Part 9 (1/2)

'Okay, but I also think we need to inform a local synagogue that we have Perlman's remains up here. I don't know much about Jewish burial traditions, but I remember that they prefer the dead to be buried within twenty-four hours, and we're past that now.'

'I'll get an answer for you on that as well. Not much you can do about it, though, until the autopsy has been performed.'

They talked on while Bloom's coffee grew cold. She thought about ordering another, then decided against it. She had business to attend to, including naming Perlman officially to the press, and she didn't think it was advisable to spend longer than necessary in public with Parker. Other people had come and gone since she'd arrived, and would have noticed them talking.

'I could be wrong,' she said, as she stood to leave, 'but it strikes me that you don't seem anxious for me to talk to anyone local, or even semi-local, who might be Jewish, or know about Jewish history and traditions.'

Parker signaled to Larraine for a refill.

'What if Perlman's death wasn't suicide?' he said. 'The fact that he's Jewish might be entirely incidental. Then again, it might not be. If he was killed, he was put in the water in the hope that he'd stay there, but the tides betrayed his killer. I don't know what percentage of the population of this state is Jewish, but it can't be much more than one percent, if that, and only a few of them are this far north. If his death is linked to his faith, then we should be careful about letting a small community of people know that we're curious about the circ.u.mstances. Not yet, anyway. Not until we know more about those tattoos, and from a neutral source.'

'You don't believe that he killed himself, do you?' said Bloom.

'You know, I've seen a couple of cases where what looked like suicide turned out to be something else. One of them led to my almost being killed. It could be that I've just been unlucky, but it's made me suspicious. This feels wrong, and looks wrong.'

'And if it feels and looks wrong ...'


'If you're correct, and this turns out to be some kind of hate crime, we won't just have the state police up here, but the FBI too.'

'If you think about it,' said Parker, 'every murder is some kind of hate crime.'

'That's very philosophical,' said Bloom. 'Are you paying for the coffee?'



'My pleasure.'

He didn't watch her leave. She could see him reflected in the mirror on the wall as she walked away, and he was already reading his paper.

She felt a twinge of disappointment.

Later that day, just as the sun was beginning to descend, Parker walked up the beach to the house occupied by Ruth and Amanda Winter. He carried a bag from Olesens containing a selection of young adult books, most of which had been chosen by Larraine Olesen, including an ill.u.s.trated edition of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King that he thought Amanda might enjoy. He had no concern that it might be too frightening for her. Amanda Winter didn't strike him as a girl who scared easily. In the bag was also the only bottle of kosher wine from Chandler's General Store, bought as a housewarming gift for Ruth Winter a.s.suming she even drank wine, kosher or otherwise and as a kind of apology for causing her concern when her daughter helped him.

Ruth's car, a '99 Neon, sat at the back of the house, but he got no reply when he rang the doorbell, and the place was quiet. He returned to the beach and thought that he saw two figures walking at the far end of the strand. He considered leaving the bag of books and wine at the door, but he didn't have a pen to add a note, and didn't want to return to his own house just to get one. He decided instead to take a seat on the porch rocker and wait for them to return. He had nothing better to do. He'd left a message for Rabbi Epstein in New York, telling him about Perlman and the tattoos. He knew that the call would be returned as soon as Epstein had some answers.

Epstein brought back memories of Liat, the mute woman who protected the rabbi. Parker felt mild stirrings of desire at the thought of her, the first in what seemed like a very long time. Liat was the last woman with whom he had slept, and Angel told him that, while he was unconscious in the hospital, she remained nearby, and n.o.body not the state police, nor the Portland PD, nor even the occasional Fed had seen fit to deter her from watching over him. By the time he came out of the coma, she was gone. Not that he believed she would ever sleep with him again. By taking him into her bed, and then only once, she was trying to discover some truth about him. It was a test, and he had pa.s.sed, but only barely. Had he not, he was convinced that she would have killed him.

Maybe, he thought, he should be more careful in his choice of lovers.

He took one of the books from the bag: E.L. Konigsburg's From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler, which he recalled reading as a child, although it was one of Larraine Olesen's picks. He was already halfway through the first chapter when he paused in his reading and looked over at the door frame.

The little mezuzah in its pewter box was gone.


Steiger hadn't washed since finis.h.i.+ng with Pegi Tedesco. He had, though, kept his promise to her husband and called an ambulance when he was done with her. She was probably still warm by the time it arrived. Blood-sated, and blood-dazed, he drove back to his motel in a kind of stupor, not considering the possible consequences if the cops stopped him, or if someone saw him as he returned to his room. But he pa.s.sed no one, drew no attention, and as his room was on the first floor, he was able to park right outside and enter without being seen. He was fortunate, he supposed, but he had always been so. He removed his heavily stained clothes and placed them in a plastic bag, then licked at the blood on his fingers and face. It was dry now, but he could still smell it. He lay on his bed, turned on the TV, and hit the mute b.u.t.ton. He stayed like that for an entire day, the 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign hanging outside his door, the chain and security lock in place. He heard nothing and saw nothing, the television screen a series of unconnected images without meaning: static with colors and shapes. He simply relived his time with Pegi Tedesco.

His guts no longer even hurt.

It was the call that brought him back. The particular ringtone, used to denote that caller, and that caller alone, roused him.

'What have you done?' said the voice.

'What I was supposed to do,' he replied. 'I silenced.'

'You were meant to be discreet.'

'I got carried away.'

'There will be repercussions. You drew attention.'

'There was always going to be attention drawn.'

He looked at his left index finger. There was blood beneath the nail. He worked at it with his tongue.

'Had Perlman spoken to Tedesco?'


'And to anyone else?'

'Tedesco didn't think so. Perlman didn't have many friends. Tedesco was it.'

'Leave,' said the voice. 'Move north. Watch Ruth Winter.'

'Has she done anything more?'

'No. She's been warned.'

'But will she listen?'

'She will, for the sake of her child.'

'What about you?'

'I have other things to do. But understand this: you make no move without checking with me first. Are we clear?'

Steiger had progressed to digging out the blood with one of his canines. He thought that he could still taste it.

'We're clear.'