Part 27 (1/2)
Kor nodded. ”Afraid so. The junkets check out their pa.s.sengers thoroughly-they're the only ones who get in or out of the Dragon's Mouth. If we tried in this s.h.i.+p, they'd turn us away-might even blow us out of the sky for trying.”
Maggie s.h.i.+vered. ”All right, I'm convinced about that. I have to be wearing this in public?” She nodded down to the bustier and open panties that showed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and p.u.s.s.y clearly. ”I'm a really shy person-except around you, I mean. And I just...”
”Believe me, Maggie-you won't be dressed any differently than the other slaves-that's the idea.” He frowned. ”You think I like showing you off? Like the idea of some other male seeing your sweet body? h.e.l.l no-but if we don't blend in, we won't make it. So yes, I'm afraid this is the kind of thing you'll have to wear.”
Maggie's cheeks went pink and she seemed to be thinking for a long time. ”All right,” she said at last. ”I guess it's not much worse than what I wore when they were selling me at the Flesh Bazaar. And at least I'll be with you.”
”I'll never leave your side,” he promised. ”Your safety is my first priority, blondie. I swear it.”
”But, Kor...” She s.h.i.+fted in his lap, turning to face him. ”Other than the clothes, I'm just...worried. How will you be able to, you know, help me if we're with a bunch of other people? Will there be privacy? Will it be really crowded?”
”I'm sure we'll have a private room, blondie,” he rea.s.sured her, stroking the curls away from her flushed cheeks. ”Don't worry, you know I wont' let you go hungry.”
”It's not being hungry I'm worried about,” she murmured.
”You know what I mean.” He kissed her gently. ”The only thing you need to worry about is acting like a proper slave.”
Maggie's eyes widened. ”How do I do that? Act like you did on Yonnie Six?”
Kor shook his head. ”Not quite. As a female slave-especially the kind that would come with her master to the Dragon's Mouth-you have to be extremely submissive.”
”You mean...let me touch you whenever you want?” Maggie bit her lip. ”But...I already do that-don't I?”
”Don't wait for me to ask,” Kor told her. ”A truly perfect slave will offer her master exactly what he wants before he even knows that he wants it.”
”Like...this?” Maggie's voice shook a little but her grip was steady when she took one of his hands and pulled it between her legs to cup her p.u.s.s.y through the black crotchless panties.
”Very good.” Kor felt his c.o.c.k rising but her lesson wasn't done yet. ”And then you have to ask me to touch you. Tell me what you want me to do to you...and what you want to do to me.” Tell me how you feel about me, he wanted to add but he clamped his jaw tight, not letting the words escape. He would find out how Maggie really felt once the implant was out.
”I...uh...” Maggie's cheeks were pink but she seemed determined to get this right. ”I want you to touch me, Master,” she whispered haltingly.
”Touch you where?” Kor prompted gently. ”Come on, where do you want me to touch you?”
”Be-between my legs,” she stammered. Though she seemed to love dirty talk when he did it, Maggie was shy about trying it herself.
”Go on,” Kor encouraged her, his c.o.c.k surging behind his zipper. ”Be specific.”
”My p.u.s.s.y,” she whispered at last. ”Please, Master, I want you to touch my p.u.s.s.y.”
”Good girl,” Kor rumbled approvingly, his c.o.c.k surging again. G.o.ds, she was lovely, all half naked in his lap with her little c.u.n.t nestled in his hand. He knew this kind of thing was hard for the naturally shy Maggie and he loved when she came out of her sh.e.l.l and tried something new.
He also liked the way she moaned and pressed against his hand, even spreading her legs for his fingers to slip inside her heated depths.
At the beginning of this trip, she had been so guilty about that d.a.m.n fiance of hers she'd barely been able to let him touch the outside of her p.u.s.s.y, let alone willing to open herself and let him penetrate her to the hilt. Kor liked the way she had changed-liked the trust he saw in her eyes almost as much as he liked her pleasure when she moaned and pressed against him, offering herself completely.
He only wished he knew if the change was due to genuine fondness for him on her part...or simply a byproduct of the implant she wore.
”Good girl,” he growled again, trying to push the other thoughts aside. ”Now, while I f.i.n.g.e.r.f.u.c.k. you, you tell me what you'd like to do to me.”
”I...I...” Maggie's eyes fluttered up in her head as the pleasure began to overtake her. ”Oh G.o.d, Kor...”
”Master,” he corrected her sternly, giving one of her nipples a tweak to remind her.
”Master,” she corrected herself quickly. ”I want...I want to suck you, Master.”
Kor's c.o.c.k felt hard enough to f.u.c.k through solid steel when he remembered the soft suction of her lips around the tip of his c.o.c.k. Every night since the first one he had jerked off with Maggie looking on. And every night she captured just the tip of his c.o.c.k between her lush lips and caught every drop of his c.u.m. The rest of his c.o.c.k she seemed to consider off limits but she couldn't rest until she'd sucked every last droplet of his c.u.m.
Even though it wasn't a real b.l.o.w. .j.o.b, Kor thought he had never been hotter than when he watched her lean down and suck just the tip of his c.o.c.k into her mouth. And he loved to watch the blissful look on her face when he finally came, filling her mouth with the creamy treat she craved. He just wished he could fill her p.u.s.s.y instead but he knew Maggie didn't want that. To her it represented the ultimate betrayal of her fiance so it was never going to happen.
”I want to suck you,” she whispered again.
”You already do suck me,” he reminded her, stroking up into her p.u.s.s.y, filling her with his fingers. ”You do it every night, sweetheart.”
”No.” Maggie shook her head, her cheeks flushed with pa.s.sion. ”I...I want to suck all of you. You're so long and thick and...and I want to see how much of you I could fit in my mouth. How much I could take until you came for me.”
”G.o.ds, blondie!” Kor thought he might come just from hearing her talk about it.
Maggie's lovely deep blue eyes were half-lidded with pleasure and he wondered if she even knew what she was saying but that didn't stop him from listening to her.
”There's more,” she whispered. ”I want...want you inside me. And not just in my mouth.”
Kor's c.o.c.k surged. ”I thought we agreed that was off limits-that you didn't want me to make love you to.”
”I know I shouldn't want you to,” she moaned, rolling her hips to ride his fingers. ”But lately...right before's all I think about. It's getting so hard to what we've been doing when I much more...When I want you inside me.” Then her hips began to buck faster. ”Oh,” she gasped. ”Oh, Kor...oh Master...I'm coming! Coming...”
Kor rode out her o.r.g.a.s.m, feeling like he might have one of his own just from listening to her and watching her reach the peak. G.o.ds, she was lovely when she came!
He wondered if she really meant what she said about wanting to take him all the way inside her...or if it was just the implant talking. More and more he longed to get the d.a.m.n thing out. He wanted to know if Maggie really cared for him...or if they were just playing games until she was free of the thing inside her and ready to go home.
Chapter Twenty-seven.
The junket s.h.i.+p was what Kor called an Alpha-one style cruiser. It was an enormous beast of a vessel with plenty of docking platforms along its sides where the various pa.s.sengers could leave their individual s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+ps during the trip to the Dragon's Mouth.
Maggie had asked why they couldn't just stay in their s.h.i.+p but Kor had explained that partic.i.p.ation in the onboard community was mandatory. They had to look and act just like everyone else if they wanted to get to the elusive cl.u.s.ter of asteroids. Also, talking to the other masters was the best way to find out about her implant. Kor intended to ask ”advice” from several of the other men aboard, hoping they would point him in the right direction. Apparently each individual implant cultivator had his own personal style-Kor was hoping that someone on board would recognize Maggie's and tell them where to find its maker.
She felt ready to go and more than ready to get rid of the implant, but she couldn't help the uncomfortable feeling she got from walking around in the leather bustier and panties, showing off her nipples and p.u.s.s.y to anyone who cared to look.
Kor didn't like her overexposure either, though he considered it a necessity. He had promised to keep her covered as much as possible. Over his own outfit of black leather pants and a plain red s.h.i.+rt, he was wearing his black cloak and mask again as a precaution. He told Maggie he intended to take them off once he had ascertained that none of the men aboard the junket were a threat to him.
As they walked along the docking bubble leading to the s.h.i.+p, Kor kept an arm around her shoulders, the long edge of his cloak s.h.i.+elding her from prying eyes. It made Maggie feel more secure and had the added benefit of letting him stroke her b.r.e.a.s.t.s without anyone seeing. G.o.d, she just hoped she could keep the implant under control while they were on this trip-privately. She really didn't want everyone else in the s.h.i.+p watch as Kor fondled and stroked her almost every minute of the day to keep her desires in check.
”Good day, Master,” someone said, interrupting her worries.
Maggie looked up and saw a large, muscular man with blue skin and silver eyes. He was wearing a red and gold uniform that unfortunately clashed badly with his skin tones.
”Good day.” As it had when he'd come to get her, Kor's mask distorted his voice. It made Maggie feel a little like she was being personally escorted by Darth Vader.