Part 22 (1/2)

”Yes,” she whispered, looking away even though his masked face was just a blur. ”Yes, I...please, yes.”

”All right. Don't be ashamed.” The long fingers slid smoothly into her, stretching her a little with their thickness. He still wore the glove and Maggie could feel the coolness of the leather entering her heated c.u.n.t. She cried out when he found the end of her channel, penetrating her completely. G.o.d it was exactly what she needed-it felt so good she was nearly panting with desire.

”Please,” she whispered again. ”Please...”

”Please what? Do you want me to do this?” His voice was low and rough as he thrust up into her, f.i.n.g.e.r.f.u.c.k.i.n.g. her hungry c.u.n.t, giving her what she'd been needing for hours.

Maggie moaned with abandon and worked herself against his fingers. His deep, steady penetration and the friction of his palm against her sensitive c.l.i.t were exactly what her body was desperate for. She could feel the pleasure rising in her again and for a moment, she was able to forget her shame and just be-just feel as another strong o.r.g.a.s.m washed over her.

”That's right,” the man in black murmured. ”Let it go, sweetheart. Let it all go and just come for me. G.o.ds, I can feel your sweet little c.u.n.t squeezing my fingers. Wish I wasn't wearing these d.a.m.n gloves.”

Maggie could feel it too. Her inner muscles were working hard, contracting as though she was trying to pull him deeper into her. As though her body was seeking something else-something more. But what? Maggie wasn't sure and she couldn't think anymore-she lost herself in the pleasure.

At last it was over. To her relief, the cycle the ruby implant had started in her seemed to be fulfilled. The constant desire that had been tormenting her all day was quieted-but only for a little while, Maggie sensed. The implant was still pulsing-but much slower now. It would speed up again in the future and torture her some more. But for now she had a moment of respite.

The man in black seemed to understand what was happening. Slowly his thick fingers withdrew, leaving Maggie feeling empty and alone. Suddenly all the shame she'd been able to ignore while the desire was at a fever pitch came rus.h.i.+ng back. G.o.d, had she really just done that? Had she really just rubbed herself off against a complete stranger's hand?

What's wrong with me? What am I becoming?

She hung her head, her eyes burning with unshed tears. She didn't want to cry-it seemed like crying was all she did lately. She had to be strong.

But somehow she couldn't help the single tear that dripped down her cheek or the soft sob that escaped her lips.

”Hey, no-don't do that.” The man in black sounded genuinely concerned. ”Don't cry, sweetheart.” He smoothed her skirt back into place and stepped away, talking in low tones to Zamir.

”She's a fine specimen but maybe you'd care to see others as well?” the slave trader said. ”I have some females from the Ganga system-”

”She's the only one I want,” the man growled. ”Here-take your d.a.m.n credit and unchain her.”

For some reason Zamir hesitated. ”Your pardon, sir, but I was told to only sell this slave to someone who can I put it delicately...misuse her as much as possible. My patroness would not be pleased if I report that I have allowed a compa.s.sionate male such as yourself to purchase her.”

Maggie's heart sank as she remembered Lady Pope'nose's final instructions. ” sure you sell her to the absolute worst male you can find. The crueler and more heartless, the better.”

At least the man in black seemed to be kind and understanding. Would Zamir really refuse to sell her to him because he wasn't a complete b.a.s.t.a.r.d?

”You think I'm compa.s.sionate?” There was a swift movement and they were close enough for Maggie to see that the man suddenly had the dealer by the throat. ”Filthy slaver sc.u.m,” he growled as Zamir choked and gurgled in his grasp. ”How compa.s.sionate do you think I am now?”

”Sir...sir, please,” Zamir gasped.

”I'm leaving with the girl whether you want to sell her to me or not. So you can either take your credits and unchain her or I can break her chains myself and you'll get nothing. Make your choice.”

”If sir will only let me go,” Zamir gasped. ”I will...will be pleased to...unchain-”

”Good, do it! And be f.u.c.king quick about it-I want to get her out of this f.u.c.king meat market.” The man pushed him roughly away and threw a clinking sack at his head.

Zamir fell to his knees and then somehow managed to stand, rubbing his skinny green throat. He stooped stiffly to pick up the sack the man had thrown, then made his way over to Maggie and fumbled with the cold metal manacles around her wrists. At last they clicked free and she could lower her arms.

”It's all right.” The man beckoned to her. ”You can get up now. You're free.”

Maggie tried. But she'd been kneeling in the same position for so long that everything was numb. Her arms were all pins and needles and her legs felt like rubber. She stumbled and would have fallen off the raised pedestal she'd been displayed on for so long if the man hadn't caught her.

”It's all right,” he said again and lifted her easily into his arms, cradling her like she was a baby. He looked at Zamir. ”I'm taking her. Is there anything else I need to know about this f.u.c.king implant?” He nodded at the jewel blinking slowly in Maggie's naval.

”Nothing,” Zamir said sullenly. ”Just go. I will tell my patroness that she has been purchased by a suitable male.”

”If by suitable you mean a mean son of a b.i.t.c.h more than willing to come back and wring your skinny green throat, you'd be right,” the man growled. ”f.u.c.k off, slaver.”

And turning, he carried Maggie away.

Chapter Twenty-two.

He carried her through the crowded marketplace and into a small, twisting corridor that seemed to be leading outside. Maggie lay still in his arms, too frightened to say anything. She belonged to the man in black now-he had bought and paid for her, implant and all. Would he be a kind and compa.s.sionate master, as Zamir seemed to think? Or would he hurt and abuse her as soon as he got her wherever it was that they were going?

He could be anyone-could be a serial killer! whispered a little voice in her brain. He could just buy slaves so he can take them away and torture them to death.

Of course, even if he wasn't, even if he was a completely nice guy, the fact remained that he was a stranger and he owned her now. And what if she somehow managed to get away from him? Everything was just a big blur. How could she ever get back to Earth? And even if she did get back, she still had the implant lodged firmly in her belly b.u.t.ton. An implant she still knew almost nothing about. What even was it? Some kind of animal? Some kind of machine? Zamir had said that it was bred and engineered. Did that mean it was some freaky hybrid thing that was half living and half robotic?

As if the implant knew she was thinking about it, Maggie felt it begin pulse more steadily again. She bit her lip and moaned silently as the unwanted pleasure between her thighs began to grow. The need it evoked in her wasn't unbearable...yet, but she knew eventually it would be. G.o.d, this was torture. What was she going to do?

”Here we are.” The man's low voice broke her train of thought and Maggie looked up to see that they had reached the end of the twisting corridor and were facing a white panel that might be a door-it was hard to tell when everything was so blurry. The man pressed a b.u.t.ton on the wall with his elbow-he was still cradling Maggie to his chest like a baby-and the white panel in front of them whooshed silently open. The man stepped inside and the door shut behind them, leaving them in a small white box of a room.

”Hang in there,” he told Maggie. ”Just have to wait for the airlock to cycle.”

There was a whirring noise and a second white panel slid open. This time they entered a much larger room filled with many colorful blurs. Maggie wished desperately that she could see where he was taking her. What was this place? His private apartment? The secret lair where he tortured his victims? Without her she felt absolutely helpless-lost and vulnerable and afraid.

The second door whooshed shut behind them, trapping her alone with him in a strange place. Maggie s.h.i.+vered, wondering what was coming next. Was this the moment he dropped his nice guy act and pulled out a knife? Was this the moment she died?

The man set her down on a soft surface and took off his gloves and cloak. Then he knelt in front of her.

”Are you all right?” he asked her directly. ”That b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a slaver back there, did he hurt you?”

”I...he...” Maggie shook her head. ”Who are you?” she blurted.

”Who am I? Don't you know?” He slid off the black mask and tossed it aside. ”Well?”

Maggie looked at him but his face was still a blur. ”I'm sorry, I lost my Well, I didn't lose them-they were broken. And without them I can't really see much of anything.”

”Oh, that's right-your oculars. I forgot. He leaned closer. ”Open your eyes wide and look straight at me.”

”All right,” Maggie said, obeying his orders. ”But I'm afraid that really doesn't help much. You're still just a big blur and-”

Suddenly a burst of red light came right at her, so quickly Maggie didn't have time to shut her eyes. She felt a pressure sensation against both eyeb.a.l.l.s-the same feeling she got when the optometrist did the air puff test for glaucoma when she had an eye exam.

”Ugh!” She jerked away, closing her eyes reflexively. She'd always hated that test! ”What did you do to me?” she demanded, forgetting for a moment to be afraid.

”Open your eyes and find out.”