Part 12 (1/2)
I am engaged--to a girl back home--here is her picture (he draws a photograph from his inner breast pocket and shows it to the Professor's Son.)
The Professor's Son--She is beautiful, Sir.
The Lieutenant--(Putting the photograph back in his pocket)--Yes very beautiful. And (dropping his eyes)--I love her. If--if I should ”go west” I want you to write her and tell her that my last thoughts were of my country and--her. We are to be married--after the war--if (suddenly clearing his throat). Her name is Ellen Radcliff--here, I'll write the address down for you.
He does so, and hands the slip of paper to the Professor's Son, who discreetly turns away.
The Lieutenant--(Brusquely)--That's all, Keating.
A bugle sounds.
The Lieutenant--Attention men! At the next bugle call you go over the top--remember that you are Americans and that Americans know how to fight and die in the cause of liberty and for the freedom of the world.
The Three Soldiers--We are ready to make the supreme sacrifice if need be.
The bugle sounds.
The Lieutenant--(Climbing up the ladder to the top of the trench)--Follow me, men--
The Three Soldiers--(Climbing up after him)--Lafayette--we come, though poppies bloom in Flanders field.
They go ”over the top”.
A section of a Hun trench a minute later. Two Hun soldiers are conversing together; another Hun is reading a copy of Nietzsche.
First Hun Soldier--And then we cut the hands off all the little children--oh it was wonderful.
Second Hun Soldier--I wish I had been there.
A Hun Lieutenant rushes in.
The Hun Lieutenant--(Kicking the three men and brandis.h.i.+ng his revolver)--Swine--wake up--here come the Americans.
The three spring to their feet and seize their guns. At the top of the trench appears the American lieutenant, closely followed by the three soldiers.
The American Lieutenant--(Coolly)--We come to avenge the sinking of the Lusitania.
The Hun Lieutenant--Hoch der Kaiser! Might is stronger than right!
He treacherously tries to shoot the American but the Professor's Son disarms him with his bayonet. The three Hun soldiers offer a show of resistance.
The Streetcleaner's Son--(To first Hun soldier)--Your hands are unclean with the murder of innocent women and children.
First Hun Soldier--(Dropping his gun)--Kamerad!
The p.a.w.nbroker's Son--(To the other Hun soldiers)--Prussianism has destroyed the Germany of Bach and Beethoven and you fellows know it, too.
Second and third Hun Soldiers--(Dropping their guns)--Kamerad!