Part 74 (1/2)
MOSER. I know but two. But men do not commit these, nor do men even dream of them.
FRANCIS. What are they?
MOSER (very significantly). Parricide is the name of the one; fratricide of the other. Why do you turn so suddenly pale?
FRANCIS. What, old man? Art thou in league with heaven or with h.e.l.l?
Who told thee that?
MOSER. Woe to him that hath them both upon his soul! It were better for that man that he had never been born! But be at peace; you have no longer either a father or a brother!
FRANCIS. Ha! what! Do you know no greater sin? Think again! Death, heaven, eternity, d.a.m.nation, hang upon thy lips. Not one greater?
MOSER. No, not one
FRANCIS (falling back in a chair). Annihilation! annihilation!
MOSER. Rejoice, then, rejoice! Congratulate yourself! With all your abominations you are yet a saint in comparison with a parricide. The curse that falls upon you is a love ditty in comparison with the curse that lies upon him. Retribution--
FRANCIS (starting up). Away with thee! May the graves open and swallow thee ten thousand fathoms deep, thou bird of ill omen! Who bade thee come here? Away, I tell thee, or I will run thee through and through!
MOSER. Can mere ”priestly cant” excite a philosopher to such a pitch of frenzy? Why not blow it away with a breath of your lips?
[FRANCIS throws himself about in his chair in terrible agitation. Profound stillness.]
Enter a SERVANT, hastily
SERVANT. The Lady Amelia has fled. The count has suddenly disappeared.
Enter DANIEL, in great alarm.
DANIEL. My lord, a troop of furious hors.e.m.e.n are galloping down the hill, shouting ”murder! murder!” The whole village is in alarm.
FRANCIS. Quick! let all the bells be tolled--summon everyone to the chapel--let all fall on their knees--pray for me. All prisoners shall be released and forgiven--I will make two and threefold rest.i.tution to the poor--I will--why don't you run? Do call in the father confessor, that he may give me absolution for my sins. What! are you not gone yet?
(The uproar becomes more audible.)
DANIEL. Heaven have mercy upon me, poor sinner! Can I believe you in earnest, sir? You, who always made a jest of religion? How many a Bible and prayer-book have you flung at my bead when by chance you caught me at my devotions?
FRANCIS. No more of this. To die! think of it! to die! It will be too late! (The voice of SCHWEITZER is heard, loud and furious.) Pray for me, Daniel! Pray, I entreat you!
DANIEL. I always told you,--”you hold prayer in such contempt; but take heed! take heed! when the fatal hour comes, when the waters are flowing in upon your soul, you will be ready to give all the treasures of the world for one little Christian prayer.” Do you see it now? What abuse you used to heap on me! Now you feel it! Is it not so!
FRANCIS (embracing him violently). Forgive me! my dear precious jewel of a Daniel, forgive me! I will clothe you from head to foot--do but pray. I will make quite a bridegroom of you--I will--only do pray-- I entreat you--on my knees, I conjure you. In the devil's name, pray!
why don't you pray? (Tumult in the streets, shouts and noises.)
SCHWEIT. (in the street). Storm the place! Kill all before you!
Force the gates! I see lights! He must be there!
FRANCIS (on his knees). Listen to my prayer, O G.o.d in heaven! It is the first time--it shall never happen again. Hear me, G.o.d in heaven!
DANIEL. Mercy on me! What are you saying? What a wicked prayer!