Part 33 (2/2)

”Sweetheart? Blondie?” He stroked her curls back from her flushed cheeks anxiously. ”Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

”No, of course not. That was...” She sobbed. ”That was the b-best s.e.x I've ever h-had.”

”Not something you usually cry about,” Kor pointed out gently, still stroking her hair.

”I know.” She sniffed. ”I'm crying because I love you even though I know I shouldn't. I mean, I'm engaged to Donald and you're going to want to leave and go your own way now and I'm just...Oh, Kor, I'm so scared and confused.”

”Don't be.” Cupping her face in his hands he brought her closer and pressed his lips to her cheeks, kissing away the tears. ”Don't be frightened because I'm here, blondie. And I'm not about to leave.”

”You...Do you really mean that?” Maggie's eyes were wide and wet and uncertain. ”About not leaving?”

”Of course I mean it,” Kor murmured. ”Haven't I been telling you how much I want you?”

”I thought you just meant like know, s.e.xually.”

”This isn't all there is, you know,” Kor told her. ”There's a h.e.l.l of a lot more than just s.e.x between us. You're a beautiful, fascinating, intelligent female. Why would I ever want to let you get away?”

”Oh, Kor...” She leaned back a little, swiping at her eyes. As she did, something small and red fell to the bedspread beside them.

”Hey, what's this?” Kor picked it up.

”The implant!” Maggie studied the small red ruby in the palm of his hand. ”It worked! So does this mean...?”

”That the implant wasn't the source of your feelings,” he finished for her.

”Then I must really love you.” Maggie looked up at him, her eyes wide with understanding. ”I really do.”

”Well, that's it.” Xandra stepped back from her cauldron in disgust. ”We've lost him. He may not know it but he's bonded her to him. You'll never be able to indwell him now-the bond will block you out.”

”Not so.” The burning eyes of the demon blazed ominously. ”The seed that was planted will keep the bond from growing and taking root. A good dose of anger and hatred will wither it considerably. And then all we need is to bring Therron to the Black Planet. Once he has breathed the fumes of my home world and taken the mark of the shadow stone upon his skin, he will be ours.”

”That is never going to happen now!” the witch protested. ”He'll stay with her and no amount of whispering on your part will part them. Besides, even if you could lure him back to the Black Planet, no mortal being can stand upon it and live. It's hotter than the surface of a star-that is why you and all your brothers are spirit only with no flesh.”

”Once I indwell him, he will be invulnerable to any and all attacks. And I will indwell him, wife. Watch and see.” The eyes blazed again. ”Watch and see what I have planned...”

”I love you,” Maggie whispered and Kor was suddenly choked with emotion.

”I love you too, sweetheart,” he said roughly, saying it for the first time out loud. In the back of his mind, he still wondered how Maggie had heard him earlier, when he was just thinking about how he felt. Maybe he had said it aloud without realizing it?

”Kor,” she said, looking at him tentatively. ”I'm glad we feel the same way but what about-”

Suddenly a huge thump rattled the door of their room. And then another.

Both of them jerked, startled.

”Oh!” gasped Maggie.

”What in the Seven” Kor growled. ”Who-?”

”Open up!” shouted a deep male voice from outside. ”I know you're in there and I know you've got the girl. Open up now or I'll break it down!”

Chapter Thirty-one.

”Who the h.e.l.l...?” Kor growled. He got up, disentangling himself from Maggie and made his way to the door.

”Kor!” She pointed to him as she hastily gathered the bedspread to her chest. ”I don't know who that is but you're still naked.”

”f.u.c.k that.” His eyes glowed as he went to the door and flung it open. ”Who in the Seven are you and how dare you threaten to break down my door?”

A tall man with dark hair and a devilish looking goatee and mustache stood in the doorway. He had a black eye patch over one eye and a sardonic grin on his darkly handsome face.

”I thought that would get you to the door,” he said, grinning at Kor.

”You're d.a.m.n right it did now who the h.e.l.l are you and what do you want?” Kor growled.

”I just want to talk to Maggie Jordon. I a.s.sume that's her on the sleeping platform?”

”It is.” Kor didn't budge an inch, keeping himself between the strange man and the bed. ”What do you want with her?”

”Well I can guess what you want with her,” the man murmured, his one eye flicking over Kor's huge, naked form. ”But I a.s.sure you, what I want is completely different. My interest in her is purely professional.”

”And what kind of 'profession' are you in?” Kor growled, still not moving.

”I'm Salix-maybe you've heard of me? I brought in the rogue Balor twins after their little shooting spree on Harmon Four?”

”Salix? Salix the bounty hunter?” Kor frowned. ”Who sent you-some agent of my old master?”

Salix eyed him thoughtfully. ”You would bring in quite a payday-wanted escaped felon and murderer that you are. The price on your head would refit my entire s.h.i.+p...But no. Regrettably, I have no interest in you, my friend. I simply need to speak to the lady.” He made a deep bow in Maggie's direction and she nodded back, not knowing what else to do.

”What about?” Kor demanded.

”Why, about coming home,” Salix said mildly. ”As you may or may not know, Miss Jordon there went missing a little more than six solar months ago. Her friends and family and most especially her fiance...” he gave Kor a significant look. ”Are understandably concerned for her.”

”Oh my G.o.d...Donald.” Maggie felt her cheeks getting hot and the little guilt voice she'd somehow managed to banish earlier when she was feeling so close and connected to Kor suddenly came back. Look what you did, it whispered. Now everyone is going to know.

”Is that the name of your fiance, dear lady? Lucky fellow.” Salix grinned sardonically. ”I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear you're ah...intact.”

”Enough,” snapped Kor. ”Get to the point.”

”The point is that I have been employed by the Kindred High Council to come and find Miss Jordon. And what do you she is!” Salix ended brightly. ”So could I please, if it's not too much trouble, have the pleasure of speaking to her for just a moment?”
