Part 307 (1/2)

And the king's undisturbed tranquillity Is, in itself, sufficient to destroy The rumors set on foot by calumny.


What! Rumors! and of me! among my subjects!


All falsehood, sire! Naught but the vilest falsehood!

I'll swear 'tis false! Yet what's believed by all, Groundless and unconfirmed although it be, Works its effect, as sure as truth itself.


Not in this case, by heaven!


A virtuous name Is, after all, my liege, the only prize Which queens and peasants' wives contest together.


For which I surely have no need to tremble.

[He looks doubtingly at DOMINGO. After a pause.

Priest, thou hast something fearful to impart.

Delay it not. I read it plainly stamped In thy ill-boding looks. Then out with it, Whate'er it be. Let me no longer tremble Upon the rack. What do the people say?


The people, sire, are liable to err, Nay err a.s.suredly. What people think Should not alarm the king. Yet that they should Presume so far as to indulge such thoughts----


Why must I beg this poisonous draught so long?


The people often muse upon that month Which brought your majesty so near the grave, From that time, thirty weeks had scarce elapsed, Before the queen's delivery was announced.

[The KING rises and rings the bell. DUKE ALVA enters. DOMINGO alarmed.

I am amazed, your majesty!

KING (going towards ALVA).


You are a man--defend me from this priest!

DOMINGO (he and DUKE ALVA exchange embarra.s.sed looks. After a pause).

Could we have but foreseen that this occurrence Would be avenged upon its mere relater.


Said you a b.a.s.t.a.r.d? I had scarce, you say, Escaped the pangs of death when first she felt She should, in nature's time, become a mother.

Explain how this occurred! 'Twas then, if I Remember right, that you, in every church, Ordered devotions to St. Dominick, For the especial wonder he vouchsafed.

On one side or the other, then, you lie!

What would you have me credit? Oh, I see Full plainly through you now! If this dark plot Had then been ripe your saint had lost his fame.


This plot?