Part 14 (1/2)
As he gained the entrance between the two large tents he saw the silk curtains at the far end of the circus arena fall apart, while a troop of gayly caparisoned horses and ar
The grand entry was beginning
”Gracious, here the show has begun and I aoing to be late I won't be alone There are a whole lot more of us that were too much interested in the aniuess I had better run I--”
Phil started to run, but he got no further than the start
All at once his waist was encircled in a powerful grip and he felt his feet leaving the ground Phil was being raised straight up into the air by soe force, the secret of which he did not understand
The lad repressed an inclination to cry out, for the thing that had encircled his waist and raised hi about him
A familiar voice just behind him served to calhtened, kid It's only E a little joke He's a funny fellow,” said the elephant's attendant
Phil had read somewhere that elephants possessed a keen sense of huht he would have an opportunity to have the theory demonstrated on himself
The elephants were on their way to participate in the grand entry, and there was not a minute to spare now Emperor on his way into the other tent had conized him instantly, while Phil had not even heard the approach of the elephants
No sooner had the elephant discovered the lad than he picked hih in the air
”Steady, Emperor! Steady!” cautioned the attendant But E friend He handled Phil with al a babe
Phil Forrest experienced a thrill that ran all through hi place
”We can't stop to put you do, h the performance with us Grab the head harness when he lets you down on his head You can sit on the head without danger, but keep hold of the harness with one hand I'll bet you'll make a hit”
”I will if I fall off,” answered Phil a bit unsteadily
As it was, the unusual ood stunt Stick to hi
The voice belonged to Mr Sparling, the owner of the show He was quick to grasp the value of Phil's predica card
By now the people began to understand that so on, and they asked each other what it was all about
”It's Phil Forrest riding the elephant,” shouted one of the lad's school friends, recognizing him all at once ”Hooray for Phil!”
There wereand shouting that greeted himto crawl under so and hide, Phil felt a thrill of pleasure, of pride in the achievement that was denied to all the rest of his friends