Part 15 (2/2)

She heard Beebo at the door, before she got out into the court, saying, ”Let her go, Lili. If she thinks I'm going to chase her twice” And that was all Laura got of it. It shot through her heart like a bullet.

Laura reached the door to the street, tore it open, and rushed out. But once there, with the door shut behind her and no sound of pursuing footsteps, she collapsed against the wall and wept. Between sobs, when she could get her breath, she listened ... listened ... for the running feet that would mean Beebo had changed her mind. Laura had to believe, at least for a minute, that Beebo would come after her. Because it was all tied up in her mind with Beebo loving her. If Beebo loved her she'd chase her. It was that simple. And it didn't matter a d.a.m.n what Laura might have done to Beebo in the past, or how she might have hurt her.

Tris, she thought. I've got to see her! She said this to herself very urgently, but curiously, at the same time, she felt no desire to go and find the lovely tormented dancer. She told herself it would be all fight and misery. But in her heart of hearts she knew that real love would brave that misery now, being so close and so starved for pa.s.sion.

She stood there for fully fifteen minutes before she was able to pull herself together and walk to Seventh Avenue. She went straight home in a cab.

Laura walked slowly up the stairs to her apartment. It was after eleven now, and Jack would be in bed. She had had too much to drink, but she was sober, a tired, bewildered sort of sobriety that made her want to lie down and weep and rest.

In the morning she would tell it all to Jack. Wonderful Jack. He would coax her back to living, coax her with his wit and his compa.s.sion and his incredible patience with her. And she would lie in a welter of dejection and let him work on her until she felt like lifting her head from the pillow and raising the shade from the window and going oh with life. It was one of the things she loved him for and needed him for the mostthis ability to revive her when she was so low that only death was lower.

Tonight was perhaps not quite that bad. But it was bad enough to have exhausted her. And Tris and Beebo! That had been the crudest blow; the one she should have foreseen clear as a beacon in a black sea. She shoved a trembling key into the lock and walked into the apartment.

It was warm and well-lighted. It was pretty and it was comfortable. It was home. And Laura felt a sort of grat.i.tude to Jack that needed words. She went to find him. But he wasn't in the living room, nor in the bedroom.

She stood on the threshold of the bedroom and said, ”Jack? Hey, Jack! Where are you?”

”Here,” he said from the kitchen.

”Oh. It's me. I thought you'd be in bed.” She slipped her coat off while she walked through the living room to find him. ”Hi,” she said. He was sitting on a kitchen chair and he answered, ”Hi.”

Laura stood in the doorway and looked at him. And he stared back at her, and she knew something was wrong but she didn't know what. Her long fine hair had come loose when she ran from Beebo and she reached up and pulled it down in a s.h.i.+mmering cascade, watching Jack all the while through narrowed eyes.

”Have fun?” he asked.

”Beebo and Tris ... are ... shacking up.” She threw it at him point-blank. She wanted his sympathy.

Jack put his head back and laughed, that awful bitter laugh she hadn't heard for months, and she knew with a sudden start of fear and pity that he was drunk. ”That makes everything perfect,” he said, still laughing, his eyes wicked and sharp behind the horn rims.

”Jack...” she said shakily, coming in to sit beside him and seeing now the whiskey bottle on the table in front of him, two-thirds empty. ”Jack, darling.” She took his hands and her eyes were big with alarm.

Jack took his hands back. Not roughly, but as if he simply didn't want to be touched. Not by Laura, anyway.

”Mother, you are a living doll. If I had known you could keep secrets so well I'd have told you a few,” he said. He spoke, as always when he was drunk, with a slow precision, as if each word were a stepping stone.

”Secrets?” Laura said.

”You are the living picture of guilt, my dear,” he said. ”It is written all over your beautiful face.”

Laura put her hands over that face suddenly with a gasp. ”Terry!” she sobbed through clenched teeth. ”Terry! If I hadn't gone out he wouldn't have come.”

”He comes when the mood hits him,” Jack said. ”Which is most of the time, most anywhere. It had nothing to do with you going out, my little wifey.”

Laura looked up, her delicate face mottled pink and white and wet from the eyes down. ”He wrote”

”Indeed he did. He told me the whole romantic story.”

”Jack, darling, I only kept it secret because I was afraid you'dyou'd start drinking, or somethingI”

”You hit the nail on the head. I'm indebted to you. Your solicitude is exemplary.” He waved the fast-emptying bottle at her.

”Oh, shut up! Shut up! I love you. I did it because I love you!”

”You opened my mail because you love me?” He continued to drink while he talked ... slowly, but steadily.

”I knew it was from him, Jack. I just had a feeling. The handwriting and everything.”

He laughed ruefully. ”Just think what you've spared me!” he said. ”I can drink in peace now. My wife loves me. Thanks, wife.” He saluted her.

Laura slid off her chair to her knees and put her arms around him, still crying. ”Jack, Jack, please forgive me. I'll do anything, I couldn't bear to hurt you, I'd the first. Oh, please”

”You're forgiven,” he interrupted her. ”Why not?” And he kept on laughing. But his pardon was so light, so biting, that she cringed from it. She lifted her face to him, streaming with tears, and he said, smiling at her, ”You make a lovely picture, Mother. Sort of Madonna-like. If I could paint you, I'd paint you. Black, I think. From head to toe.”

She put her head down on his knees and said softly, ”You'll never forgive me, will you?”

”I already have.”

”Never,” she whispered, stricken.

”Oh, let's not get maudlin,” he said. ”I admit I would have been grateful for a little forewarning. But after all, it's a simple question of s.e.x. Maybe I should get rid of mine. That would solve everything.” And his soft, insane chuckling underlined everything he said.

Laura felt terror then. It rose and fell inside her like nausea. Whenever she looked at Jack it surged in her throat. It wasn't the sweet guilty thrill of coming near Beebo that had cost her such sensual pain earlier in the evening.

”Jack, darling,” she said.

”Yes, Laura darling.” And the sarcasm burned her. But she went on, determined, raising herself back into her chair again with effort.

'Tell me what happened. Tell me everything.”

”Oh, it was dandy,” he said, ”You should have been here. Incidentally, he asked about your health.” Laura couldn't watch him while he talked. She looked at her hands. And all the while he told her about it she kept thinking, If only I hadn't gone out tonight. Every time I do something completely selfish I suffer for it. And so does he. d.a.m.n Terry! d.a.m.n him to h.e.l.l! He won't ruin Jack. I won't let him. This is once he won't have his way.

It had been so completely unexpected, so startling, that Jack would never forget it or recover from it. Terry was as far removed from his life as if he were dead. And his life, Jack felt, had become a good thing at last. He had Laura to live for, not a wild, irresistible, good-for-nothing boy who wore him out and broke his heart and his bankroll. He had a new stature in the world as a married man, a new security. And the sweet hope of a child someday...

When he heard the bell ring, almost an hour after Laura had gone out, he took it for a neighbor and stood with the front door open while the elevator ascended. But when Terry stepped out, Jack was speechless. He couldn't believe it, and he would have slammed the door and pa.s.sed it off as a nightmare if he could have moved a little faster.

But Terry caught him and from then on it was as degrading and overwhelming as it had ever been. Jack put up the best fight he could, but it was little more than a gesture of protest. He was helplessly angry, helplessly infatuated. And all the while Terry prated to him of San Francisco and the Beats and the fog and the styles in clothes and the styles in love-making, Jack kept wondering, How did he find me? And the answer was, had to be, Laura. Laura had failed him. Betrayed him. It almost tore him apart.

Terry didn't leave until nearly eleven, and Jack saw him out, still with the feeling that it hadn't happened, that it was all an incredible dream. It wasn't until he got the bottle and began to drink that he believed in it at all. By the time Laura got home he wished the whole d.a.m.ned world to h.e.l.l, with himself first in line.

”And that's all,” Jack said. ”Naturally, the only thing to do after he left was get drunk.” He had nearly finished the bottle and it was all he could do to get the words out. They left his mouth slowly, discreetly, each one a pearl of over-articulation.

Laura took away what was lefta shot or two at the mostand he didn't even try to protest. She helped him up and half dragged, half carried him to the bedroom, where she dumped him on his bed. He was unconscious the minute she pushed his head down on the pillow. Laura undressed him, tears running down her face.

”Sleep,” she said. ”Sleep and forget it for a while. I'll make it up to you, darling. All I wanted tonight was to cry on your shoulder. And you can't even hold yourself up.”
