Part 6 (1/2)

”So you had nothing to do with it?” Maggie asked sarcastically. ”Poor Kor, forced to have s.e.x with all kinds of beautiful woman. What a terrible time you must have had.”

Kor shook his head. ”I won't pretend it wasn't pleasant at times but sometimes I was sent a female I had no affinity for. That was mostly with the rich mistresses though, who wanted the thrill of sleeping with an arena champion.”

”Oh great-mistresses, virgins, was there anyone you didn't screw?”

”No,” Kor said harshly. ”Because I didn't have a choice. My master rented my stud services the same way he used me in the arena. I f.u.c.ked at his pleasure as I fought at his pleasure. I was a slave-I had no free will in the matter.”

Maggie shook her head, bewildered. ”But could you live like that?”

”I had no choice,” Kor said simply. ”It wasn't all bad so I lived with it.” He frowned. ”At least I didn't try to take revenge, like some of others.”

”Revenge? For being a slave?”

He nodded. ”Some of the other warriors in my master's stable were cruel to the females that were sent to them. They looked at the opportunity to breed as a way to pay back the pain we were dealt. They didn't dare get too rough with the rich mistresses but the slaves...sometimes they were brutal.”

”That's awful,” Maggie whispered.

”Worse than you think. There was one...” He frowned as though remembering and his big hands curled into fists at his sides.

”One who what?” Maggie prompted, curious despite herself.

”He had the cell next to mine and he always liked to brag that he broke in the females who were sent to him properly. I remember one little virgin slave girl-barely old enough to bleed.” He shook his head. ”It was f.u.c.king inhuman to try and get her with child at such a young age but her master wanted her to have a son with warrior's blood. So he...”

”He what?” Maggie leaned forward. ”What happened?”

”She was given to Raban-he went by 'Raban the Animal'-and for a d.a.m.n good reason.” His eyes flashed red. ”He hurt her...badly. All night long I heard her crying and begging through the window that connected Raban's cell to mine. I shouted at him to stop but he just laughed. b.a.s.t.a.r.d.” He took a deep breath. We were locked in so there was nothing I could do. I paced all night, listening to it. Her screaming. Him laughing. And I couldn't do a d.a.m.n thing.”

”That's awful!”

”More than you know.” Kor closed his eyes briefly and a look of pain pa.s.sed over his face. ”In the morning they let her out and I watched her limp away. She could barely walk and her face...” He shook his head. ”I could tell she was never going to look the same again. Raban f.u.c.king brutalized her.”

”Oh no,” Maggie breathed, feeling sick. ”Wasn't there anything anyone could do?”

”Not officially. The masters didn't care-the girl had been bred and she still lived, that was all that mattered to them-greedy b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.” Kor's deep voice was bitter. His eyes flashed red again. ”Unofficially though, during my next training session with Raban, my sickle knife somehow slipped.”

”Meaning what? What happened?” Maggie demanded.

”Meaning that my master was no longer able to collect a stud fee for Raban anymore. He had nothing left to stud with.” Kor grinned grimly. ”I was beaten severely for the 'accident' but it was well worth it as far as I was concerned.”

”I'm glad you did it,” Maggie said decisively. ”I'm glad you cut off his...his business. It sounds like he deserved it.”

”He did,” Kor said soberly. ”But even though I took revenge for her, nothing could undo that little slave girl's agony. No doubt she'll be frightened of males for the rest of her life.”

”Poor thing.” Maggie felt a lump in her throat. ”And what a terrible thing for you to have to hear when you couldn't do anything about it.”

”That was an extreme case, but unfortunately not that unusual around our stable. We lived and died, fought and f.u.c.ked all at my master's command.” A grim look came over his face. ”I will never be in that position again,” he swore softly. ”I am no one's f.u.c.king plaything and no master or mistress will ever control me again from now until I die.”

”I don't blame you for feeling that way,” Maggie said quietly. ”And I don't blame you for doing whatever you had to in order to get free.”

”Oh, I didn't kill my master to gain my freedom,” Kor said. ”I killed him for revenge. Some things...” He looked away, staring out the window which showed the blackness of s.p.a.ce speckled with stars. ”Some things can't be forgiven or forgotten.”

”Oh,” Maggie whispered. Would she ever understand this enigmatic man? ”But-”

”Mistress, we are now making orbit around Twidal,” the voice of their Sporran driver came over the speaker mounted in the ceiling. ”Touch down will be achieved very soon. I will strive for the softest landing possible.”

”Oh, uh, thank you,” Maggie said. But before the words even left her mouth, the hovercoach was descending toward a bluish-pink planet. It landed with a barely discernable the ride was over.

Maggie hastened to put back on her shoes.

Well, so much for understanding Kor. As soon as we get out of here I'm headed straight for the nearest phone or whatever they have that makes long distance calls so Ferna and Ratner can come get me. She wondered why the thought didn't make her happier. But a look at Kor showed he didn't seem to think their time together was done.

”Here we are,” he murmured, sitting up straighter and squaring his ma.s.sive shoulders. ”Follow my lead and remember to act the part. It's time to put on a show.”

Before Maggie could ask him exactly what he meant, he had stepped out of the hovercoach and was holding out a hand to her.

”Come, my lady,” he murmured. ”Your future awaits.”

Chapter Seven.

Maggie allowed Kor to take her hand and help her out of the cab though she clearly had no idea what he was talking about. Luckily for both of them, he did. For a time he'd had a wealthy elderly patron who came to him, simply because she wanted to talk. Kor couldn't understand why she was willing to pay his stud fee simply to pa.s.s the time but he had grown to enjoy her company and looked forward to her visits. One of the topics she talked about had been the elite society that attended the Lo'thian spa. From talking to her, Kor knew what was expected-even if Maggie didn't.

The hovercoach had brought them to the edge of the Grand Promenade, which was traditional. It was a long, white carpet which ran from the very front walkway of the Lo'thian spa to the reception desk where helpful and obsequious attendants waited to take the guest's name and escort them to their rooms. At the edges of the carpet, other spa guests loitered with their slaves. Kor also knew there were hidden recording devices implanted in the graceful white trees with black leaves which lined the carpet. This was so the other ladies who were making use of the spa facilities could watch the entrance later. It was vital to make a good first showing because it would be remembered and discussed for the entire duration of their visit.

”My Lady Pope'nose,” the Sporran burbled, coming around to bow to Maggie. ”It has been a pleasure serving you. Before I go, please forgive my ignorance but I believe your orders specified that you would need one of the spa's slaves to help you to the reception desk. Therefore one is waiting.” He nodded to their left where a burly slave with white-blond hair and chiseled features stood with his arms clasped loosely behind his back and his legs spread.

Probably to show off the size of his c.o.c.k, Kor thought and felt a growl rising in his throat. This idiot wasn't getting anywhere near his female-not if he had anything to say about it.

”Oh, well...” Maggie was clearly confused. ”Thank you, I guess,” she told the Sporran. ”But I don't know what help he can really be. I mean, unless he wants to carry the bags but-oh, the luggage was sent a long time ago, right? So I really don't know how-”

The spa slave came forward with a sneer. ”My Lady,” he began. ”I would be more than pleased to escort you to the reception desk if you find your own slave...” Here he eyed Kor up and down. ”Unacceptable.”

”My Lady needs no help from anyone but me.” Kor glared at the other male trying to horn in on his territory. A possessive rage swept through him, making his eyes feel hot with fury. It was the same way he felt when he fought in the arena. He'd be d.a.m.ned if he let another male lay a finger on Maggie, let alone escort her all the way to the reception desk.

Speaking of Maggie, she was tugging anxiously at his arm.

”Kor, no-your eyes,” she whispered when he looked down at her. She had a worried expression on her face as though she expected him to explode in rage, just as he had when he'd almost killed Lady Pope'nose.

Kor took a deep breath, fighting to control his fury, trying to calm himself. Slowly the burning in his eyes cooled and the red veil that had dropped over his vision cleared. But the damage was already done-at least as far as the other slave was concerned. He had been staring at Kor with growing apprehension and now he took an involuntary step back.

”My apologies,” he said quickly. ”I can see the lady has all the help she needs.”

”You're d.a.m.n right she does,” Kor growled. ”And you can spread it to the other males in this place as well-no one touches my lady but me.”

”Understood.” The slave bobbed his head quickly and scurried away, much to Kor's satisfaction.

Maggie watched the slave go, clearly confused by the whole episode.