c1 (1/2)
Note: I am by no means, dropping Weakest Skeleton. Theses side projects that will be release by today are practices for me, and maybe enjoyable for you? They’re considerably smaller than Weakest skeleton, thus are able to take less than a day(Especially this series, the next one is a little longer). I am not going to translate this series too fast, since the author is relatively new and does not have much chapters. The next side project has over 600 chapters, so it should be easier to manage than this but does not mean it will be a daily release.
Before my eyes was a vast and s.p.a.cious land.
Where’s this?
I’m trying to remember. I need to remember more from before!
ーApproximately a couple of hours beforeー
“Oniichan, I’m putting it here ok&h.e.l.lip;”
My Imouto placed the food there. Her food are always delicious. Why does she bring it here? I’m a Hikikomori, basically a shut-in.
My name is Kisaragi Ayumu. A Negative middle schooler.
Negative as in my presence has no meaning. Iya, I’m a little good at imitating people? I think.