Part 35 (1/2)

”I shall be unable to decide definitely for an hour or so yet, unless he regains consciousness in the meantime It may be a fracture of the skull or awould have said eon were fixed upon hiaze

”Any bones broken?”

”No; I think not How far did he fall?”

”Fell from Emperor's head when the bull was up in the air He must have taken all of a twenty-foot dive, I should say”

”Possible? It's a great wonder he didn't break his neck But he is very well e I don't suppose they have a hospital in this town?”

”Of course not They never have anything in these tank towns

You ought to know that by this time”

”They have a hotel I know for I took dinner there today If you will get a carriage of some sort I think we had better take hi

”Yes; that will be best We can put hiht to be able to take care of the boy all right”

”Not by a jug full!” roared Mr Ja of the sort”

”It will not be safe to take hi”

”Did I say it would? Did I? Of course, he shan't besawbones You'll stay here with hiood for you I'd rather lose most any five eon nodded his approval of the sentiment He, too, had taken quite a fancy to Phil, because of the lad's sunny disposition and natural brightness

”Get out the coach some of you fellows Have my driver hook up and drive back into the paddock here, and be hty quick about it Here, doc, is a head of lettuce (roll of money) If you need any raht Keep me posted and pull that boy out of this scrape or you'll be everlastingly out of a job with the Sparling Coeon nodded understandingly He had heard Mr Sparling bluster on other occasions, and it did not e was quickly at hand Circus people were in the habit of obeying orders promptly A quick drive was made to the hotel, where the circus boy was quickly undressed and put to bed

All during the night the surgeon worked faithfully over his little charge, and just as the first streaks of daylight slanted through theand across the white counterpane, Phil opened his eyes

For only a eon drew a long, deep breath

”Not a fracture,” he announced aloud ”I'm thankful for that”

He drew theshades down to shut out the light, as it was all important that Phil should be kept quiet for a tieon did not sleep He sat keen-eyed by the side of the bed, now and then noting the pulse of his patient, touching the lad's cheeks with light fingers

After a tirant with the fields and flowers, drifted in, and the birds in the trees took up their uess the stor softly and peering out froht and beautiful

”My, it feels good to be in bed!” said a voice froeon wheeled sharply