Part 192 (1/2)

OCTAVIO (advances to him).

I am going off, my son.

[Receiving no answer, he takes his hands My son, farewell.




Thou wilt soon follow me?


I follow thee?

Thy way is crooked--it is not my way.

[OCTAVIO drops his hand and starts back.

Oh, hadst thou been but simple and sincere, Ne'er had it come to this--all had stood otherwise.

He had not done that foul and horrible deed, The virtuous had retained their influence over him He had not fallen into the snares of villains.

Wherefore so like a thief, and thief's accomplice Didst creep behind him lurking for thy prey!

Oh, unblest falsehood! Mother of all evil!

Thou misery-making demon, it is thou That sinkest us in perdition. Simple truth, Sustainer of the world, had saved us all!

Father, I will not, I cannot excuse thee!

Wallenstein has deceived me--oh, most foully!

But thou has acted not much better.


Son My son, ah! I forgive thy agony!

MAX. (rises and contemplates his father with looks of suspicion).

Was't possible? hadst thou the heart, my father, Hadst thou the heart to drive it to such lengths, With cold premeditated purpose? Thou-- Hadst thou the heart to wish to see him guilty Rather than saved? Thou risest by his fall.

Octavio, 'twill not please me.


G.o.d in heaven!


Oh, woe is me! sure I have changed my nature.

How comes suspicion here--in the free soul?

Hope, confidence, belief, are gone; for all Lied to me, all that I e'er loved or honored.

No, no! not all! She--she yet lives for me, And she is true, and open as the heavens Deceit is everywhere, hypocrisy, Murder, and poisoning, treason, perjury: The single holy spot is our love, The only unprofaned in human nature.


Max.!--we will go together. 'Twill be better.


What? ere I've taken a last parting leave, The very last--no, never!


Spare thyself The pang of necessary separation.