Part 16 (1/2)

We are not dishonest, for, unlike many Liberals of the past and the present--we speak out! We are inconsistent indeed with a past pledge; but are we any more inconsistent than the High Churchman who repudiates the 'blasphemous fables' of the Ma.s.s when he signs the Articles, and then encourages adoration of the Reserved Sacrament in his church?”

The Bishop made no immediate reply. He was at that moment involved in a struggle with an inc.u.mbent in Markborough itself who under the very shadow of the Cathedral had been celebrating the a.s.sumption of the Blessed Virgin in flat disobedience to his diocesan. His mind wandered for a minute or two to this case. Then, rousing himself, he said abruptly, with a keen look at Meynell:

”I know of course that, in your case, there can be no question of clinging to the money of the Church.”

Meynell flushed.

”I had not meant to speak of it--but your lords.h.i.+p knows that all I receive from my living is given back to church purposes. I support myself by what I write. There are others of us who risk much more than I--who risk indeed their all!”

”You have done a n.o.ble work for your people, Meynell.” The Bishop's voice was not unlike a groan.

”I have done nothing but what was my bounden duty to do.”

”And practically your parish is with you in this terrible business?”

”The church people in it, by an immense majority--and some of the dissenters. Mr. Barron, as you know, is the chief complainant, and there are of course some others with him.”

”I expect to see Mr. Barron this afternoon,” remarked the Bishop, frowning.

Meynell said nothing.

The Bishop rose.

”I understand from your letter this morning that you have no intention of repeating the service of last Sunday?”

”Not at present. But the League will go to work at once on a revised service-book.”

”Which you propose to introduce on a given Sunday--in all the Reformers'


”That is our plan.”

”You are quite aware that this whole scheme may lead to tumults--breaches of the peace?”

”It may,” said Meynell reluctantly.

”But you risk it?”

”We must,” said Meynell, after a pause.

”And you refuse--I ask you once more--to resign your living, at my request?”

”I do--for the reasons I have given.”

The Bishop's eyes sparkled.

”As to my course,” he said, dryly, ”Letters of Request will be sent at once to the Court of Arches preferring charges of heretical teaching and unauthorized services against yourself and two other clergy. I shall be represented by so-and-so.” He named the lawyers.