Part 18 (1/2)
A wrongdoing involving her walk? Nay, that could not be.
”It must be the chain mail I am wearing,” she explained, still blus.h.i.+ng profusely.
”Chain mail? Why are you wearing chain mail?” he asked, alarm ringing in his voice.
”I am off to check our borders with my men. Some Danish outlaws have been pillaging the area.”
”Is it dangerous?”
”Of course it's dangerous.”
”Don't go,” he urged before he could bite his hasty tongue.
”Don't go? Are you demented? I must go. It is my job as chieftain to lead my soldiers. How could you
think otherwise?” ”I don't know.” He just knew that he wanted her safe. He did not want to picture her lying on the ground covered with blood. He wanted her close by so that he could help her, if necessary. He wanted her... well, suffice it to say, he wanted her.
”What is that look you are giving me?”
”A look? What look?” He tried to recall what expression might have been on his face.
”A hot look.”
He smiled then, especially when he remembered that Tykir and Bolthor and Rafh and Ras.h.i.+d had advised him to give Tyra just that-hot looks.
She was scowling at him, waiting for an answer.
Well, a h.e.l.l of a lot of good their advice had done. Hot looks, indeed!
”Methinks I will go with you,” he announced, again without thinking.
”You... will... not. Besides, what about the people who come to you for your services?”
”They can wait. Father Efirid is here... and Ras.h.i.+d.”
”And my father?”
”He is getting better by the hour.Surprisingly better.”
”You are not coming with me.”
”I just want to protect you.” Another hasty, blurted mistake, he realized immediately.
Now her scowling face was replaced with an angry face. ”Dost question my competence, Saxon?”
”That is not what I meant.” He stood and walked toward her.
”I know what this is about. You think because I showed a woman's weakness last night that suddenly I am less of a warrior. Well, think again.” She was backing away from him as he approached. Putting up a hand, she said, ”Don't come any closer. No more of your seduction ploys will you use on me.”
”Ploys? What ploys?” Now he was offended. ”Go! Go play your man-role, if you must. But do not dare get yourself killed, my lady, because... because...” He was so furious, he could not complete his sentence.
She tilted her head in question, and when he refused to finish, she turned and walked stiffly toward the groups of men and horses waiting for her. He noticed that there was not even the tiniest bit of sway to her walk now.d.a.m.n it .
Too late, he completed his sentence, but only to himself: ”... because I care.”
The news was not good.
When Tyra and her troops arrived at the small outpost village of f.a.grfjord, the Danish outlaws had already come and gone. Apparently, news of her father's impending death had spread to their enemy camps, and the scurvy lot, led by Ejnar the Evil, had attacked, sensing an opportunity. They'd burned some timber longhouses, stolen cattle and sheep, taken a few women and children who were unable to run to the mountains, and killed a half dozen fighting men.
”Unless my father awakens soon and begins to show his face in public, this will be the first of many such strikes, and not just by Ejnar, either,” Tyra told Rafn. ”Every malcontent from here to Birka will be on the move, sniffing out any weakness in our flanks.”
”You are correct, of course,” Rafn said. ”But we caught this raid early on. Now that we are forewarned, we will send reinforcements to man all of our vulnerable border lines. And, my lady, do not be fearful about your father's return to leaders.h.i.+p. Iknow that he will recover and resume his overlords.h.i.+p of his land and his troops.”
”Is there something you know and have not told me?” she asked, suddenly alert to the tone of his voice.
He shook his head quickly... too quickly... but Tyra had no time to ponder that now.
”Are you not concerned about Dragonstead?” Tyra asked Tykir, who had ridden along with them.
”Nay. Not really. I left two hundred soldiers back on my estate. The likes of Ejnar only attack where they sense weakness.”
While Rafn and a small troop rode out in search of the culprits, she and Tykir and the other men-at-arms spent the next few hours putting out fires, setting up guards, feeding the poor cotters who had been under siege for more than a day, and tending to the wounded... some of whom would have to be brought back to Stoneheim for more expert ministrations.
It was late that night when they rode slowly back to Stoneheim, exhausted and somber of mood. f.a.grfjord would be safe for now, but there was much to ponder regarding Stoneheim and its vast holdings. Ironically, outlaw Nors.e.m.e.n had no interest in the land itself, not this far north, because it was wild and much too difficult to cultivate, especially for lazy sluggards such as these malcontents. They were more interested in treasure, or animals, or people to trade into slavery, all of which Stoneheim had aplenty.
There was a full moon out tonight, and when the long line of her retinue made its way home, over the drawbridge and into the courtyard, she saw one thing clearly.
He was waiting for her.
It was close to midnight when Tyra's troop returned to Stoneheim.
Adam had been standing near the gate for more than three hours. He wasn't sure if he was more worried or angry.
There were wounded, he noticed, slung over saddles or lying in quickly constructed pole litters which trailed behind the horses. None of the men appeared to be Stoneheim warriors, as far as he could tell. More work for him, though, he presumed.
But where was Tyra? His heart beat frantically with panic. Was she left behind, too wounded to be moved? Or dead?
Please, G.o.d, not again!
Just then the line of troops parted and Tyra rode forward through the ranks. Tears of relief misted his eyes.
I should not care so much, he told himself. Then,Thank you, G.o.d .
When she started to dismount, her knees gave way- no doubt from the exhaustion of the long day-but he was there to catch her in his arms.
”Are you all right?” he whispered against her ear, still holding her upright in his arms. ”Have you been hurt?”