Part 15 (1/2)

”Not too long, Mistress,” he cautioned. ”And if a supervisor comes by you'll have to cut it short and hide or we'll both be out of the spa.”

”Of course. Just give me some privacy.” As he shut the door, she was already typing in a communication code.

Lady Ponce'beast waited impatiently until the viewscreen flickered to life. On it, a slender woman with blonde hair with multicolored blue streaks in it suddenly appeared-her long time friend, Manda Sha'rak.

”Yes?” she said frowning. ”Oh, it's you, Yoli! What are you calling me for? I thought you were at the L'othian spa?”

”I am at the spa, Manda,” Lady Ponce'beast hissed. ”And I've had the very bad fortune to meet your good friend Lady Nola Pope'nose.”

”Oh dear.” The other woman put a hand to her chest. ”Poor Nola. She can be rather...opinionated sometimes. I do hope she isn't bothering you!”

”Bothering me? That's an understatement-she's hideous!” Lady Ponce'beast hissed. ”First she had the nerve to disarrange my hair. Then she paraded her fancy slave all around-who is wearing no pain collar-I might add.”

The other woman held up a hand to stop her. ”Wait a minute-no pain collar? That doesn't sound like Nola.”

”I didn't think so either-not from what you've described,” Lady Ponce'beast said. ”In fact, she's actually kind to her slave-says 'please' and 'thank you' and never orders him around. The way she acts you'd think he was the one in charge. I could almost believe she was a closet submissive.”

The other woman's cheeks went red and she coughed into her hand. ”Well, that certainly doesn't sound like the Nola Pope'nose I know but we haven't been in touch in the last few months. What else happened?”

Lady Ponce'beast made an irritated gesture. ”Oh, she went on and on about not knowing what the Pleasuring was, pretending she was uncomfortable and didn't know what to do. She had everyone completely fooled. And then she and her slave put on this incredible performance where he made her come without taking off a single st.i.tch of her clothing.”

”What? Are you sure?”

”I was right beside her-I saw the whole thing first hand. But that isn't all-the Sensorians actually gave them a standing ovation-imagine that!” Lady Ponce'beast was nearly seething with irritation and jealousy. ”The master of the spa said that such a fine performance comes only with true emotion-is this friend of yours foolish enough to fall in love with her slave?”

”Nola? In love with a slave?” Manda said blankly. ”She's the last person who would do that.”

”Well is she the type to make her slave fall in love with her? You know, that ridiculous kind of mistress who's always too kind and actually forms a personal relations.h.i.+p with a male who ought to mean nothing to her?”

Manda coughed again and looked away for a moment. ”Actually, Nola is also the last person I would think would engender love in a slave. It doesn't sound like she's acting herself at all.”

”The master of the spa himself invited her and everyone else in our rondula back to a private reception at the Remembrance Pool for Pillow Fruit,” Lady Ponce'beast said bitterly. ”Can you believe it?”

Manda's eyes lit up. ”Pillow Fruit? I'm so jealous! Are you going to go get some?”

Lady Ponce'beast crossed her arms over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pensively. ”I want to but I almost can't bear it. If I have to see that little blonde head of hers bobbing around in the Remembrance Pool while her ridiculous slave-”

”Wait a minute,” her friend interrupted. ”Did you say blonde?”

”Yes, she has blonde, curly hair which doesn't suit her at all. I can't imagine what she's thinking. Oh, and she's not nearly as thin as you described her either. In fact, she's quite plump.” Lady Ponce'beast sniffed and patted her own ample hips. ”And what are those strange oculars she wears on her face? You never mentioned she had problems with her eyes.”

Manda Sha'rak frowned. ”Nola Pope'nose is not blonde and she's not plump. And as for oculars-I don't know what you're talking about. Her eyesight is very sharp-sometimes too sharp. Do you have an image?”

”Of course.” Lady Ponce'beast held up her recording device and turned the screen toward the viewscreen so that her friend could see it. ”Well?” she demanded.

”Oh my...” Manda shook her head. ”That's not Nola Pope'nose. Not even close.”

”Seriously?” Lady Ponce'beast demanded. ”Oh my G.o.ddess, Manda-I knew it. Somewhere down inside I just knew the little b.i.t.c.h was an imposter. I'm going to inform the master of the spa at once!”

”No, wait.” Her friend shook her head. ”Let me make some calls first. We have to find out what happened to the real Nola. Where can she be?”

”I don't know,” Lady Ponce'beast snapped. ”But she's not here. Don't take too long, Manda. I can't wait to expose this little fraud...whoever she is.”

Chapter Fourteen.

”Lady Pope'nose, if you would walk this way...” The master of the spa led Maggie and the rest of the mistresses from the rondula out of the large banquet hall. The other ladies and their slaves formed an eager group behind them and Kor found it easy enough to take Maggie's arm and hang back a little bit. Soon they were walking at the back of the small crowd instead of the front which was exactly what he wanted-a little privacy.

”Maggie,” he said softly, speaking in a low voice for her ears only. ”I think we should talk.”

”Talk about what?” She gave him a quick, nervous glance. ”About what just happened in the uh, banquet hall? Because I really think-”

”No, not about that,” Kor said, although making her come and hearing her moan so sweetly just for him certainly had some bearing on what he wanted to say.

”What do you want to talk about, then?” Maggie still sounded nervous.

”About the future.” He took a deep breath. ”I think we should stay together.”

”What?” She stopped walking and turned to face him. ”What do you mean? We are together.”

”No, I mean after the spa.” Kor took her hand, entwining their fingers. ”This uncharted world you're going to-it doesn't sound safe.”

Maggie lifted her chin. ”I'm not giving up Gaia-it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to do research on an untouched world. I've already postponed it long enough.”

”For which I'm very grateful,” Kor murmured. He brushed a stray curl away from her face. ”Since you postponed it to rescue me.”

”I didn't actually mean to do that, you know.” She was blus.h.i.+ng in that adorable way she had. Kor's heart squeezed like a fist in his chest-G.o.ds, what was it about this little female? Why was he so unwilling to be parted from her?

”I know that,” he said softly. And I didn't say you should give up your research trip. Just that I should come with you.”

”You want come with me?” Maggie bit her lip. ”Why? I thought you just wanted to go off on your own.”

”Well, I don't,” Kor said. ”Not anymore.” He sighed. ”Look, blondie, I just...I don't like the idea of you going off to some wild, dangerous planet with n.o.body to look after you.”

She frowned. ”I'm perfectly able to look after myself, thank you very much.”

”Of course you are,” Kor said dryly. ”As long as you don't trip and fall headfirst into a pit or step into an active volcano by accident.”

Her cheeks got even redder. ”All right. I know I'm somewhat...uncoordinated when it comes to social situations. But when I'm out in the field, in my element and doing research I can be almost...well, not exactly graceful but not as clumsy either.”

”I don't give a d.a.m.n if you're clumsy,” Kor said roughly. ”What I care about is keeping you safe.” Keeping you by me. But he didn't say that out loud-no point scaring her off. ”Look,” he said. ”What if there are wild beasts or some other form of intelligent but hostile life? Who's going to look out for you-those other two Kindred scientists you told me about?”

”Ferna and Ratner have their own research to do,” Maggie said. ”We can all look after ourselves.”

”Not you,” he murmured. ”Because I'll be there for that-there to look after you.”