Part 22 (1/2)

”Not that anybody knows of”

”Coer I missed that today, because he didn't do it at the afternoon show”

They found Mr Sparling standing in front of the cage He, too, was there to watch the performance

”This looks tohis head toward the people ere crowding into the tent

”Mr Forrest, will you ride Eht? I think that's one of the reasons they have co that would tend to popularize his show

”Certainly, sir I shall enjoy it very e where the trainer had begun with the savage tiger

”Bengal is in an ugly te in a low tone ”Better be careful, Bob,” he cautioned, after having stepped up close to the cage

”I'll take care of hi his eyes from the beast for the fraction of a second

Phil had heard the dialogue and no closer to the cage, stepping under the rope and joining Mr Sparling

Teddy, of course, not to be left behind, crawled under the rope also

”Sit down in front,” shouted someone ”We can't see the animals play”

In a moment the spectators saw a play that was not down on the bills

Bob inging the whip over Bengal's nose, the cruel lash cutting the tender snout with every blow But he was not doing it from sheer cruelty, as many of the spectators who raised their voices in loud protest i wild animals as the trainer did, they did not realize that this plucky felloas fighting for his life, even though he used but a slender rawhide in his effort to do so

Bengal was crowding hie tiger would put a quick and terrible end to hi the prods!” bellowed Mr Sparling

Phil understood that souessed it from the calm expression on the trainer's face

Not a word did the performer speak, but his hand rained blows on the nose, while snarl after snarl was spit froing slowly toward the door He knew that nothing could be done with the beast in its present state of terrible temper

His only hope was that at a favorable , iron bars, hefro to reach

Phil'slike an auto to do, and was seeking for so the ainst the power of a great, savage brute like Bengal?

Phil concluded there was nothing

A pistol flashed al had started away on a run to fetch the attendants who either had not heard or failed to heed his call