Part 288 (1/2)


Or tried to make him one? I scarce can love Those sons who choose more wisely than their fathers.


And can Duke Alva's knightly spirit brook To look on such a scene? Now, as I live, I would not play the busy meddler's part, Who thrusts himself, unasked, 'twixt sire and son, And there intrudes without a blush, condemned By his own conscious insignificance, No, not, by heaven, to win a diadem!

KING (rising, with an angry look at the Prince).

Retire, my lord!

[ALVA goes to the door, through which CARLOS had entered, the KING points to the other.

No, to the cabinet, Until I call you.



CARLOS (as soon as the DUKE has left the apartment, advances to the KING, throws himself at his feet, and then, with great emotion).

My father once again!

Thanks, endless thanks, for this unwonted favor!

Your hand, my father! O delightful day!

The rapture of this kiss has long been strange To your poor Carlos. Wherefore have I been Shut from my father's heart? What have I done?


Carlos, thou art a novice in these arts-- Forbear, I like them not----

CARLOS (rising).

And is it so?

I hear your courtiers in those words, my father!

All is not well, by heaven, all is not true, That a priest says, and a priest's creatures plot.

I am not wicked, father; ardent blood Is all my failing;--all my crime is youth;-- Wicked I am not--no, in truth, not wicked;-- Though many an impulse wild a.s.sails my heart, Yet is it still untainted.


Ay, 'tis pure-- I know it--like thy prayers----


Now, then, or never!

We are, for once, alone--the barrier Of courtly form, that severed sire and son Has fallen! Now a golden ray of hope Illumes my soul--a sweet presentment Pervades my heart--and heaven itself inclines, With choirs of joyous angels, to the earth, And full of soft emotion, the thrice blest Looks down upon this great, this glorious scene!

Pardon, my father!

[He falls on his knees before him.


Rise, and leave me.



KING (tearing himself from him).

This trifling grows too bold.