Part 15 (1/2)
The sky is fading swiftly and the sand is deepening from gold to brown. Aiden sits on the side of the hill, with his legs dangling over the edge.
He smoothes the wrinkles on his torn jeans. ”So what's up, Juniper? Did you bring me out here to tell me the real reason why you and Sylas showed up looking like c.r.a.p?”
I sweep the rocks out of the way and join him on the ledge. ”I already told you the real reason. I brought you out here because I think you're still keeping something from me. Something important that you need to fess up to.”
He seals his lips together, not denying it. ”Everything I keep from you is to protect you. Trust me, Kayla, you don't want to know everything I'm hiding.”
”Yes, I do,” I say. ”I want to know what it is, even if it's bad.”
”Just like you want to go to Cell 7, even if what's there is horrible.”
”Why is it horrible, Aiden? Just tell me what went on there.”
”I wasn't there and I'm lucky.” There's ferocity radiating from his eyes. ”When Monarch took me away, I thought I'd die. I was supposed to be with you, but something went wrong with me and he didn't want me there anymore. He said I didn't have the right personality for what he was creating there. But I didn't understand at the time that Cell 7 was where he was creatinga”
”Creating what?” I place my hand on his, trying to chip away at his secrets. ”Just tell me. It's okay.”
He stares at our hands with yearning. ”He was creating the virus.”
I remember the girl banging her head on the gla.s.s over and over again. ”Is that all he was creating? Or is there more to the virus then what people think. Could it bea” I take a deep breath. ”Could it be that he was creating the Highers' virus there?”
He shuts his eyes and squeezes my hand, his pulse trembling through his fingers. ”I'm not sure about the Highers, but he was creating things there.”
”He was creating me,” I swallow hard, thinking of my gla.s.s cell. ”He was creating me to create the Highers.”
”He wasn't creating what you are now,” he answers, not denying that the existence of the Highers might have started with me. ”Back then he was trying to create perfection. Or what him and the other doctors thought was perfection. They had misconstrued ideas, though.”
”He was trying to create a Higher,” I repeat. ”Out of me.”
”I heard rumors of what went on, but I wasn't there, so I can't tell you for sure.”
”You can't or don't want to?” Sand blows in my eyes and stings at my cheeks. I blink wildly. ”Because it feels like you know a lot more than you're letting on.”
He lets out a long breath and s.h.i.+fts the subject. ”You know don't have to do anything out here. You can be something new if you want.”
”I don't know what I want,” I mumble, staring at his lips.
He notices the line of my gaze and he wets his lips. ”You don't?”
I shake my head and lean in, seeking answers. When my lips brush his, there's a connection that can't be denied. He still loves me, but wants me to stop fighting and join him. He wants me with him forever. I immerse further into the kiss, digging deeper into his mind. He never wants me to go back to the city. He doesn't want me to find out the awful things Monarch made me do.
His hand slides up my back and he pulls me closer. My lips part and his tongue searches deep inside my mouth. He tastes salty, yet sweet at the same time. He fears the tunnel beneath the park.
I moan and draw back, but he hugs me closer, his touch becoming rougher. I'm no longer enjoying the kiss and my head is fuzzy.
”Aiden,” I murmur against his lips.
He pulls away. ”You say I don't know you, but I do, Juniper. I know you better than anyone. Even my brother.” He catches me as I flop to the side. ”That's why I knew you'd kiss me. If you thought I was hiding something, I knew exactly what you'd do.”
I sink to the earth, the sky altering black. ”What did you do to me? Poison me again. I'm going toa”
”I did what I had to do.” He s.h.i.+fts over me, the sky grey above him. ”I did this to protect you.”
I notice the sheen on his lips and wonder what he put on them to bring me down.
”I know you,” he whispers, lowering my head to the ground. ”And that's why I have to save you from yourself.”
Chapter 16.
I hop off the bottom step of the bright yellow bus and onto the sidewalk. A backpack is strapped to my back and my thumbs loop the handles. I spin around and wait for them. Sylas jumps from the top step and nearly lands on my toes. Aiden follows, taking each stair carefully, and s.h.i.+elds his eyes as the sun hits his face.
We are children, young and free, dressed in bright clothes with smiles on our faces.
”Where's mom?” Aiden glances around at the houses and trees. ”It was her turn to pick us up.”
”Maybe she forgot.” Sylas playfully pinches my arm. ”Or maybe she got lost. It's a very long street.”
”Everything's a joke to you.” Aiden scowls. ”But you won't think it's so funny when you're kidnapped.”
Sylas shoots him a doubtful look. ”Those haven't happened anywhere near here. And besides, no one even knows if these Watchers really exist.”
”Mom said that they do and that the kidnappings are getting closer.” Aiden adjusts his backpack. ”That's why she's been picking us up every day.”
”Well, dad says it's not real and that people are making it up just because they want answers.” Sylas stares up the road, lined with two-story houses and lofty trees. ”I think I'm gonna walk.”
Aiden grabs Sylas' arm and angles his head up at his brother. ”You can't go wandering off alone. Mom said that's what the Watchers look fora”kids by themselves.”
Sylas teasingly punches his fist toward Aiden's face. ”Well, if they do exist and show up then I'll take them down.”
I giggle and Aiden lets out a frustrated breath, blowing his dark hair from his face. ”One of these days,” Aiden says. ”You're going to get into some serious trouble.”
Sylas turns his back to Aiden and strolls down the sidewalk. He picks up a long stick and drags it across the fence, making a loud clanking sound.
I tug on Aiden's arm. ”Come on. We'll be fine.”
I pull him with me as I skip after Sylas. We catch up and I take Sylas' hand. We walk hand-in-hand and I feel small standing between them. But safe.
A lady, wearing a fluffy pink robe, steps onto the porch and scoops up a furry orange cat. She pets the cat and then her eyes narrow on us.
”You guys shouldn't be out here by yourself.” She steps off the porch and onto the rocky path. ”Where's your mother?”
”Hmma” Sylas taps his lips. ”I knew we forgot something back at the bus stop.”
The ladies face reddens and wrinkles scatter across her saggy skin. ”Sylas Anders, one of these days your mouth is going to get you in trouble.”
Laughter bubbles from Sylas and I.