Part 228 (1/2)
He shall not peris.h.!.+ Not through you! The heaven Refuses your arm. See--'tis wounded!
There is no need of my arm.
The most guilty Have perished, and enough is given to justice.
[The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER advances from the gallery with his finger on his mouth commanding silence.
He sleeps! Oh, murder not the holy sleep!
No! he shall die awake.
[Is going.
His heart still cleaves To earthly things: he's not prepared to step Into the presence of his G.o.d!
BUTLER (going).
G.o.d's merciful!
GORDON (holds him).
Grant him but this night's respite.
BUTLER (hurrying of).
The next moment May ruin all.
GORDON (holds him still).
One hour!
Unhold me! What Can that short respite profit him?
Oh, time Works miracles. In one hour many thousands Of grains of sand run out; and quick as they Thought follows thought within the human soul.
Only one hour! Your heart may change its purpose, His heart may change its purpose--some new tidings May come; some fortunate event, decisive, May fall from heaven and rescue him. Oh, what May not one hour achieve!
You but remind me How precious every minute is!
[He stamps on the floor.
To these enter MACDONALD and DEVEREUX, with the HALBERDIERS.
GORDON (throwing himself between him and them).