Part 11 (1/2)

You, and your Priests, they would turn out to Graze, Nor would they let you smell a Sacrifize, Those pious Offerings which Priests lasie made, To Rebels, should, instead of G.o.d be paid.

How to the Prey these factious _Jews_ do run!

From you by art they have debauch'd your Son; That little subtle Instrument of h.e.l.l, Worse than to _David_ was _Achitophel_, The young Man tutors, sends him through the Land, That he the peoples minds may understand; That he, with winning Charms, might court the _Jew_, And draw your fickle Subjects hearts from you.

Alas! already they of you Complain.

And are grown sick of your too peaceful Reign, Their l.u.s.ts grown high, they are debauch'd with Grace, And like unfrozen Snakes fly in your Face.

These men who now pretend to give you Law, Stood of the Tyrant _Zabed_'s power in awe; He made them crouch who scorn'd a Prince's sway, And forc'd them, like dull slaves, his power obey.

Of _Israel_, and of _Juda_'s Tribe you spring, A Lion is the Ensign of a King, Rouse up your self, in mildness sleep no more, And make them tremble at your princely roar: Appear like _Jove_ with Thunder in your hand, And let the Slaves your power understand; Strike but the sinning Princes Down to h.e.l.l, The rest will wors.h.i.+p you, and ne'r rebel.

Thus these rash Men with their bad Counsels strove, To turn to hate good _Amazia_'s Love.

A Prince to Mercy naturally inclin'd, } Not apt to fear, nor of a Jealous Mind, } Thought no Man e'r against his Life design'd, } But these with Art did dangers represent, And Plots they fram'd the People never meant.

Each Mole hill they a Mountain did create, And sought to fright him with his Fathers Fate.

_Hushai_ at last was to a Prison sent, As a false Traitor to the Government.

Loud murmurs then possest the troubled _Jews_, Who were surprised at the fatal News; His Wisdom they believed their chief support, Against the evil Instruments at Court; Nor, by his Actions, did they ever find, He bore a Trait'rous, or a factious Mind: And now they thought themselves expos'd to all The Arts, and Plots of the hid friends to _Baal_.

Troubled, and discontented, at the last, Their Eyes upon the n.o.ble Prince they cast.

Who fearing lest their discontent and rage, Should them, to some rebellious Crime ingage, Both for his Fathers, and his Countries sake, The murmuring People sought more calm to make.

With a sweet Air, and with a graceful look, He did command their silence, e'er he spoke.

Then thus he said, and though his words were few, They fell like Manna, or the Hony Dew;

My Country-men, Let not your discontent Draw you to actions you will soon repent, What e'er your fears and jealousies may be, Let them not break the bonds of Loyalty.

I dare, and you may too, my Father trust, For he's so merciful, so good, so just, That he of no mans Life will make a Prey, Or take it in an Arbitrary way, To Heav'n, and to the King submit your cause, Who never will infringe your ancient Laws; But if he should an evil Action do, To run to Arms, 'tis no pretence for you.

The King is Judge of what is just and fit, And if he judge amiss you must submit, Tho griev'd you must your constant duty pay, And your Redress seek in a lawful way.

_Hushai_ tho he of Treason be accus'd, Such loyal precepts in my soul infus'd, That I the hazard of my life will run, Rather than prove my self a Rebel Son.

Our Foes, have sought to' infect my Father's mind, To think, you to Rebellion are inclin'd: To stir you to Rebellion is their aim, And they are mad, to see you justly tame.

Upon your Heads, they fain would lay their sin, 'Tis War they seek, but would have you begin: Pretence they want, who for the King do seem, To bring in, and set up _Eliakim_.

I am afraid the _Baalites_ cursed Plot, By many laught at, and by most forgot, Is carried on still, in their hidden Mine, I fear, but dare not, the event, divine.

May Heav'n defend my Father's Life, and late, Full ripe with Age, in peace, may he'yield to Fate.

I know, my Friends, for Him's your chiefest Care, For him, as much as for your selves, you fear, Upon his Life our happiness depends, With it the peace of all _Judea_ ends, Be vigilant, your foes Designs prevent, Let not loud murmures shew your discontent: Your Loyal Duty to your Soveraign pay, Your Griefs present him in a Lawful way: Be not too anxious for our common Friend, G.o.d, and his Innocence will him defend: Sit down in quiet, murmure not, but pray, Submit to Heaven, your King, and Laws obey.

Youth, Beauty, and the Grace wherewith he spoke, The Eyes, Ears, Hearts, of all the people took, Their murmures then to joyful shouts were turn'd, And they rejoyc'd, who lately murmuring mourn'd: With Loyalty he did their b.r.e.a.s.t.s inflame, And they with shouts blest _Azaria_'s name.

The joyful Cry th'row all the City flew, G.o.d save the King, and _Azaria_ too.

To him the Princes, his best Friends resort, Resolv'd as Suppliants, to repair to Court; In humble wise, to shew the King their Grief, And on their bended Knees to seek Relief.