Part 25 (1/2)
”I've tried one wagon It's your turn now,” growled Teddy
”I guess you're right If I get thrown out you catch ht_ me, didn't you?”
Phil climbed up, but with more caution than Teddy had exercised in the case of the band wagon
”Anybody living in this bedrooht?” questioned Phil of the driver
”Guess you are First come first served Pile in You're the kid that rode the bull, ain't you?”
”And twisted the tiger's tail,” added Teddy
”All right Probably so later, but I'll see to it that they don't throw you out”
”Thank you Coht”
Teddy Tucker hastily scraon--an open wagon, over which a canvas cover was stretched in case of storm only
”Where's the bed clothes?” deuess the skies will have to be our quilts tonight,” answered Phil
The boys succeeded in crawling down between the folds of the canvas, however, and, snuggling close together, settled down for their first night on the road with a circus Soon the wagons began to move in response to a chorus of hoarse shouts The on very soon lulled the lads to sleep, as the big wagon sholy started away and disappeared in the soft suht
”Hi! Stop the train! Stop the train!” howled Teddy, as he landed flat on his back on the hard ground
”Here, here! What are you fellows doing?” shouted Phil, scra to his feet
”I dreamed I was in a train of cars and they ran off the track,”
said Teddy, struggling to his feet and rubbing his shi+ns gingerly ”Did you do that?”
”You bet Think I can wait for you kids to take your beauty sleep? Don't you suppose this show's got so accoet this canvas out if you want any breakfast”
”Take it out yourself,” growled Teddy, dodging the flat of the canvas place by a rough tentet at his work The chill of the early daas in the air The boys stood, with shoulders hunched forward, shi+vering, their teeth chattering, not knohere they were and caring still less They knew only that they were one They were face to face with the hardshi+ps of the calling they had chosen, though they did not know that it was only a beginning of those hardshi+ps
”B-r-r-r!” shi+vered Teddy
”T-h-h-h-at's what I say,” chattered Phil
”Say, are you kids going to get busy, or do you want me to help you to?”