Part 392 (1/2)

What strange infatuation. Give it me.

[s.n.a.t.c.hes the paper from him, and exit with it.


What would you? Hold? You will be my destruction.



The Scene the same as in the First Act.

HANNAH KENNEDY in deep mourning, her eyes still red from weeping, in great but quiet anguish, is employed in sealing letters and parcels. Her sorrow often interrupts her occupation, and she is seen at such intervals to pray in silence. PAULET and DRURY, also in mourning, enter, followed by many servants, who bear golden and silver vessels, mirrors, paintings, and other valuables, and fill the back part of the stage with them. PAULET delivers to the NURSE a box of jewels and a paper, and seems to inform her by signs that it contains the inventory of the effects the QUEEN had brought with her. At the sight of these riches, the anguish of the NURSE is renewed; she sinks into a deep, glowing melancholy, during which DRURY, PAULET, and the servants silently retire.

MELVIL enters.

KENNEDY (screams aloud as soon as she observes him).

Melvil! Is it you? Behold I you again?


Yes, faithful Kennedy, we meet once more.


After this long, long, painful separation!


A most unhappy, bitter meeting this!


You come----


To take an everlasting leave Of my dear queen--to bid a last farewell!


And now at length, now on the fatal morn Which brings her death, they grant our royal lady The presence of her friends. Oh, worthy sir, I will not question you, how you have fared, Nor tell you all the sufferings we've endured, Since you were torn away from us: alas!

There will be time enough for that hereafter.

O, Melvil, Melvil, why was it our fate To see the dawn of this unhappy day?


Let us not melt each other with our grief.

Throughout my whole remaining life, as long As ever it may be, I'll sit and weep; A smile shall never more light up these cheeks, Ne'er will I lay this sable garb aside, But lead henceforth a life of endless mourning.

Yet on this last sad day I will be firm; Pledge me your word to moderate your grief; And when the rest of comfort all bereft, Abandoned to despair, wail round her, we Will lead her with heroic resolution, And be her staff upon the road to death!


Melvil! You are deceived if you suppose The queen has need of our support to meet Her death with firmness. She it is, my friend, Who will exhibit the undaunted heart.

Oh! trust me, Mary Stuart will expire As best becomes a heroine and queen!