Part 487 (1/2)

Then speaks the other, moved by fear: ”This ring to me is far most dear Of all this isle within it knows-- I to the furies pledge it now, If they will happiness allow”-- And in the flood the gem he throws.

And with the morrow's earliest light, Appeared before the monarch's sight A fisherman, all joyously; ”Lord, I this fish just now have caught, No net before e'er held the sort; And as a gift I bring it thee.”

The fish was opened by the cook, Who suddenly, with wondering look, Runs up, and utters these glad sounds: ”Within the fish's maw, behold, I've found, great lord, thy ring of gold!

Thy fortune truly knows no bounds!”

The guest with terror turned away: ”I cannot here, then, longer stay,-- My friend thou canst no longer be!

The G.o.ds have willed that thou shouldst die: Lest I, too, perish, I must fly”-- He spoke,--and sailed thence hastily.



Once to the song and chariot-fight, Where all the tribes of Greece unite On Corinth's isthmus joyously, The G.o.d-loved Ibycus drew nigh.

On him Apollo had bestowed The gift of song and strains inspired; So, with light staff, he took his road From Rhegium, by the G.o.dhead fired.

Acrocorinth, on mountain high, Now burns upon the wanderer's eye, And he begins, with pious dread, Poseidon's grove of firs to tread.

Naught moves around him, save a swarm Of cranes, who guide him on his way; Who from far southern regions warm Have hither come in squadron gray.

”Thou friendly band, all hail to thee!

Who led'st me safely o'er the sea!

I deem thee as a favoring sign,-- My destiny resembles thine.

Both come from a far distant coast, Both pray for some kind sheltering place;-- Propitious toward us be the host Who from the stranger wards disgrace!”

And on he hastes, in joyous wood, And reaches soon the middle wood When, on a narrow bridge, by force Two murderers sudden bar his course.

He must prepare him for the fray, But soon his wearied hand sinks low; Inured the gentle lyre to play, It ne'er has strung the deadly bow.

On G.o.ds and men for aid he cries,-- No savior to his prayer replies; However far his voice he sends, Naught living to his cry attends.

”And must I in a foreign land, Unwept, deserted, perish here, Falling beneath a murderous hand, Where no avenger can appear?”

Deep-wounded, down he sinks at last, When, lo! the cranes' wings rustle past.

He hears,--though he no more can see,-- Their voices screaming fearfully.

”By you, ye cranes, that soar on high, If not another voice is heard, Be borne to heaven my murder-cry!”

He speaks, and dies, too, with the word.

The naked corpse, ere long, is found, And, though defaced by many a wound, His host in Corinth soon could tell The features that he loved so well.

”And is it thus I find thee now, Who hoped the pine's victorious crown To place upon the singer's brow, Illumined by his bright renown?”

The news is heard with grief by all Met at Poseidon's festival; All Greece is conscious of the smart, He leaves a void in every heart; And to the Prytanis [33] swift hie The people, and they urge him on The dead man's manes to pacify And with the murderer's blood atone.

But where's the trace that from the throng The people's streaming crowds among, Allured there by the sports so bright, Can bring the villain back to light?

By craven robbers was he slain?

Or by some envious hidden foe?

That Helios only can explain, Whose rays illume all things below.

Perchance, with shameless step and proud, He threads e'en now the Grecian crowd-- Whilst vengeance follows in pursuit, Gloats over his transgression's fruit.

The very G.o.ds perchance he braves Upon the threshold of their fane,-- Joins boldly in the human waves That haste yon theatre to gain.

For there the Grecian tribes appear, Fast pouring in from far and near; On close-packed benches sit they there,-- The stage the weight can scarcely bear.