Part 239 (1/2)
Nay, even the weak grow strong by union.
But the strong man is the strongest when alone.
Your country, then, cannot rely on you If in despair she rise against her foes.
Tell rescues the lost sheep from yawning gulfs: Is he a man, then, to desert his friends?
Yet, whatsoe'er you do, spare me from council!
I was not born to ponder and select; But when your course of action is resolved, Then call on Tell; you shall not find him fail.
[Exeunt severally. A sudden tumult is heard around the scaffolding.
MASTER MASON (running in).
What's wrong?
FIRST WORKMAN (running forward).
The slater's fallen from the roof.
BERTHA (rus.h.i.+ng in).
Is he dashed to pieces? Run--save him, help!
If help be possible, save him! Here is gold.
[Throws her trinkets among the people.
Hence with your gold,--your universal charm, And remedy for ill! When you have torn Fathers from children, husbands from their wives, And scattered woe and wail throughout the land, You think with gold to compensate for all.
Hence! Till we saw you we were happy men; With you came misery and dark despair.
BERTHA (to the TASKMASTER, who has returned).
Lives he?
[TASKMASTER shakes his head.
Ill-fated towers, with curses built, And doomed with curses to be tenanted!
The House of WALTER FURST.
WALTER FURST and ARNOLD VON MELCHTHAL enter simultaneously at different sides.
Good Walter Furst.
If we should be surprised!
Stay where you are. We are beset with spies.