Part 3 (1/2)
[1] See note at the end of this chapter.
[2] The A.V. rendering ”in all other _places_” is obviously due to the belief that _praitorion_ signified a place, not a body of men.
[3] I thus convey the force of _hoste_, across the break we have made in the original sentence.
[4] Literally perhaps, ”relying on my bonds,” as a new _ground_ for their a.s.surance of the goodness of the cause.--It is possible to render here, ”the brethren, _having in the Lord confidence_, are, in view of my bonds, much more bold,” etc. But the rhythm of the Greek is in favour of our rendering (which is essentially that of A.V. and R.V.).
[5] I adopt here the order of the Greek clauses which is best attested.
[6] See note at the end of this chapter.
[7] I venture to refer to my book, _Bishop Ridley on the Lord's Supper_ (Seeley), pp. 54, 55, 72.
[8] See the close of the volume.
O G.o.d, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed; Give unto Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that both our hearts may be set to obey Thy commandments, and also that by Thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pa.s.s our time in rest and quietness; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
_The Second Collect at Evening Prayer_.
He will be spared to them--Spiritual wealth of the paragraph--Adolphe Monod's exposition--Charles Simeon's testimony--The equilibrium and its secret--The intermediate bliss--He longs for their full consistency--The ”gift” of suffering
Ver. 21. +For to me, to live is Christ+; the consciousness and experiences of living, in the body, are so full of Christ, my supreme Interest, that CHRIST sums them all up; +and to die+, the act of dying,[1] +is gain+, for it will usher me in from an existence of blessing to an existence of more blessing still. +But+
Ver. 22. +if living+ on, +in the flesh+, be my lot; if the present suspense issues in my being acquitted at the Roman tribunal, +this will prove to me+ (_touto moi_) +fruit of work+; it will just mean so much more work for the Lord, and so much more fruit; I shall welcome it not as being the best thing in itself, as if I chose mortal life for its own sake, but because of its ceaseless opportunities for my Lord. +And which+ alternative +I shall choose, I do not know+, I do not _recognize_ (_gnorizo_, as one who seeks to be sure of the face of
Ver. 23. a friend amidst other faces). +Nay+ (_de_), +I am held in suspense on both sides+;[2] +my+ personal +desire being[3] in the direction of departing+, striking my tent, weighing my anchor (_a.n.a.lysai_),[4] +and being with Christ+ (for this is what ”departing”
means for us Christians, on its other side); +for it is far, far better+, by far more preferable, _pollo mallon kreisson_--aye even than a ”life in the flesh” which ”is Christ”! +But+
Ver. 24. then +the abiding by+ (_epimenein_) +the flesh+, the brave, faithful, holding fast to the conditions of earthly trial, +is more necessary+, more obligatory, more of the nature of duty as against pleasure, +on account of you+, and your further need of me in the Lord.
And +feeling+
Ver. 25. +confident of this, I know that I shall remain+--aye +and shall remain side by side+ (_parameno_) +with you all+, as your comrade, your helper, +in order to your progress and joy in your faith+;[5] so as to promote your growth in the exercise of loyal reliance on your Lord, and in the deep joy which is the natural issue of such
Ver. 26. reliance; +so that your exultation may be overflowing in Christ Jesus+, in your living union with Him, +in me+ (_en emoi_), ”in”
whom you see a living example of your Lord's love, shewn to you +by means of my+