Part 45 (1/2)
”I think I remember” she faltered.
”We met in the church of ---------,” said he, quickly.
”Yes, it was in the church of ---------,” she rejoined.
”And could I have supposed that this day would have brought me--”
Here she gently withdrew her hand from his--he was evidently embarra.s.sed; but Biondello, who had in the meantime been speaking to the servant, now came to his aid.
”Si-nor,” said he, ”the ladies had ordered sedans to be in readiness for them; they have not yet come, for we are here before the expected time.
But there is a garden close by in which you may remain until the crowd has dispersed.”
The proposal was accepted; you may conceive with what alacrity on the part of the prince! We remained in the garden till late in the evening; and, fortunately, Z-------- and myself so effectually succeeded in occupying the attention of the elder lady that the prince was enabled, undisturbed, to carry on his conversation with the fair Greek. You will easily believe that he made good use of his time, when I tell you that he obtained permission to visit her. At the very moment that I am now writing he is with her; on his return I shall be able to give you further particulars regarding her.
When we got home yesterday we found that the long-expected remittances had arrived from our court; but at the same time the prince received a letter which excited his indignation to the highest pitch. He has been recalled, and that in a tone and manner to which he is wholly unaccustomed. He immediately wrote a reply in a similar spirit, and intends remaining. The remittances are only just sufficient to pay the interest on the capital which he owes. We are looking with impatience for a reply from his sister.
BARON F------ TO COUNT O------- September.
The prince has fallen out with his court, and all resources have consequently been cut off from home.
The term of six weeks, at the end of which my master was to pay the marquis, has already elapsed several days; but still no remittances have been forwarded, either from his cousin, of whom he had earnestly requested an additional allowance in advance, or from his sister. You may readily suppose that Civitella has not reminded him of his debt; the prince's memory is, however, all the more faithful. Yesterday morning at length brought an answer from the seat of government.
We had shortly before concluded a new arrangement with the master of our hotel, and the prince had publicly announced his intention to remain here sometime longer. Without uttering a word my master put the letter into my hand. His eyes sparkled, and I could read the contents in his face.
Can you believe it, dear O; all my master's proceedings here are known at and have been most calumniously misrepresented by an abominable tissue of lies? ”Information has been received,” says the letter, amongst other things, ”to the effect that the prince has for some time past belied his former character, and adopted a node of conduct totally at variance with his former exemplary manner of acting and thinking.”
”It is known,” the writer says, ”that he has addicted himself with the greatest excess to women and play; that he is overwhelmed with debts; puts his confidence in visionaries and charlatans, who pretend to have power over spirits; maintains suspicious relations with Roman Catholic prelates, and keeps up a degree of state which exceeds both his rank and his means. Nay, it is even said, that he is about to bring this highly offensive conduct to a climax by apostacy to the Church of Rome! and in order to clear himself from this last charge he is required to return immediately. A banker at Venice, to whom he must make known the true amount of his debts, has received instructions to satisfy his creditors immediately after his departure; for, under existing circ.u.mstances, it does not appear expedient to remit the money directly into his hands.”
What accusations, and what a mode of preferring them. I read the letter again and again, in the hope of discovering some expression that admitted of a milder construction, but in vain; it was wholly incomprehensible.
Z------- now reminded me of the secret inquiries which had been made some time before of Biondello. The true nature of the inquiries and circ.u.mstances all coincided. He had falsely ascribed them to the Armenian; but now the source from whence the came was very evident.
Apostacy! But who can have any interest in calumniating my master so scandalously? I should fear it was some machination of the Prince of ---d-----, who is determined on driving him from Venice.
In the meantime the prince remained absorbed in thought, with his eyes fixed on the ground. His continued silence alarmed me. I threw myself at his feet. ”For G.o.d's sake, your highness,” I cried, ”moderate your feelings--you will--nay, you shall have satisfaction. Leave the whole affair to me. Let me be your emissary. It is beneath your dignity to reply to such accusations; but you will not, I know, refuse me the privilege of doing so for you. The name of your calumniator must be given up, and -------'s eyes must be opened.”
At this moment we were interrupted by the entrance of Civitella, who inquired with surprise into the cause of our agitation. Z------- and I did not answer; but the prince, who had long ceased to make any distinction between him and us, and who, besides, was too much excited to listen to the dictates of prudence, desired me to communicate the contents of the letter to him. On my hesitating to obey him, he s.n.a.t.c.hed the letter from my hand and gave it to the marquis.
”I am in your debt, marquis,” said he, as Civitella gave him back the letter, after perusing it, with evident astonishment, ”but do not let that circ.u.mstance occasion you any uneasiness; grant me but a respite of twenty days, and you shall be fully satisfied.”
”Do I deserve this at your hands, gracious prince?” exclaimed Civitella, with extreme emotion.
”You have refrained from pressing me, and I gratefully appreciate your delicacy. In twenty days, as I before said, you shall be fully satisfied.”
”But how is this?” asked Civitella, with agitation and surprise. ”What means all this? I cannot comprehend it.”
We explained to him all that we knew, and his indignation was unbounded.