Part 31 (1/2)
”Oh, I don't think you'll run into any fighting,” answered William Jarvey. ”But, of course, a good many of those greasers are very treacherous and there is no telling what they will do. They shoot down and rob anybody they meet in their own country, and then, when there is nothing in sight on that side of the river, they watch their chance and come over on this side. Of course, United States soldiers are on the lookout for them; so they don't dare to make their raids very public.”
It developed that William Jarvey had been sent up to Denison on business for the construction company. He carried with him a heavy valise, and also a large roll of blue-prints.
”I should have been back to San Antonio yesterday,” he exclaimed. ”But I was delayed in Denison. I suppose Perry Watson will be as mad as a hornet when I get back because I didn't make it as quick as he expected. He expects an awful lot from those working under him.”
To this neither of the youths replied. They had noticed that William Jarvey smoked a great deal and that his breath smelled strongly of liquor, and they concluded that he was not a man who would be likely to kill himself with overwork.
”From what Jarvey has told us of Mr. Watson I am inclined to think the superintendent is a hustling sort of fellow,” remarked Dave, when he and Roger were left alone. ”And, being that kind of man, he probably can't stand for a fellow who wants to loaf around and drink and smoke.”
”I guess you've sized it up about right, Dave,” answered the senator's son. ”In these days the watchword seems to be 'keep moving'; and a fellow has got to 'get there' if he wants to hold down his job.”
At last the train rolled into the city of San Antonio. Before this place was reached William Jarvey had met a number of other men who had boarded the train at a station some miles away; and he was so interested in what the newcomers had to tell him that he seemed to forget completely the presence of Dave and Roger.
”And I'd just as lief he would forget us,” said our hero to his chum.
”I'd rather go to Mr. Watson alone than have that man introduce us.”
”Exactly the way I feel about it,” returned the senator's son. ”Come on, let's see if we can't slip away from him through the crowd.” This they did easily, and soon found themselves walking along one of the quaint streets of San Antonio bound for the building in which the Mentor Construction Company had its temporary offices.
Contrary to what William Jarvey had told them, they found Mr. Perry Watson a very pleasant man with whom to deal. There was little of nonsense about him, and he lost no time in finding out who the youths were and for what they had come. But his manner was courteous, and he made both Dave and Roger feel thoroughly at home.
”I know Mr. Ramsdell very well. He's a fine fellow,” said the superintendent of the construction company. ”I had a personal letter from him in regard to you, and I'm going to put you out under one of the best men we have down here in Texas, Mr. Ralph Obray, who is now working on the construction of the new Catalco bridge to the west of this place. He is expecting some new helpers, and he asked me to send him the two best fellows I could find, so I am going to send you,” and Mr. Watson smiled slightly.
”Thank you very much, Mr. Watson,” answered Dave.
”Oh, you don't have to thank me, Porter,” returned the superintendent, quickly. ”You just go out and make good. That is all this company asks of any one it employs.”
”When do you want us to start, Mr. Watson?” questioned Roger.
”You can suit yourselves about that, although the sooner you report to Mr. Obray the better I think he'll be pleased.”
The superintendent walked to a back door of his office and called to some one without.
”I'll turn you over to one of our clerks and he will give you all the details regarding your positions,” he explained.
The clerk proved to be a young man only a few years older than Dave and Roger, and the youths took to him at once. He explained in detail where they were to go and what the construction camp located near the new Catalco bridge consisted of, and also told them what their work would probably be for the first few months.
”Of course, you've got to start at the bottom of the ladder,” he explained. ”But you'll find Mr. Obray a splendid man to be under, and you'll probably learn more under him than you would under any of our other head engineers.”
”In that case I'm mighty glad Mr. Watson a.s.signed us to Mr. Obray's gang,” answered Dave.
It was arranged that Dave and his chum should start westward early the following morning. This would give them a part of an afternoon and an evening in San Antonio in which to look around and take in the sights of that quaint town.
During the conversation with Mr. Watson and the clerk, Dave had been rather surprised because William Jarvey had not shown himself, because on the train he had said he was behindhand; and they had naturally supposed he would come to the offices without delay. Just as they were preparing to leave they heard an angry discussion going on in Mr. Watson's private office, and they heard the voices of the superintendent and the man they had met on the train.
”I gave you strict orders to come right back, Jarvey,” they heard Mr.
Watson say. ”You knew we were waiting for those blue-prints.”