Part 248 (1/2)
No other course is left us. Now, advise What plan most likely to insure success.
To shake a thraldom off that we abhor, To keep our ancient rights inviolate, As we received them from our forefathers--this, Not lawless innovation, is our aim.
Let Caesar still retain what is his due; And he that is a va.s.sal let him pay The service he is sworn to faithfully.
I hold my land of Austria in fief.
Continue, then, to pay your feudal service.
I'm tenant of the lords of Rappersweil.
Continue, then, to pay them rent and t.i.the.
Of Zurich's lady, I'm the humble va.s.sal.
Give to the cloister what the cloister claims.
The empire only is my feudal lord.
What needs must be, we'll do, but nothing further.
We'll drive these tyrants and their minions hence, And raze their towering strongholds to the ground, Yet shed, if possible, no drop of blood.
Let the emperor see that we were driven to cast The sacred duties of respect away; And when he finds we keep within our bounds, His wrath, belike, may yield to policy; For truly is that nation to be feared, That, when in arms, is temperate in its wrath.
But, prithee, tell us how may this be done?
The enemy is armed as well as we, And, rest a.s.sured, he will not yield in peace.
He will, whene'er he sees us up in arms; We shall surprise him, ere he is prepared.
'Tis easily said, but not so easily done.
Two fortresses of strength command the country.
They s.h.i.+eld the foe, and should the king invade us, The task would then be dangerous indeed.
Rossberg and Sarnen both must be secured, Before a sword is drawn in either Canton.
Should we delay, the foe will soon be warned; We are too numerous for secrecy.
There is no traitor in the Forest States.