Part 9 (1/2)
”You asked for it,” she sent through their link. ”Better get ready, baby, because I'm going to ride you hard tonight.”
”Yes...” Reddix groaned. Closing his eyes, he tightened his grip on the bedspread and tried to brace himself. He could feel the slick head of the phallus rubbing over that magical spot inside him but the angle wasn't just exactly right...
Nina must have heard what he was thinking because suddenly she s.h.i.+fted the angle of her hips and began to really ram into him. At the same time, one small, soft hand reached between his legs and captured his own straining shaft. She stroked his c.o.c.k in tandem to her thrusts inside him, creating a perfect circle of pleasure Reddix couldn't resist.
”Oh...G.o.ds, Nina...yes...f.u.c.king yes,” he heard himself shout as his c.o.c.k throbbed in her hand. His entire body was clenched like a fist and he was so close, so f.u.c.king close...
But suddenly she stopped.
”What...why...?” He turned his head to look at her.
”I'm sorry. It's good, but it's not you.” Nina pulled out of him with one long, slow slide. ”I don't want to finish this way.” Slowly, she unstrapped the harness and pulled the dark pink phallus out of her p.u.s.s.y. She tossed it away. ”I want you inside me, Reddix. Please,” she sent through their link.
”How can I resist such a sweet offer?” Rolling her onto her back, he spread her legs wide. Her little p.u.s.s.y was wet and swollen from the stimulation of the phallus. Reddix took a minute to lean down and taste her-one long, sweet upward swipe of his tongue just to tease her and let her know what was coming. G.o.ds, she was delicious. Hot and salty and wet. Perfect.
”Reddix, please!” Nina was panting now, nearly moaning. ”I need you in me-deep.”
”All right, hold on sweetheart. But I have to warn you-after all that, I'm afraid I won't last very long.”
”Don't need very long. Just need you in me,” she begged.
”All right,” he growled and thrust hard into her dripping p.u.s.s.y.
Nina moaned and arched under him, wrapping her long, lovely legs around his hips and pulling him in, trying to get more. Reddix was more than willing to give it to her.
Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close until he could feel her firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s flatten against his chest. Then he kissed her hard as he pistoned into her, taking her the way she had taken him, filling her... f.u.c.king her... loving her. At the same time, he sent out whisper-tendrils, caressing her entire body, encircling her tight little nipples, teasing her c.l.i.t, touching her with his mind as well as his body.
Giving her the Deep Touch.
Neither one of them lasted long after that. Nina's entire body seemed to open to him like a flower and he could hear her begging him to finish inside her.
”Going to come, sweetheart,” he sent through their link. ”Going to fill up your sweet little p.u.s.s.y with my c.u.m.”
”G.o.d, yes...please, Reddix! Yes!” She went wild under him, bucking and moaning, clawing at his back as her o.r.g.a.s.m spiraled out of control.
Reddix felt the echoes of her pleasure through their link and let it trigger his own release. With a hoa.r.s.e roar, he buried himself as deeply as he could, sinking his c.o.c.k to the root in her sweet, hot p.u.s.s.y and letting himself pulse into her, filling her with his c.u.m.
They seemed to cling together for a long, breathless time before the pleasure finally ebbed and he rolled off her, panting.
”That was...” He didn't have any words.
”Amazing.” Nina's voice was shaky. ”I never knew it could be so hot to be in control.”
”I never knew it could be so f.u.c.king hot to give up control,” Reddix admitted. ”Although we did kind of switch back there toward the end.”
”Did you mind?” Nina rolled over to face him. ”I was just getting so hot and bothered but I couldn't quite get where I needed to go. That thing felt good inside me but it just wasn't you.”
Reddix chuckled. ”Glad to hear I can't be so easily replaced.”
”Of course not.” She kissed his cheek. ”Never. But you didn't mind that I, uh, stopped in the middle?”
”Nah.” Reddix shook his head. ”I wouldn't mind finis.h.i.+ng the other way another time. But this...” Smiling he cupped her cheek in one hand and looked into her eyes. ”This was perfect.”
”I like that we can both give and receive without anybody feeling weird about it,” Nina said thoughtfully. ”Do you know how lucky we are?”
”We're blessed by the G.o.ddess. We always have been-even before we found our way back to each other.” Reddix stroked her cheek again. ”She can take any situation and turn it to her purposes.”
Nina sighed and a troubled look came over her face. ”I hope you're right. And I hope she's looking after Maggie right now. Wherever she is.”
Chapter Ten.
”Where in the world are we?” Maggie demanded, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings. One minute they had been walking through a fragrant pink mist so thick it was impossible to see a foot in front of your face, and now they appeared to be in the middle of a very strange forest. The trees were of varying shapes and sizes with leaves every color of the rainbow. Even stranger, was their bark, which appeared to be made of all kinds of different material. For instance, the tree closest to Maggie was a slender young sapling with bark that seemed to be made of pure white satin. In fact, it looked so soft and sleek she wanted to touch it.
Beside the first tree was a bigger, thicker one with bark made out of gold lamee. Past that one was a trunk with bark of purple spandex, then one with bark made of delicate lace, and a tiny tree with pale blue and pink bark that looked as soft as a baby's first blanket. They were so interesting and unusual Kat wanted to study them all, but she had an idea she might get kicked out of the spa if she took samples of what was clearly a rare botanical garden. So she had to content herself with looking and speculating on how in the world such trees had been bred and cultivated.
”I think this is the Dreaming Wood.” Kor frowned and looked around. ”My patroness never talked about this place much. She said she was too old to have many dreams left-she preferred the Remembrance Pool.”
”Okay, so we're in the wood.” Maggie sighed. ”Remind me again of why I had to put on this ridiculous outfit just to go for a walk in the trees?”
She tugged at the too-tight black cat-suit Kor had insisted that she wear. Then again, all the clothes she'd had to pick from were too tight because they belonged to the boney Lady Pope'nose.
”Because it allows for maximum sensation,” Kor said, his pale blue eyes flicking over her body. ”Besides, it suits you.”
”The top, maybe.” Maggie tugged at it again. The suit molded to her entire body, but at least it covered everything-which was more than she could say for most of what Lady Pope'nose had packed. She wasn't too thrilled that it couldn't be worn with undergarments, though-the black stretchy material hugged her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and outlined her nipples, making it more than clear she wasn't wearing a bra.
But the top of the suit wasn't nearly as embarra.s.sing as the bottom. It clung to her overly-large hips and a.s.s as though it had been painted on. Not only that, but it kept wanting to ride up between her legs, making it even more embarra.s.singly obvious that she had no panties on.
”The top is nice,” Kor agreed. ”But I like the bottom, too.” His eyes flickered over her again, straying to her behind and staying there.
”Stop it! Stop looking at me like that,” Maggie hissed, her cheeks getting hot. ”You promised not to laugh at anything I had to wear while we're here.”
”Who's laughing?” His pale blue eyes were half-lidded as he studied her. ”I mean it-the suit looks good on you, blondie. More than good.”
”You...I...” Maggie didn't know what to say. She wasn't used to getting compliments on her appearance. Donald almost never noticed anything about her, even when she tried something different with her hair or bought a new outfit. Not that she would ever buy something this outrageous to wear around him. She could almost hear him now, Take that off, Margaret! You look ridiculous!
But Kor wasn't looking at her as though he found her ridiculous. In fact, the way he was staring reminded Maggie of how she'd washed all the verium dust off his body and the feel of his hard muscles under her bare hands...
Stop it! she scolded herself. You're engaged, remember?
” what do we do?” she asked, trying to cover her confusion.
Kor shrugged. ”What the other mistresses are doing, I guess. Just watch and copy what they do.”
”Of course.” Maggie nodded. Now that he mentioned it, she saw that there were a few other women spread out among the trees, mostly dressed in the same kind of skin-tight outfit Maggie was wearing. They were wandering slowly through the forest, apparently communing with nature.
Maggie watched one in particular-a mistress with tall, white-blonde hair that had purple streaks like the Bride of Frankenstein. Every now and again, she would stop and caress one of the trunks with her fingertips, an expression of ecstasy overspreading her face. Her slave trailed behind her looking bored. Sometimes if the look on his mistress's face grew intense, he would tug her gently away from whatever trunk she had been touching and she would smile and nod and go on to the next tree.