Part 30 (1/2)
”What is it? Implant bothering you again?”
”No...I just...” She sounded so hesitant that he turned his head toward her. The look on her face was one of longing and indecision.
”Yes?” Kor prompted a little more gently. ”Go on, sweetheart. Something you need?”
”Not something I need, no. The implant isn't bothering me right now.” She sighed. ”It's just...I know you're mad at me but we're in a strange place and it's dark and I...I've gotten really used to sleeping close to you...touching you. Could you...would you mind if I just...just a little closer? I don't need to but...but I want to,” she ended in a whisper.
Kor's heart felt like she'd reached into his chest and squeezed his heart with her soft little hand. At once the dark voice that had been tormenting him vanished and he felt the hurt, angry barrier he'd been building between them start to melt.
”Of course you can get closer, blondie,” he murmured. ”C'mere.” Reaching for her, he pulled her close, fitting her soft, curvy body against his side as he always did.
Maggie sighed in contentment and snuggled closer, resting her cheek on his chest. ”Thank you, Kor.” Her voice was soft and grateful. ”I always feel so warm and comfortable with you. I don't know how I'm going to learn to sleep without you after...after all this is over.”
Kor breathed in the warm, feminine scent of her hair and skin and felt her soft weight against him. I don't know how I'm going to learn to live without you, sweetheart. But he didn't say it aloud.
”You'll manage,” he murmured instead. ”Might as well get some sleep-tomorrow is a big day. Once the s.h.i.+p docks we'll go straight to the implant house that male told us about and get that thing taken out of you once and for all.”
”Then I'll be free...I guess.”
Kor was surprised at the sadness in her voice.
”Yeah, free at last. How come you don't sound happy about it?”
”I don't know. Of course I'm happy.” She s.h.i.+fted against him. ”It's just...I'll miss this. I'll miss you, Kor.”
”I'll miss you too, blondie,” he muttered, his voice suddenly thick. ”You don't know how much.”
”We'd better get some sleep,” he said firmly, shutting down the conversation. He didn't want to sit there and listen to her explain how she was sorry she couldn't stay with him but she loved her fiance. He just wanted to enjoy his last night with her, the last night he would have the right to hold her close, to breathe in the scent of her hair and pretend she was his.
”Good night, Kor,” she whispered at last.
”Night, Maggie.” He dropped a soft kiss on the top of her head and stared up at the gla.s.s ceiling, wis.h.i.+ng he never had to let her go.
Chapter Twenty-nine.
Hargous, the asteroid where the implant house was located, was the largest one of the cl.u.s.ter that made up the Dragon's Mouth. Consequently, the junket docked there first. Apparently implants were even more popular than body modifications, though Maggie was sure you couldn't tell it from watching some of the slaves on the large asteroid. She saw plenty of female slaves with three, four, and even more b.r.e.a.s.t.s. One even had a double row of b.r.e.a.s.t.s, almost like the utters of a cow.
But it wasn't just b.r.e.a.s.t.s-some of the women had been modified to look almost like animals. Maggie saw one with pointed ears like a cat and a long swis.h.i.+ng tail to match. Her eyes were huge too and she had a long set of whiskers that twitched as she sniffed the air. Honestly, Maggie wasn't sure which kind of body modification was the worst-each slave she saw seemed more bizarrely modified than the next. And all of them shuffled along behind their masters, pa.s.sing silently through the crowded streets.
Of course, maybe the streets just looked crowded because they were all located underground. Maggie hadn't wanted to go at first when they disembarked from the large junket. The covered, atmosphere-sealed walkway that extended from the big s.h.i.+p had led straight down into what looked like a black mining pit. Maggie-who had been claustrophobic since she was little and her big brother had locked her in a closet-hadn't liked the look of it at all.
Finally Kor had coaxed her down, promising to keep an arm around her the entire time, but she still had a horrible, tight feeling in the pit of her stomach as they walked through the dimly lit tunnels carved into the solid rock of the huge asteroid.
Or maybe that tight feeling is unfinished business, whispered a little voice in her head. Maybe it's because you're starting to care for him and you can't admit it.
Maybe the voice was right, Maggie acknowledged miserably. She knew it was stupid to let herself fall for the big warrior, but she couldn't seem to help it. She tried to keep Donald in mind and the promise she had made to him, but her fiance just seemed so far distant and unreal. And Kor was right here beside her-warm and caring, watching over her.
Maggie loved the sensation of being so thoroughly guarded. The hard wall of muscle that was Kor's chest was at her back, s.h.i.+elding her from harm. His hand was on her shoulder, guiding her through the maze of corridors and his intense eyes watched her every step lest she trip in her high black boots. He was there for her-present and protective in a way she could never remember Donald-who was constantly preoccupied with his work- ever being.
Watch it, Maggie! You're getting in pretty deep here. The little voice in her head was absolutely right but somehow Maggie just couldn't help herself...her emotions were overcoming her good sense.
It's just the implant, she told herself desperately. Except, she wasn't exactly sure of that anymore. It was true the implant made her crave Kor's touch but could it really make her fall in love with him? Could it really- ”Well, here we are. The House of Denethor.”
Kor's deep voice behind her snapped Maggie out of her thoughts. Looking up, she saw a discretely lit sign that advertised ”Implants for the Discriminating Gentlemale.”
”Looks like a reputable place, at least,” Kor muttered, staring at the sign. ”Better than those hack and slash implant places we pa.s.sed on the way in.”
”I suppose so.” Maggie nodded. Honestly, she'd been too busy looking at the bizarrely modified slaves and thinking about her increasingly complicated feelings to take notice of the different shops they'd pa.s.sed.
”Well, let's go.” Kor held open the door for her and they stepped inside the small, dimly lit shop.
”Yes?” A little, wrinkled gnome of a man who was probably shorter than Maggie was sitting on a high stool at a work station at the back of the shop. He had dark blue skin and a shock of bright pink hair like a swirl of cotton candy. Other than his skin and hair color, though, Maggie thought he looked remarkably human.
The shop itself appeared to be completely bare except for a few gla.s.s or crystal cases set up around the perimeter which housed small, blinking jewels attached to long, thin, trailing feathers. ”Can I help you?” the little man asked, frowning.
”Yes.” Kor stepped forward, leading Maggie by the hand. ”Are you Hobbs?”
”I am.” The little man frowned. ”State your business, please.”
Kor gestured at Maggie. ”I need an implant removed.”
”From her?” The grizzled little man frowned down at Maggie from his perch behind the work station. ”What's wrong?”
”Nothing is wrong-I want it removed and I believe it originated here.” Kor frowned impatiently. ”Can you take it out?”
”Let me have a look at it. Come closer, youngling.” The little old man beckoned to her and Maggie stepped forward. She was wearing her leather slave girl outfit again and she was even more aware than usual that her nipples and p.u.s.s.y were on display. The little old man didn't seem to even notice her near nakedness, however-he focused solely on her naval where the ruby implant blinked slowly.
”Well?” Kor asked after a long moment. ”Is it one of yours?”
”Yes indeed. The Denari Eroticus-our top of the line model,” the little man muttered. ”In fact, this one looks a lot like a model I s.h.i.+pped off to the Yonnie system-Yonnie Six, I believe it was.”
”That's it, then,” Kor said, nodding. ”That's where she was implanted.”
”And the implantation seems to have taken hold well,” the little man muttered, continuing to stare at Maggie's belly b.u.t.ton. ”The host is healthy. Let me just...” He hopped down from his perch and came over to them, reaching out a hand to Maggie.
Only his hand wasn't just a hand, she saw with sudden horror. The fingers and thumb were hideously elongated and tapered to long, thin filaments at the end. They waved like incredibly thin needles as he moved his fingers and they were getting closer and closer to her unprotected midriff.
”Ugh!” she exclaimed and took a step back before he could touch her.
”Hold still, girl-hold still,” the little man said testily. ”Haven't you ever seen finger mods before?”
”No.” Maggie shook her head. ”And I don't want to, either. Those look sharp.”
The little man blew out a breath in frustration. ”They are sharp, my girl. So sharp you won't even feel them. I had them grown especially so that I could work at nano-level. Now hold still-this won't hurt a bit.”