Part 26 (1/2)

Caroline sat watching television, knees curled beneath her on the L-shaped couch. She picked up the television remote and clicked off the set as I walked over.

”What'd you bring?” she asked, rising.

”Ice cream and cookies. Your place looks great,” I said.

”Yeah, took me two days. I would have hired a Jiffy maid, but I would have been embarra.s.sed to let her see it. You use those guys, don't you?”

”Once in a while. Trevor doesn't like strangers in the house. I need to be there.”

”He thinks they'll steal something?”

”No, I think he's worried they'll break something, or scratch something.”

We settled onto the couch with our ice cream and cookies. Later, after second helpings and extra cups of coffee, I drew out the contract and pushed it toward Caroline.

”What's this?” she asked.

”My contract.”

”Ooo, I want to see.” She s.n.a.t.c.hed the paper from my hand and began to peruse it.

”I didn't tell her everything,” I said. ”She knew right away I was hiding something. I suppose I'll have to fill her in eventually.”

”Why didn't you? What are you afraid of?”

”Everything. G.o.d, Care, what if it is Trevor? What if he had something to do with Kelly's death? It sounds so bizarre to even say it, but what if he did? Maybe I don't know him at all.”

”Good reason to find out then, right?”

”Yes. I'll call her. I'll tell her everything I know.”

”Investigative Agreement.”


”That's what this contract is called. Yep, and it says right here, *you agree to provide accurate information as a basis for this investigation ...' And here's a big one, all capital letters, bold print ... says they don't have to promise or guarantee the outcome of the case. Well, that sucks.”

”I know. I read it. And she implied as much.”

”But Nate did say she was good. And I don't think he'd vouch for her unless she was. I wonder what she'll do? You'll have to tell me everything. Unless-you don't want to.”

”I'll let you in on it.”

”She didn't trust me, did she?” Caroline handed the contract back to me.

”No, it wasn't like that. She doesn't know you.”

A pen lay on Caroline's coffee table. I reached for it, then signed my name on the dotted line. ”Can I use your phone? Guess I might as well get this thing started.”

Chapter 18.

”Okay, sounds like you want the deluxe package with all the” Sue held a clipboard and took notes as I walked her through the house. She was wearing jeans and a baggy sweats.h.i.+rt, and outside the sign on her van read Cybernetics, computer installation and repair. She'd dropped the southern accent, along with the blonde hair, replaced by a cropped brown wig with razor straight bangs. Her light blue eyes had vanished too, now brown with thick black lashes-the result of contact lenses and mascara, I presumed. No tan either. It was hard to tell she was the same person. She'd warned me not to be surprised.

”I have a small crew I work with,” she said. ”They'll be by tomorrow. Did you tell your husband what I asked you to?”

”Yes, that I'm having trouble with the Mac, and I might want another computer, and maybe we should get a new one for his office too.”

”And how did he react to that?”

”Very hesitant, then a definite no-at least for now, he said.”

”I expected that.”

I could swear her voice had dropped an octave too, and was more matter-of-fact, like the part she was playing-computer repair geek.

”And you told him we're coming the day after tomorrow, not tomorrow, right?”



We walked into Trevor's office. ”How much time does he spend in here?” she asked.

”Quite a bit. He'll go in after dinner, sometimes as soon as he gets home. It depends on what's going on at work.”

”So, he works a lot?”


”Gets home late most weekdays?”


I glanced over at her. She was taping our conversation-so she didn't miss anything-was how she'd put it. I'd given permission, still, it made me nervous. It wouldn't look good if she caught me in a lie later on. I'd been straight with her so far. I'd also shown her Kelly's letter, related my fears about Wolfgang and Trevor, and my serious doubts of any guilt on Josh's part. I'd told her about Sylvia too, and my suspicions. Sue had asked me for videos taken at family gatherings, especially any of Kelly. She'd also asked me lots of questions, some of which I had to admit seemed pure nosiness.

”We'll bug your husband's office, and I'll put microphones and cameras near all the house phones too.”

”Near the phones? Can't you bug the phones themselves?”