Part 18 (1/2)
Thinking of the things she'd done with Kor made her realize that he was still holding her in his arms and the white lace dress she was wearing was totally soaked and completely transparent. She might as well be naked-everything showed.
”Kor,” she said, s.h.i.+fting uncomfortably. ”Maybe...maybe you should put me down. I'll go see if I can find something for your face.”
”Don't worry about my face.” He set her carefully on her feet but he was still looking at her, almost as though he was hoping to see something in her eyes. Maggie didn't know what he wanted to see but after a moment he looked away. ”It'll heal.”
”You'll have scars,” Maggie protested.
He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling with the movement. ”Got plenty of scars-a few more won't make any difference.”
”Mistress Pope'nose, are you all right?” The master of the spa came toward them, a concerned look in his Easter egg colored eyes. ”I'm so sorry-Lady Ponce'beast is being dealt with.”
”I think I'm fine,” Maggie said but Kor shook his head.
”My lady is still very shaken. I must take her back to her suite and tend to her there.”
”Of course. Of course.” The Master of the spa nodded obsequiously. ”Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything you need, Lady Pope'nose.”
”I...thank you, I will,” Maggie murmured. She s.h.i.+vered. ”Right now I'd really like a towel.”
”Here.” Kor had already found some large, fluffy things that looked more like blankets-they were hanging from hooks on one wall. He brought one over and wrapped Maggie up in it. Then, before she could protest, he swung her up into his arms again. With a short nod to the master of the spa, he carried her away.
Chapter Seventeen.
”Where are you taking me?” Maggie asked. ”This isn't the way back to our room.”
”No, it's the way to the night porter,” Kor said shortly.
Maggie looked confused. ”The night porter? But why...?”
”Thought you wanted to bribe him to make a call. So you can get out of here as soon as possible,” Kor growled. ”Isn't that right?”
”I...I guess so.” She still sounded weak and upset and part of him felt guilty for speaking so roughly to her-for forcing her to do this now. The other part, though-the larger part-knew there was no other way. She needed to get away from here-away from him-as quickly as she could.
Kor knew something else too-he wasn't coming with her.
She doesn't want me-not deep down where her deepest memories and wishes live. When she dreamed of her joining day, it wasn't me she saw. And when she called out for a male to save her, it wasn't my name on her lips. h.e.l.l, she didn't even know me at first-I scared her. As well I f.u.c.king well should. I'm a danger to her.
He kept remembering how he'd cut through the water with the red hot beams from his eyes. He might have cut her in two without even trying-might have vaporized her along with however many gallons of liquid he'd boiled away at the same time. G.o.ds be thanked she had been out of his line of fire.
At the very least he could have blown their cover with his little ocular display. It was lucky that the water was dark red and had already been churned up by their struggles or one of the other patrons of the spa might have noticed him doing his d.a.m.ndest to burn a hole in the side of the pool.
I'm not safe without my inhibitor collar but the d.a.m.n thing's broken beyond repair. Not safe for Maggie or anyone. What if I got angry or had a bad dream one night on Gaia? What if I hurt her or killed her without even meaning to? I have no control over this power-I don't even know how it happens or where it comes from.
And even if he could control the power and wasn't a danger to her, Maggie didn't want him with her. Not really. She wanted that idiot Donald who she was determined to stay true to. Even the limited s.e.xual acts they'd performed together during the Pleasuring had given her intense guilt. Kor didn't need to add to that burden and he didn't want to waste his time on a female whose heart was already given.
What about your own heart?
Kor pushed the thought away. He was fond of Maggie and he was grateful to her-h.e.l.l, she'd saved him from certain death at the hands of the s.a.d.i.s.tic Lady Pope'nose. But it wasn't like he'd fallen in love with her. That was just stupid. Wasn't it?
”Kor?” Her soft, hesitant voice pulled him out of his inner turmoil and he looked down to see that she was s.h.i.+vering in his arms. ”Kor, please, if you're angry...I'm just so sorry about your cheek.”
”It's not my cheek. It's-”
”What? Please tell me?” She was looking up at him so earnestly he felt his heart twist. G.o.ds, she was beautiful-even soaking wet and s.h.i.+vering in his arms. Her sweet, lovely little heart-shaped face and those lush lips...not to mention her curvy little body which fit so well into his arms. But what Kor liked the most about her was the innocence s.h.i.+ning out of her deep blue eyes. It was an innocence he would no doubt extinguish if she stayed with him too long.
Kor hardened his heart. Have to let her go. Before it's too late.
”Kor?” she said again and he realized she was still waiting for an answer.
”It's nothing,” he said shortly. ”Here-this is the night porter's station.”
”But I don't have anything to bribe him with,” Maggie protested as he set her down gently in front of the round green door of the little room beneath the grand staircase. ”All of Lady Pope'nose's jewelry is back in our room.”
Kor felt a growl of frustration rising in his throat and swallowed it back down with difficulty.
”Maggie,” he said softly. ”The night porter is a Sensorian, like all the rest of the beings who run this place. What use do you think they have for jewelry or riches?”
”But...then how...?”
”Think,” he said softly. ”What is it that they value? What is it they feed on?”
”Pleasure-s.e.xual pleasure.” Her face went pale with understanding. ”Kor,” she said in a low voice. ”I can't. I just...we already went too far tonight. I feel so guilty about-”
”About Donald, I know.” Kor took a deep breath. ”But you need to make this call. After the scene with Lady Ponce'beast tonight, you're officially a person of interest here. People are going to be looking at you, talking about you. And the more they look...”
”The more likely they are to see what's going on. That I'm not...who I say I am.” Maggie nodded and lifted her chin. ”You're right. I just...I guess we'll have to do...whatever it takes.”
”Wonderful,” Kor said shortly. ”I'm so glad to hear you think you can tolerate my hands and mouth on your body at least until you can get out of here.”
Maggie's face went red. ”I never said it like that!” she protested. ”I just-”
”Never mind.” Leaning forward, he knocked on the round green door. After a moment it opened revealing a large, corpulent Sensorian who was overflowing his small chair. To Kor's dismay, the male's skin was already dark pink proving that someone had been there before them.
”Yes, Mistress?” the night porter asked, addressing Maggie. ”How can I be of help to you?”
Maggie bit her lip. ”I need to make a call. I know it's not allowed but I was told if I talked to you...maybe offered you something you, uh, wanted?”
The corpulent Sensorian frowned. ”I fear there is nothing I want just now. I am, as you see Mistress, quite replete.” He patted his round belly as though to ill.u.s.trate his point.
”Oh, but I...surely there's something you want,” Maggie faltered. ”Look...just try this.” Turning to Kor, she stood on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck.
He knew what she wanted but for a moment he just stood there. G.o.ds, it was killing him, touching her for this reason! He wanted her to come to him because she wanted him-not because she had to. It wasn't fair to Maggie for him to feel this way-she barely knew him. But Kor couldn't help it-he wanted to be the male she cried out for when she was in trouble or pain. He wanted to be the one she came to when she was in need.
”Kor,” she whispered, tugging at him. ”Kor, please...”