Part 40 (1/2)
”But speaking of that, how can she possibly just choose one?” Kat protested. ”That's like saying you'll choose which half of your body to keep.”
”It might seem like that to you, Kat. But I...” Becca shook her head. ”I can't be with both. It's already killing my family to know I failed to take my vows. I can't tell them I want to be with...with two men at once on top of that.”
”I used to feel the same way.” Kat nodded. ”I was worried about my grandmother-she's really strict.”
”Not as strict as my parents, I bet.” Becca looked down. ”You know they sent me away to convent school when I was just seven? I never even saw a boy who wasn't my brother until I was eleven or twelve.” She sighed. ”That was because my father wanted to keep me pure. And he thought he had succeeded. Until now.”
”Oh, hon...” Kat reached over and squeezed her hand. ”You can't beat yourself up over what happened with Truth and Far or about how you feel now. After all, the heart wants what the heart wants.”
”But I don't know what my heart wants,” Becca protested, pus.h.i.+ng a reddish-brown curl behind her ear. ”When I'm with Truth, I'm so drawn to his fire but when I'm with Far, I love his quiet intensity. And I just-”
Suddenly there was a soft chime at the door and all the girls but Becca groaned.
”And there they are,” Sophia muttered. ”Becca can you please tell them to keep it down? Kaleb and Kara are napping and if they wake up too soon I'll have a terrible time with them tonight.”
”I'll do better than that.” Becca put down her half eaten donut. ”I'll take them on a walk and keep them away entirely.”
There was a chorus of protest.
”Oh, no, hon-you don't have to do that,” Olivia protested.
”As long as they keep their voices down it should be all right,” Sophia said.
”We know how you don't want to be alone with the two of them at once,” Kat remarked. ”I mean-have you ever, since the, uh, wedding?”
Becca shook her head. ”No, I've spent time with them one-on-one and I've spent time with them together when we were in a group of people, but I haven't been alone with both of them at once since our first meeting.” She took a deep breath. ”But it's time I started facing my problems and stopped using my friends as a buffer.”
”But you don't have to-” Sophia began.
”Yes, I do,” Becca said firmly. ”Maggie was brave enough to face certain death when her man was indwelled by a demon. I can at least be brave enough to face the two men I have to choose between.”
”All right then,” Kat said doubtfully. ”Good luck, doll.”
”Do you want any of us to put on a think-me and bespeak you after a little while-you know, pretend there's a problem and we need you back here?” Olivia asked practically.
”No. I'll be fine.” Becca didn't know if she was trying to convince her friends...or herself. Her heart was pounding as she made her way to the door of Sophia's suite but she forced herself to keep moving. She let her hand hover over the door release and took a deep breath. Here goes. Then she pressed the latch.
Chapter Two.
When the door whooshed open, Becca saw that Truth and Far were already in mid-argument.
”...think you should leave her alone,” Far was saying, his pitch black eyes filled with icy anger.
”You'd like that, wouldn't you? If I'd just step aside and give you a free shot with my female,” Truth growled, his white-gray eyes snapping with fire.
”She's not your female. She's-”
”Stop it, the two of you,” Becca said sharply. ”I don't belong to either one of you so stop fighting over me like a couple of dogs with a bone.”
Truth frowned. ”What's a dog?”
”You know-one of those yapping, growling little animals from Earth. Always barking and sniffing around places they don't belong.” Far gave his brother a significant look and then smiled at Becca. ”I prefer cats myself.”
”Well, I prefer not to be out with a couple of squabbling children.” Becca put a hand on her hip. ”Look at you two-you're grown a.s.s men. Now act like it.”
She saw the brothers exchange a surprised look and felt a surge of triumph. Olivia was right-it was time to take control of her life. And part one of that plan was getting these two in order.
”We're sorry,” Far said contritely. ”At least, I am.”
”I am as well. Apologies if I have offended you.” Truth made her a short bow.
”You're both forgiven-for now.” Becca took a deep breath. ”Now, I thought it would be nice if we took a walk.”
”Oh?” Truth frowned. ”Which one of us did you wish to walk with? Actually, I think it's my turn.”
”No, it's not.” Far glowered at his brother. ”It's my turn.”
”Boys...” Becca held up her hands to stop them. ”You're doing it again.”
They both muttered apologies but neither looked happy.
”Good.” Becca took a deep breath. ”Anyway, I don't want to pick just one of you to go on a walk with. I thought it would be nice if we all three went.”
”Really?” Far looked surprised.
”Is this really necessary?” Truth's face was like a thundercloud.
”Yes, it is,” Becca said firmly. ”Now, let's go. Maybe we can go down to the common area and get some sun.” She was referring, of course, to the artificial green sun that hung in the center of the Kindred Mother s.h.i.+p. It was the s.h.i.+p's power source and it also shed light over the Sacred Grove and the vast, parkland that surrounded it.
”What-down by the Sacred Grove where we first met?” Truth asked, looking at her significantly.
”Um...yes.” Becca felt her cheeks heating in a blush when she considered what their first ”meeting” had entailed. It was the first and last time she had touched either of the brothers s.e.xually-or rather, they had touched her. She knew Truth and Far were thinking of it too.
”Look what you've done-you embarra.s.sed her,” Far accused his brother.
”Apologies,” Truth murmured, his eyes still trained on her face. ”I just wanted to be certain I knew what my lady wanted.”
”That's right, Becca is a lady and you should treat her as such-not some automated pairing puppet you want to-”
”Enough!” Becca held up her hands again. ”Come on, let's walk. And listen, boys-if you can't say anything nice to each other then don't say anything at all.”
That shut them up at last and the three of them walked in silence down the long, curving metal corridor towards the transports that would take them to the common area.
Becca walked between the brothers but she was very, very careful not to touch them. She kept her hands securely in her pockets and her elbows tucked close to her torso to avoid brus.h.i.+ng either one of the big male bodies bracketing hers. She was wearing a t-s.h.i.+rt and a modest knee-length denim skirt but her casual clothing didn't feel like nearly enough of a barrier. She wished she hadn't forgotten her cardigan back at the guest suite she was staying at-not because she was cold but because it would have formed another layer of between herself and the men.
Anyone watching her careful avoidance would probably think she was being so cautious because of her background as a novice and her attempt to retain her chast.i.ty-but they would be only half right. Becca had other reasons to avoid contact with the two of them.