Part 17 (1/2)
He was already moving as she handed his cellphone to him, but he did not dial 911, not yet. Ruth Winter's number was in his contacts list, so he tried that first, cradling the phone between his chin and shoulder as he pulled on a pair of jeans and slipped into his sneakers. The number rang out without an answer.
's.h.i.+t,' he said. Sam, who was not above admonis.h.i.+ng her father when he used bad language, remained silent.
Parker zipped up a hooded fleece, and reached for the gun that was now taped to the frame of his bed. He dropped it into the pocket of the fleece before gripping Sam by the shoulders.
'You stay here, you understand? You lock the door after me and you don't come for anyone, not unless I'm with them. Are we clear, Sam?'
'I don't want you to leave,' she said. 'Please.'
'I'm going to call the police on my way, but I don't know how long they'll take to get here. Now I have to go. Come on, follow me.'
She trailed after him, down the stairs and across the hall to the door. He opened it, went outside, and waited until she had closed it behind him, and he heard the dead bolt slot into place. He nodded at her once through the gla.s.s, and then the night took him.
Amanda Winter stared at the man before her, then past him to where her mother lay. Even in the dim light she could see the spray of arterial blood against the cream wall, the great stain on the white sheets, and the terrible gash at her mother's throat, the darkness of each contrasting with the pallor of the backdrop. She opened her mouth but no sound came. She wanted to call her mother's name, to scream, but she could not. Terror and grief rendered her silent and immobile. But for the first tears that began to creep from her eyes, she might have been a doll.
Steiger took only a second to overcome his surprise at the sight of the child. He clasped the knife closed and s.h.i.+fted it to his left hand as he advanced upon her. The sight of his approach broke the spell holding Amanda in place, and she turned to run, crying out as she did so, but he was too fast for her. He caught her by the left arm and pulled her back. She struggled against him, and he dropped the knife. Her bare foot hit it, causing it to skid away into the gloom of the hall. She tried to shout again, but Steiger's hand closed around her throat, constricting the airway. Amanda clawed at him through the glove, ripping the plastic and drawing blood, but the pressure remained. Steiger held her against the door until she lost consciousness, then gently eased her to the floor so that she did not hurt her head. He checked her pulse, even though he was certain that he had used just the right amount of force on her. It was not an exact science, though, and one could never be entirely sure. He felt it beating against his fingers, and was satisfied.
He looked at the torn glove, and the cuts to his skin. There would be DNA beneath her fingernails, but he did not have time to remove it. Under other circ.u.mstances he might have taken the girl with him, or even cut off her fingers, but his instructions were clear: Amanda Winter was not to be hurt. He had already overstepped the mark by rendering her unconscious.
He found his knife near the bathroom. The door was open, and a bottle of Clorox stood by the toilet. As with cleaning a blade, it was an unsatisfactory compromise, but at least it would leave the girl with her fingers and her life. He took the bottle, unscrewed the cap, and poured it over Amanda's right hand, rubbing it beneath her fingernails as best he could. It would burn, but it was still a mercy.
He had only been in the house for a matter of minutes, but it felt to him as though hours had gone by. It was always the way, just as he invariably experienced a sense of deflation, of sadness, after the act of killing. It was not sorrow at the deed, but a kind of disappointment that there was not more to it, that the taking of a life could be so easy, and the extinguis.h.i.+ng of it could pa.s.s unnoticed by the universe.
He did not give Amanda Winter or her dead mother another thought as he left the house.
Parker had not tried to run in many months, not since before the shooting, and the action sent waves of pain coursing down his back and through his abdomen. He was conscious that lives were at stake, and he tried to keep up a steady pace, but his body resisted the effort. He thought that he felt old wounds opening, the parts of his internal organs that had been ruptured and sewn together again ripping along the scar tissue. He tasted blood in his mouth. Some of it had sprayed on his cellphone when he called the police.
And still he stumbled on.
The door to the Winter house was wide open when he reached it. He entered with his gun in his hand but held close to his body. His vision was blurred, and he was perspiring heavily. He checked the downstairs rooms first, and when he was sure that they were clear he tackled the stairs. The climb brought more pain, and each time he lifted a foot, a shock coursed through his being. He reached the first floor and saw Amanda Winter lying against a wall, but he did not approach her immediately. Instead he looked into the room at his back, which turned out to be her bedroom, and empty. Only then did he move toward her. He found her pulse, and even in the dim light he could detect the bruises that were rising on her skin. He could also smell bleach, and it transferred itself to his own hand after he touched her.
Then, beyond Amanda, he saw her mother, and he knew that there was nothing he could do for her, nothing beyond ensuring that her daughter remained alive. Still, he took the time to clear Ruth's room where he lifted a gla.s.s of water carefully from her bedside table and used it to dilute the bleach on her daughter's fingers and then the bathroom and spare room. In the latter, through the open drapes, he saw a figure on the dunes, watching the house. It was a man silhouetted against the pale moon like a stain on creation, his coat billowing behind him as the wind caught it, and Parker knew that he was willing him, daring him, to approach, to seek vengeance for a dead woman and, by doing so, to bring his own d.a.m.nation down upon himself.
And all of Parker's rage, all of the agonies that he had endured, found an outlet in the invitation. He was blind to the unconscious girl, blind to the body of her mother, blind to the possibility of his own demise. He wanted only to lash out, to visit pain on another, as though by doing so he could rid himself of some of his own, and watch it soak like oil into the dead sand, and in this he bound himself unknowingly to the man on the beach. Distant sirens sounded, but by the time he heard them he was already outside, the surf pounding in time with the blood in his head, the moon, cold and ma.s.sive, silvering the strand and forming a great halo behind the one who waited for him, the one who offered a blood respite. Even as the man disappeared, retreating farther into the dunes, luring him on, a warning sounded in Parker's ear: not of injury or further pain, not of death or dying, but of the loss of self, of all the changes his sufferings had wrought upon him that might become twisted and fixed, like the branches of a dead tree. He was acting now not out of a sense of justice, nor of a need to bring a great wrong to an end, but out of a desire to destroy, to burn.
He staggered up the first dune, the soft sand moving beneath his feet, swallowing his shoes, and the gun was a living thing in his hand, a creature that demanded to be fed, the bullet like the tip of a tongue waiting to shoot from the mouth of the barrel. He was once again the man who, years before, had stared down at the ruined bodies of his wife and daughter, and set aside his humanity in his determination to find the one who had taken them from him. His empathy, his compa.s.sion, were slipping away as surely as the white grains through which he advanced, the hissing of their fall like a snake at his back. He was the killer, the avenger. He was the dark angel, the true angel, linked by blood and wrath to those who slaughtered the firstborn of Egypt, and he shut himself off from the child's voice that cried no no at all that now must surely come to pa.s.s.
Parker reached the top of the dune, but could find no sign of the one he sought. He released a breath of exhaustion, and a fine mist of blood flew from his mouth. The sirens were louder now. He glanced south, and saw the lights of emergency vehicles moving toward the beach.
Suddenly he was aware of movement. He reacted, but too slowly. The punch was hard and well aimed. His injured left side exploded and for an instant he was blind, the moon and stars above replaced by a red veil that collapsed upon him with the force of a wave, smas.h.i.+ng him to the ground and buffeting him with its wake. When his sight returned he had somehow managed to crawl to his knees, but his gun was gone. The pain that he had experienced earlier was a distant memory, its insignificance made clear now by the damage that had been inflicted on his internal organs, on wounds that were still healing and now would never heal, for death would deny its possibility.
Before him stood the man who had taken the life of Ruth Winter, his right foot aimed for a kick. Somehow Parker managed to block it with his arm, protecting himself from the blow that would open him up inside, but his arm went numb with shock, and the man was already poised to strike again. Parker waited for the second kick to come, his upper body swaying slightly, the red veil parting, the stars a blur, frozen in the act of shooting across the night sky.
The man lowered his foot. Parker forced himself to focus, but the face of his tormentor remained distorted, and Parker saw the profound baseness of him, and smelled the poison that seeped from his pores. Beyond lay the sea, and then the sea became a lake, and he knew that he would return there, and his first daughter would be waiting for him. A car would come, and from it the hand of a woman would reach for his, and he would take his seat for the Long Ride.
His eyes turned south once again. The lights of the vehicles were closer now, but the one who stood above him did not seem troubled by their approach. Parker found his voice.
'Who are you?'
'What does it matter?'
'I want to know.'
'Here, and now, I'm Steiger. Tomorrow I'll be someone else. Does that satisfy you?'
'And I know who you are.'
Steiger removed his right hand from his pocket. It held a gun.
'Look at you,' he said. 'A fractured man, a broken thing. I asked for money to kill you, but none would give it. Now I understand why. There is no value to you. You're nothing, and therefore nothing is what your life is worth. But I will kill you anyway, out of pity. I'll make it fast, if you tell me what the woman shared with you. If not, I'll shoot you in the gut and leave you to bleed out in s.h.i.+t and pain. Which will it be?'
'Nothing. She told me nothing.'
'Then the guts it is. Goodbye, Mr Parker.'
He raised the gun. Parker did not look away. It would make no difference.
He heard the shot, and instinctively closed his eyes, but felt no impact. A cry of hurt and surprise came instead from behind him. It was a woman's voice. Despite his own pain, he moved his head enough so that he could turn and look.
Cory Bloom was standing in a patch of marram gra.s.s, one hand braced against a half-toppled fence post from which a length of wire curled down to earth itself below ground. She was wearing a blue windbreaker with a white sweats.h.i.+rt under it. Across the white, a b.l.o.o.d.y cloud spread from within her. She stared directly at Parker for a moment, then toppled backward and was lost from sight.
The ground shook, as though the beast buried deep beneath the sands had been disturbed in its sleep. Steiger's mouth opened. He looked to his feet as the dune began to collapse, and then it was gone and he with it, the edge now barely inches from where Parker knelt. Parker looked down, but no trace of Steiger remained below, only a hill of white. Grains flowed from the slope in rivulets, but when they reached the beach they grew still, and remained undisturbed by the final struggles of the man suffocating beneath them.
The last thing that Parker saw before unconsciousness came was a small figure standing by Steiger's still-forming grave.
'Sam,' he said, but she did not hear him, and did not look at him. Her eyes were fixed solely on the funeral mound before her, and her gaze was as pitiless as an ancient G.o.d's.