Part 84 (1/2)
VERRINA (raging). What?
BERTHA. Last night----
VERRINA (furiously.) Speak! What!
BERTHA. Force. (Sinks down upon the side of the sofa.)
VERRINA (after a long pause, with a hollow voice). One word more, my daughter--thy last! Who was it?
BERTHA. Alas, what an angry deathlike paleness! Great G.o.d, support me!
How his words falter! His whole frame trembles!
VERRINA. I cannot comprehend it. Tell me, my daughter--who?
BERTHA. Compose yourself, my best, my dearest father!
VERRINA (ready to faint). For G.o.d's sake--who?
BERTHA. A mask----
VERRINA (steps back, thoughtfully). No! That cannot be!--the thought is idle--(smiling to himself ). What a fool am I to think that all the poison of my life can flow but from one source! (Firmly addressing himself to BERTHA.) What was his stature, less than mine or taller?
BERTHA. Taller.
VERRINA (eagerly). His hair? Black, and curled?
BERTHA. As black as jet and curled?
VERRINA (retiring from her in great emotion). O G.o.d! my brain! my brain!
His voice?
BERTHA. Was deep and harsh.
VERRINA (impetuously). What color was--No! I'll hear no more! 'His cloak! What color?
BERTHA. I think his cloak was green.
VERRINA (covering his face with his hands, falls on the couch). No more.
This can be nothing but a dream!
BERTHA (wringing her hands). Merciful heaven! Is this my father?
VERRINA (after a pause, with a forced smile). Right! It serves thee right--coward Verrina! The villain broke into the sanctuary of the laws.
This did not rouse thee. Then he violated the sanctuary of thy honor (starting up). Quick! Nicolo! Bring b.a.l.l.s and powder--but stay--my sword were better. (To BERTHA.) Say thy prayers! Ah! what am I going to do?
BERTHA. Father, you make me tremble----