Part 335 (1/2)
[ALVA withdraws. He is still seen for some time lingering in the court and giving orders to the guards.
CARLOS (after the departure of the DUKE, full of expectation and astonishment, to the MARQUIS).
What means all this? Inform me, Roderigo-- Art thou not, then, the minister?
I was, As thou canst well perceive---- [Going to him with great emotion.
O Carlos! Now
I have succeeded--yes--it is accomplished-- 'Tis over now--Omnipotence be praised, To whom I owe success.
Success! What mean you?
Thy words perplex me.
MARQUIS (takes his hand).
Carlos! thou art saved-- Art free--but I---- [He stops short.
But thou----
Thus to my breast I press thee now, with friends.h.i.+p's fullest right, A right I've bought with all I hold most dear.
How great, how lovely, Carlos, is this moment Of self-approving joy?
What sudden change I mark upon thy features! Proudly now Thy bosom heaves, thine eyes dart vivid fire!
We must say farewell, Carlos! Tremble 'not, But be a man! And what thou more shalt hear, Promise me, not by unavailing sorrow, Unworthy of great souls, to aggravate The pangs of parting. I am lost to thee, Carlos, for many years--fools say forever.
[CARLOS withdraws his hand, but makes no reply.
Be thou a man: I've reckoned much on thee-- I have not even shunned to pa.s.s with thee This awful hour--which men, in words of fear, Have termed the final one. I own it, Carlos, I joy to pa.s.s it thus. Come let us sit-- I feel myself grown weary and exhausted.
[He approaches CARLOS, who is in a lifeless stupor, and allows himself to be involuntarily drawn down by him.
Where art thou? No reply! I must be brief.
Upon the day that followed our last meeting At the Carthusian monastery the king Called me before him. What ensued thou knowest, And all Madrid. Thou hast not heard, however, Thy secret even then had reached his ears-- That letters in the queen's possession found Had testified against thee. This I learned From his own lips--I was his confidant.
[He pauses for CARLOS' answer, but he still remains silent.
Yes, Carlos, with my lips I broke my faith-- Guided the plot myself that worked thy ruin.
Thy deed spoke trumpet-tongued; to clear thee fully 'Twas now too late: to frustrate his revenge Was all that now remained for me; and so I made myself thy enemy to-serve thee With fuller power--dost thou not hear me, Carlos,
Go on! go on! I hear thee.