He's afraid he might say an awful thing that would lead her to cry. He knows she's been trying to contain the fear she caged in for about a day now, so he just remained attentive. He felt his cold hands being warmed and noticed his hands on top of hers so he pulled it away in an instant, recklessly in an instant that pushed her hands deep into that splinter that has been biding its time, waiting for this moment to happen.

”Ow!” she whispered checking her hands, seeing the tiny speck of sharp wood claiming its glorious success.

”Sorry, sorry I didn't know,” Reus goes on frantically. He repeated his apology for almost a hundred in just that ten seconds which made Illyriah chuckle.

”Don't worry, Grand Prince, I'm alright.”

”Nonsense,” he insisted grabbing her hand. ”I'll help you out.”

Illyriah gasped blushing with her hands being caressed by Reus. His hands are soft, softer than hers even, but they are gentle and kind even if they resemble the cold icicles deep in the frozen caves of Hishma. She feels safer now, now that he's holding her hands even though he clearly shares the same fear within her that constricts her heart every minute or so - the fear and concern for the rescue party's wellbeing as well as their successful return.

”I- uh, if it's alright, I-uh would like to help you take this out,” he said beaming right at her trying to apologize to his rude manner of clutching her hands without permission. It is unbecoming of a gentleman of his stature and this thought just dawned upon him just now, after a minute has passed by. She just responded with a slight nod, still stunned.

Reus touched the edge of the splinter and looked at her again only this time, he's giving a sharp sigh as if sharing the pain, he's seeing that has been brought by that petulant thorn. ”I'm sorry,” he said. ”This is going to hurt but I promise it'll all be over in a quick second.”

Illyriah's blushing face remained still for a while, trying to figure out if this reality is indeed real. This is the closest she's with Reus, so he didn't even feel the stinging pain of the splinter. She didn't even twitch. She wished the splinter remained there indefinitely as she feels Reus's warm breath flowing in her hands in his careful examination of the wound, but that wish didn't even materialize longer than five seconds.

Reus flicked his finger tracing her wound and the splinter shoot out. He used his light energy to envelop the splinter and threw it away at the cost of rupturing her skin further. His lips skewed slightly thinking how painful that must've been. He looked slowly to meet her eyes with apologetic eyes and tried to fake a smile.

”I-uh, it's done!” Reus coughed in obvious embarrassment clasping her hands to hide the wound, not letting her see what he did. He pulled his ampoule of White Angel and slid a dab to her hand before letting her get a glimpse.

”Wow. Thanks, Grand Prince Reus. As if brand new.”

”I told you to drop the formality,” he laughed tapping her shoulders which surprised her. ”Just Reus. I think good friends should avoid formalities don't you think?”

”Oh, good friends...” Illyriah mumbled with her sudden happiness slowly diminishing. ”Yes. I agree... Reus.”


”Hey, over here!” called Yosh seeing them get past the kitchen. ”Where are you two going?”

”Out!” Kayzar grumbled seeing Yosh still inside the Palace. He quickly turned around in a grunting twirl as he carried Karus on his side.

Yosh opened the doors of the kitchen and rushed to the storage room, pushing all things that would've obstructed their slow hobbling.

”Hey, how's Kuya-Karus!?” Yosh shouted behind the doors waiting them.

”Quiet!” Kayzar hissed in a modulated whisper of a shout. ”Don't call us in our real names.”

”Well, he started it! He shouted your name there and not your operative name. Our cover is blown now so there's no use in hiding it.”

”Yes, but that doesn't mean you can tell any other people our names too and risk further proof,” he whispered still slowly carrying him to his sides straining in baby steps.

It would've been much easier if it wasn't for the broken ribs but he's enduring it as they get closer to their original rally point.

Yosh rushed to them, getting tired of their slow walk, pulling Karus's other arm to help Kayzar which resulted to another set of painful wails. Yosh didn't know his bones have been broken all over and his rushed pull managed to awaken all the insufferable pain he's been quelling on the other side of his body.

”Hush, you baby. We're almost there,” Yosh laughed almost satisfied with him getting back to every moment he said that exact line to him.

”I thought I told you to get out of here,” Karus mumbled weakly. ”I specifically told you to carry Uncle Sayed away to the North. You're disobeying orders again.”

”Ha! It's not as if this isn't the first time, I disobeyed your ridiculous orders. Besides if I left earlier, you'll be missing the free ride from Iyom.”

Yosh pushed through the door dragging Karus sideways to enter. That's when they saw Iyom beside the comatose Sayed almost surprised at their bloodied condition.

”See I told you we should wait,” Yosh shouted proud giving Karus to Kayzar. He hurried to Sayed's side and pulled his arm in a struggle till he nodded giving Iyom the signal.

”We aren't going to crawl again, aren't we?” Kayzar mumbled pointing to the vines that has been growing out of the ground from below.

”Well if you should know, while you're out there rescuing Sayed, I'm out here growing this plant.”

”This plant?” mocked Yosh laughing. ”That looks like a vine, a single ordinary tiny vine. If that's a plant, then I'm a tree.”

”There's dark Magicks here! Be thankful I got this to grow this long!”

”Hello?…” whispered Karus smiling. ”Not helping...”

”Oh, sorry,” Iyom hurried. He bit the edge of his plant, which Yosh still argued to be a vine, and grabbed Kayzar and Yosh in the shoulders.

”Any minute now...” Yosh strained shaking.

”Quiet you fool,” Iyom grunted. ”D'you want to be transmitted in pieces!?”

”Are you sure you've done this before?” Kayzar asked with great worry.

”Nope, transmission is supposed to be a one body thing. You have to have great focus to transmit another person other than yourself. Now I had problems earlier when I transmitted you three...”

”You're just saying that to us now?” Karus coughed trying hard not to be afraid.

”Meh, it's fine now, I figured out what went wrong.”

”W-wha... what went wrong?” Yosh mumbled in fear. ”Did you misplace an inch from us earlier?”

”You're just going to have to trust I still can do this right this time. I mean another body will require a lot of calculations and I'm not great in math so don't interrupt me.”

”Oh, boy,” Yosh quivered grabbing Sayed tight, closing his eyes in a crunch.


In a swoosh the five were catapulted into the clearing as if escaping from an explosion. Yosh fumbled down with Sayed keeping him from rolling down near the edge of the clearing while Karus and Kayzar were transmitted almost fifty feet away from the flower. Iyom is not that confident in his calculations that he came shouting for them as they arrived kneeling upon his blossomed violet. This brought tension to Reus and Illyriah as they stood up looking for them.

Yosh immediately patted everywhere, removing his shoes and counting his fingers till he shouted that he is okay. He looked at Sayed and just shrugged off observing him. He's not willing for a touch inspection so he just assumed he's fine.

Karus and Kayzar, who rolled wailing in pain, just raised their hands to appease the concerned Iyom. They are in deep suffering already and shouting wouldn't help ease their broken ribs.

Reus and Illyriah ran towards Yosh in great haste. Her feet almost gave off as she ran frantically containing her tears. She ran so fast Reus didn't caught up to her until she's now kneeling hugging her father crying. She mumbled her thank-yous repeatedly and didn't stop even if her face is buried in her father's chest with her constricting embrace.

Yosh stood up smiling proud of their impossible success, almost wanting to quip a joke about her dangerously tight hug with the unconscious Sayed but Reus anticipated it and just shook his head to stop him. Yosh understood right away so he just kept still. Not a minute passed by till he realized his brother's conditions. He was about to leave robbing the White Angel ampoules on Reus's pockets without permission when Illyriah held her hand.

”Thank you Grand Prince Yosh, thank you, thank you so much.”

”N-no worries, Princess. But I think you should reserve those to Kuya-Karus and Kuya-Kayzar. They're the ones who defeated that red titan making all of this possible. They are heavily injured, so I need to give them all of our White Angel.”

”I'm sorry, I'm a caster and I can't even help. Please convey to them that I am in their debt. Name anything and I will blindly obey without question.”

”That's no problem. We live to serve.” Yosh bowed and dashed on forward.

Reus would've followed but he thought it'll be best if he gave a quick inspection of Sayed first. After all, his confidence with his brothers is actually immeasurable.

”Don't worry Illyriah, father will help him.”

”You think so? You think he can counter this curse?”

”I know he can. He did overcome this same thing just recently. I know he can, and he will do everything in his power to bring your father back to his old self in no time.”

He knelt to the ground giving him a standard medical examination till Illyriah grabbed his hands. Her deep blue set of eyes with a touch of green bursts became so evident it mesmerized him with a smile.

”Thank you, Reus. I owe you my life. I am really, truly in your debt.”

He's smiling like a fool as he looked straight into her inviting eyes 'till she pulled him and kissed him. He was shocked, unaware and unprepared, but he just closed his eyes and kissed back. Nobody told him not to look at a girl for five seconds. He knows. He counted. If he knew then what he knows now, he might have turned away to be polite. He knows nothing about these things or the protocols one would most likely perform when one encounter such kind of an event, but he sure is glad he did look, and that magical kiss happened. He didn't regret anything. He didn't regret kissing her for five seconds longer. It's the longest ten seconds of his life. The very first ten seconds of his life that he didn't even need to think, as if his brain just dropped everything to focus on that very special moment.


”You got to stop the bleeding,” coughed Karus still smiling. ”I have to stand up, I don't want to appear weak before them.”

”Shut up, you're spitting blood all over.”

Kayzar grabbed his dagger and quickly tore his shirt. There are ribs protruding out of his skin that Kayzar felt chills almost crying. He ran his fingers all around and found internal bleeding as well as loose broken bones almost shattered.

”How is it?” Karus tried wheezing. ”Is it that bad?”

”No, no. not at all,” Kayzar sniffled pulling his remaining vials of White Angel and pouring it all over. Karus grunted in pain, shivering as if cold.

”I can't feel my feet. That's not good isn't it?”

”Shhh... Stop talking. Focus on regaining your strength.”

”Here!” Yosh arrived giving them a bag of vials and ampoules. His jaws dropped seeing his brother's mangled body as he joined kneeling in panic. ”Wh-what do I do!? Wh-what do I do!? What do I do!?”