Part 12 (1/2)

Maggie s.h.i.+vered under his touch like a nervous animal.

”Sorry.” Kor stopped at once.

”No, it's tickles. Are they healing all right?” She turned back to face him.

Kor nodded. ”Just fine.”

”Good.” Maggie breathed a sigh of relief. ”Then...could I have my back?”

”Your what?” he frowned. ”Oh, you mean these?” He handed her the oculars.

”Exactly.” She slipped them back on and pushed them up her nose with a contented sigh. ”There. Now I feel like myself again.”

”You like wearing them?” Kor raised an eyebrow in question.

”Oh, well...I know they're not the prettiest things.” She gave a self-conscious little laugh. ”With my prescription, the lenses are always too thick to do much of anything decorative with them. And I've tried contacts but they dry out my eyes, especially when I'm working and looking into a microscope. I know they have all kinds of laser surgeries now but I'm kind of a chicken when it comes to that. I mean, it's your eyes. What if they screw it up and you wind up blind?”

”From the look of those oculars, you're half-blind already.” Kor smiled to soften his comment. ”But don't apologize for wearing them-I like them.”

”You do?” She looked at him uncertainly. ”Why?”

”Because, when you're wearing them, no other male can see those gorgeous blue eyes of yours.” Leaning down, he kissed her on the mouth, barely brus.h.i.+ng her lips with his. G.o.ds, she smelled good-some fragrance that was warm and softly feminine at the same time. He wanted to bury his face in her hair and inhale deeply, wanted to crush her to him and hold her sweet, curvy body close to his, but he held himself back, not wanting to frighten her.

”What...” Maggie put her fingertips to her lips, as though to feel where his mouth had been. ”What was that for?”

”For luck,” Kor said lightly. ”I have a feeling we're going to need it. Come on, my lady. The Grand Banquet awaits.”

Maggie had a bad feeling about the banquet as they rode down in the green gla.s.s elevators which led to the lobby. Kor had promised to do the bare minimum in the way of a slave/mistress display but she couldn't shake the idea that even the bare minimum was going to end up being a lot more than she was willing to do.

Not that she didn't want to do it-she did and that was the problem.

I shouldn't feel this way about him, she thought as they stood in silence, waiting for the doors to slide open. Shouldn't be so attracted to another man. A man who isn't Donald.

And yet, she couldn't help it. When Kor touched her-when he even looked at her-her heart started to race and her skin seemed to become more sensitive. And his was a warm, dark, masculine spice that seemed to invade all her senses at once. Just standing here in an enclosed s.p.a.ce with him was making her feel hot all over. Of course, part of that could be because he was just so big-his shoulders were probably twice as broad as hers and he was at least six foot six if not taller. He was probably generating twice as much body heat as a regular guy would.

Maggie had never spent this much time around such a physically imposing man and it was a little hard to get used to. Well, after tonight you won't have to worry about it, she told herself uneasily. We'll bribe the night porter and be out of here by tomorrow. Hopefully. In the mean time she just had to keep it together for a little while longer.

I can do this, she lectured herself. I can do anything I have to do in order to get out of here. Get a grip, Maggie. Everything is going to be fine.

Finally, the door chimed softly.

Maggie took a deep breath. ”Here we go.”

Kor took her hand for a moment and squeezed it gently in his much larger, warmer one. ”Everything is going to be fine,” he murmured, echoing her thoughts. ”Come on, Mistress. Let's do this.”

They stepped out onto a long golden carpet that reminded Maggie of the white carpeted Grand Promenade Kor had carried her down this morning. G.o.d, had it really only been that morning she'd rescued him and run away with him to this crazy spa? It seemed like days ago-weeks ago. She had no right to feel like she knew him so well. And yet, she did.

Just an effect of the dreams, she told herself as they walked slowly down the carpet. Dreams which she still couldn't understand or quantify. If she ever had a chance to slow down and take stock, Maggie was sure she'd come up with some kind of scientific explanation as to why she and Kor had been dreaming of each other and she felt so strongly drawn to him. Right now, it was just a mystery-one she didn't have time to ponder at the moment.

Other slaves and mistresses were also making their way down the long golden carpet-it was becoming quite a crowd. Maggie watched carefully and tried to do as the other women did while she and Kor mingled, trying to look like they belonged.

At first she felt undressed, wearing the too tight gown that molded to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and clung to her hips. Her nipples were fully visible through the thin, stretchy white lace, just as her p.u.s.s.y lips were outlined by the clinging material of the panties. But she soon saw that the other mistresses were dressed in similar and even more revealing outfits. Some of them had on gowns that didn't cover their b.r.e.a.s.t.s at all and a few seemed to have forgotten their underpants entirely.

At least I'm not the most underdressed person here, Maggie thought. Or maybe I should make that the most undressed person. She took a deep breath-this was good. Now she could loosen up a little and observe the crowd-get a feel for what she was supposed to be doing. Which, if the other ladies were any indication, appeared to be striding regally along the golden carpet with her head up, shoulders back, and her loyal slave trailing respectfully behind her.

Maggie tried to imitate them and look haughty and self-important. I am a rich, important mistress, she told herself. I am a rich, important mistress. I am a-just then she stumbled over a in the rug. She would have fallen on her face if Kor hadn't grabbed her from behind at just the right moment. He kept her from hitting the carpet but Maggie was still off balance. She reached out blindly and her searching fingers caught in the long, carefully styled ringlets of the lady in front of her.

The hair came off in her hand-all of it. Maggie gasped and then gave a breathless little scream as she saw the limp, curly wig clinging to her fingers like a hairy, dead spider.

”Oh!” The lady turned around at once, both hands going to her head which was bald as an egg. ”Oh, no-my hair! What have you done to my hair?”

”I'm so, so sorry!” Maggie babbled, trying to give the wig back. ”I... it was an accident! These shoes-the carpet-”

”Give me that!” The lady s.n.a.t.c.hed the wig and jammed it back on her head. Unfortunately, it was sitting rather askew and the curls weren't nearly as perfect as they had been-in fact, they stuck up in all directions.

”Um...” Maggie wasn't sure if she should mention the fact that the other woman's wig was crooked or not.

”You are a menace,” the lady snapped. Then she faced forward and hurried away, trailed by her slave.

”Again, really, really sorry,” Maggie called after her weakly. So much for acting like all the other mistresses and not attracting attention. She started walking, still feeling wobbly from the embarra.s.sing accident. She stumbled and might even have tripped again if not for the fact that Kor still had one hand under her arm.

”It's all right, Mistress-I've got you,” he murmured in her ear, making sure she was steady again before he let her go.

”Thanks,” Maggie muttered from the side of her mouth. Her cheeks were burning. Had everyone noticed her acting like a clumsy fool? She looked around, casting glances from side to side but the other ladies seemed to be looking straight ahead. Maggie sighed and went on as before, though she stopped trying to look haughty and important. Right now she would settle for quiet and inconspicuous.

The golden carpet seemed to be leading them to a new area-a vast, open place that looked like a ballroom or a banquet hall from the glimpses Maggie could get through the high, arching double doors. Rich golden light was pouring out of them and soft strains of music could be heard as they got closer.

Kor seemed to know exactly what to do. He kept close to her, walking at her back like a very tall, very imposing body guard. Now that they were out among the other Mistresses and slaves he was completely silent, as were most of the other slaves. Clearly a 'don't speak until spoken to' rule was the order of the day.

As they came to the large double doors, Maggie noticed that each slave and mistress paused a moment before proceeding into the large area. She wondered what the hold up was-maybe they were looking for their places on the seating chart? Was there a seating chart? How would she know where to go?

Maggie put a hand to her throat nervously. She had always been somewhat socially awkward and big gatherings like this one increased her social anxiety to sky-high levels. She'd be lucky if she didn't trip again and land on her face in front of the entire room.

Kor seemed to sense her nervousness because he leaned forward and whispered very softly in her ear, ”Everything all right, Mistress?”

”Fine.” Maggie swallowed hard. ”I just...I'm not great in crowds, that's all. And I get so clumsy when I'm nervous.”

He gave a low chuckle. ”So I've noticed. But don't worry-you're going to be all right.”

”What if I'm not, though?” she whispered back. ”What if I make a mess or cause another scene or-”

”You won't.” Maggie felt his large, warm hand settle on her shoulder and squeeze gently, offering support and rea.s.surance. ”And even if you do, you're never coming back here. You'll never see any of these people again after tonight. So what do you care what they think?”

”Oh...” Maggie took a deep breath, feeling calmer. ”That's actually...that's a really good point.”

”I know. Get ready. We're coming to the entrance.”

Just at that moment they reached the front of the line and Maggie saw what the hold-up was. As each Mistress reached the double doors leading into the banquet hall, she paused for a moment while a Sensorian attendant read her name aloud. Then her slave knelt in front of her and did was hard to see what, though. Maggie moved to one side, trying to get a better view without getting out of line. What she saw made her feel faint.