Chapter 41 (1/2)

Chapter 41 Herb – Part 9

Xiao Xinchi’s smile froze. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version. If you have any questions, maybe you should read the FAQ.

The word “Xue Yang” shocked her. His complication began to be considerably thin. When he heard the word, all the blood leaked from his face. His lips were pink white hues.

As if he was not sure, Xiao XingChen asked low voice: “… Xue Yang?” He suddenly surprised: “How did you find that word, A-Qing?”

A-Qing: “Xue Yang is a man with us! He’s this b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

Xiao Xing Ĉ en “dismally disturbed” people with us “… people with us …”, as though he felt that he had grown slightly damaged, he put his head in the noses “Did you know?”

Al-Qing: “I heard that he would kill someone!

Xiao XingChen, “Did he kill someone who killed him?

– Qing said: “Woman! She is very young, I think she has a sword with her, and the snow yank hid their sword. I heard that they fought. They were so loud … they were still aloud. The woman still It was called “Snow Yangu”, he said he naturally fined him to kill unlimited people, He said that the temple would be erased. In heaven, ah, he is from his mind! He is always hiding beside us, I do not know what he is trying to do! ”

According to his lie, A-Qing had a dinner all night. First of all, she certainly did not let Daozhang know that he killed the living people, thinking that they were walking along the bay. She could not say she killed the Canton Run with her own hands. Daozhang would be unfair, yes, she could not tell him about Daozhang’s song about which to die. The best thing is that while Xiao Xingzheno is there, he will run away as much as possible after discovering that he is Snow Yan!

But he was hard pressed to accept the message. And it also sounded pretty funny. Xiaoxing could not believe it at all. But his voice is different.

Al Qing said: “His voice is different, he deliberately did it! He fears that you will recognize him!” She seems to have hit the dust on the ground Like this idea: “Well, okay, well, he has nine fingers, do you know Daozhang, or Snow Yang has nine fingers? Do you have to look for him in front of him?”

Xiao Xingchee recovered almost fell to the ground.

A-Qing immediately helped him at the table, and both sat slowly. As you know that he has nine fingers, Qing: “But if he really is Snow Yang, let him hear that you touch him before, but you touch in the left hand:” What? Xiao Xing Ĉ again heard a story after what time can you reveal it? ”

– Qing knocked his teeth and “… Daozhang! I’m not blind, let me tell you the truth. I see I do not see I did not touch my hand, but I instead of they saw!”

Each shock was bigger than the previous shock. Xiao Xin Jing almost lost the words: “What did you say?

A-Qing was afraid, but she could no longer conceal the truth. She apologizes and apologizes: “I’m sorry Daozhang, I was scared to hurt me if we knew that I was not blind when we fled with you Do not let you be mistaken, but now blame me, he will come back! When he bought food!

Suddenly she closed her mouth.

Xiao Xingchen’s eyes are white in the first place. However, though, there are two red scams that look inside. After the blood widened, it jumped through the bandage where the eye was where it was late.

Al-Qing yelled: “Daozhang, you’re blood!” This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version. If you have any questions, maybe you should read the FAQ.

Xiao Xingcheen just seemed to have noticed. Explosive explosion reached the face. When it was received, it was covered with blood. With a huge hand, A-Qing helped her wipe her a little. However, she had more difficulty but had blood. Shaochenghen raised his hand. “Well … hmm.”

When he initially had excessive thoughts and feelings, his eye wounds blew, but he did not return for a long time. Wei Wu Siang thought he was already healing. But today it started to blow again.

Xiao Xing ĉ en mumbled: “But … if he really is Snow Yang, why is he? Why does he do it, why is Snow Jan? For the first time, I killed you so many years, would you not stay on my side? ”

Of course, Qing, “he wanted to kill you first, I saw his eyes. They were cunning, not fear and worse than important. But he needed someone to care for him because he was injured and unable to move! When he was in Bush I killed her and I do what I do. I did not know her, I knew he was a deadly machine! Daozhang, we’ll go! Okay

But in his heart, Wu Wuian complained that it would not be possible. If she does not tell Xiao Xingcheen, he continues to live like Xue Yang. As she said to Xiao Xingchee, he just did not just escape. He will definitely ask Xue Yang immediately. This is not an option.

As he waited, after Xiao Xing ĉ en settled, he said: “Qing escaped,” Qing Qi

His voice was a little crazy. A-Qing was a little scared: “Oh, Daozhang, run away together!

Xiao Xing ĉ e, of course, is my goal. It is necessary to find out exactly how he is trying to do it, and pretending to be someone else over the past few years to achieve this goal, I tried to stay on my side. I can not go, “he shook his head. If I left him here, I’m afraid that the city of Li gets into his hands. Snow Yang always does that.”

This time, A-Qing’s sove is no longer deceived. She threw the bamboo pole on her side and can I go alone? If I do not leave you, I will not leave. On the feet Xiao Xingchen wants to stay with you, “I? Daozhang, affection. In the worst case, most bad things, we put death to him. If I went to my place, I, I will be very unique to die, because I know that you do not want to so that’s it, so we’ll run away together! ”

Unfortunately, after secrecy that she is not blind, his tactics to use it to gain empathy are no longer working. Xiao Xingchen “is – .. Answer Qing so you can see is very clever I believe that you will be able to live in a good life that will remain for you How terrible Snow Jans I can not … I do not know and he will come to me near.

Wei Wuxian can hear Blue Qing, softly cry I know! I know his fears!

But she could not speak to tell the truth.

Suddenly, a series of quick action came out from the outside.

Xue Yang is back!

Xiao Xingheen was surprised and returned to the level of courage when he was hunting at night. He quickly said: “Why do you take the opportunity to escape when he goes, I will treat him, ask me!” – Whisper took Qing

A-Qing was afraid of what she had won. Snow Yang, the case kicked the door “I have you, what was all? Have you come back and you’re still there, you still let me open the cover,” left I was very tired. ”

You think it was just a tone and a voice, he was just the door to the boy, nice s.h.i.+t. However, this is the man who stood out so far and was a man of the facade’s morality, devil, would have imagined that it was a wicked does not make sense! This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version. If you have any questions, maybe you should read the FAQ.