Chapter 65 (1/2)

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Tenderness—Part Three

Translated by K of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Lan w.a.n.gJi walked closer and gave him the jars of Emperor’s Smile . Jars in his arm, Wei WuXian walked inside . To his back, Lan w.a.n.gJi shook his head, though his gaze was softer than ever . Lan XiChen glanced at him, “You took them from your room?”

Lan w.a.n.gJi nodded .

Lan XiChen, “It is best… if you do not touch liquor again . Be careful not to have what happened back then happen again . ”

His eyes landed on the clothes beside Lan w.a.n.gJi’s collarbones . Lan w.a.n.gJi looked down as well, at where the center of his chest was, “It will not happen again . ”

Lan XiChen forced a smile . He sighed right after .

After Lan XiChen went away, Lan w.a.n.gJi walked inside and gently closed the door behind him . Wei WuXian took off the covers of the jars as he continued to think about the stories of Lan An, the founder of the GusuLan Sect, and QingHeng-Jun, The GusuLan Sect really is a strange sect . Although the founder was a monk and its style is so orthodox, it really… raises many romantics .

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but look at the other descendent of the GusuLan Sect in the room .

Lan w.a.n.gJi was reading a book, his head down . A paper lantern was on the corner of the desk . Against the soft light of the fire, his face was even more like a piece of fine jade . Even his indifferent expression and his light eyes seemed to have been glazed a shade warmer . He was so beautiful that it seemed unreal . Caught by the moment, Wei WuXian was somehow entranced . Involuntarily, he inched closer .

Lan w.a.n.gJi looked up, asking, “What?”

Wei WuXian immediately returned to himself, “Nothing . Your bookmark looks quite pretty . ”

Lan w.a.n.gJi’s bookmark was a dried flower in a light shade . It had been kept with much care, its color as vibrant ever . The petals and the veins were so delicate that it seemed to be alive . Between pages, it let off a soft aroma . Wei WuXian picked out the bookmark and asked, “Herb peony?”

Lan w.a.n.gJi, “Mn . ”

Wei WuXian played with the bookmark in his hands before giving it back to him, “Your brother received quite a big shock . ”

With care, Lan w.a.n.gJi put the dried herb peony back into the book . He shut the pages, “Now that he has found the evidence, he will not tolerate this . ”

Wei WuXian, “Of course . He’s your brother after all . ”

No matter how close of a relations.h.i.+p Lan XiChen and Jin GuangYao had, he was still from the GusuLan Sect and had his own principles .

Wei WuXian opened one jar of liquor, The time before the last time Lan Zhan was drunk, he answered honestly that he’s never had the Emperor’s

Smile in his room before . Then why did he hide them? He couldn’t have been saving them just for me, could he? It’s a bit shameless if I think about it this way . Speaking of it, should I apologise for the whole thing with the forehead ribbon? After all I’ve played with it so many times already . What if he’s so embarra.s.sed that he gets mad and kicks me out of here? No matter what, I’ve fooled around so much and he hasn’t gotten angry at all, clearly his self-restraint is getting better and better . I’m sure that even if I fool around some more he won’t get angry . No, I shouldn’t ask him . How about I just pretend that I don’t know what the forehead ribbon means . Then, next time, I’ll be able to pull it again on purpose . If he gets mad, I’ll pretend to be innocent and say that I didn’t know . Ignorance isn’t a sin…

Wei WuXian was feeling quite pleased with himself . Lan w.a.n.gJi asked, “What happened?”

He turned around with a serious expression, “Nothing . I’m in a good mood . ” Not paying attention, he opened a jar, picked it up, and swallowed a gulp of it before suddenly spitting it out with a pfft .

Lan w.a.n.gJi put down his book at once, “What happened this time?”

Wei WuXian waved his hands, “Nothing! Nothing, nothing!”

As he said nothing, he put the jar back where it had been and picked up another one with a dejected look on his face .

The last time he snuck a jar of liquor, he purposely put water inside to surprise Lan w.a.n.gJi if he ever drank it . However, he didn’t know that his luck was so bad . The two jars that Lan w.a.n.gJi had brought just happened to include this jar of pure water, and he drank it himself .

Ever after he came back, whenever he wanted to tease Lan w.a.n.gJi, he ended up shooting himself in the foot . He just couldn’t understand it!

Wei WuXian slept sometime later . He was asleep until early morning when he suddenly woke up . With a s.h.i.+ver, he crawled forward and looked up . Lan w.a.n.gJi’s was still dressed, sword was on his back . As he took back the hand that he had put on Wei WuXian’s shoulder, he stared at a white object within his palm, “We have an uninvited guest . ”

Wei WuXian squinted to see . The object was the GusuLan Sect’s jade token of pa.s.sage . He could recall that Lan w.a.n.gJi’s token was a very high level, able to alert him if others intruded over the barrier of the GusuLan Sect .

But n.o.body had dared intrude the Cloud Recesses in dozens of years . Wei WuXian hopped off the bed . He discovered that his outer robe had been taken off sometime during his sleep . He put

put it on as he spoke, “Who is it?”

Lan w.a.n.gJi shook his head, gesturing for Wei WuXian to follow him . The two had walked stealthily until they arrived at at a residence amid lush bamboos . Light seeped from the paper windows . Wei WuXian glanced at the wooden plaques in front of the courtyard, “The Hans.h.i.+?”

As expected, Lan XiChen sat back-straight within the room . Seeing the two enter, he didn’t seem surprised at all . He exchanged a look with Lan w.a.n.gJi, and both of them understood . Lan w.a.n.gJi led Wei WuXian to sit behind the screen .

A while later, the bamboo curtains of the Hans.h.i.+ were lifted . A series of soft footsteps entered the room . The person seemed to have sat down before Lan XiChen .

A few moments later came the sound of jade knocking against each other . It sounded as if somebody had put something onto the table and pushed it over .

The first to speak was Lan XiChen, “What does this mean?”

Somebody spoke, “To return to you, Brother . ”

It was Jin GuangYao .