Chapter 33 (1/2)

Chapter 33 Herbs – Part 1

The south-eastern region was abundant in rivers and valleys. The only weak wind of Tintj peak and the red terrain caused most of the blurred s.p.a.ce to pa.s.s through this place. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.

The left arm went directly to the result, and both came to the little village.

Partially fence rails are surrounded by roof roofs from mud. The colorful chicken path lays in the garden and outside, falls to the ground and sinks to rice. The large s.h.i.+ning c.o.c.k stood on one side of the roof. I looked at the swing and turned my head to the left and to the right. I was happy that no dogs were kept. It is possible that these villagers said that the only bone could carry some hand-made pieces of meat, much less having any remaining portion to feed the dog.

The village is in front of the road, and it leads to three different directions. Both of them were a little bit naked. It was obvious that we were walking frequently, targeting many functions. However, the latter was emptied with weeds. The square mark made from the rock was placed along this path. Due to age and weather, the signature will be split into the middle with large slots. From the cracks I saw a soft gra.s.s.

Two big characters, which seemed to be the leading, were a sign. I was able to say that the cornerstone is a “city” feature. However, the aforementioned character was complicated both in shape and in brush form. Crack just scattered some broken cliffs on the ground. We WuXian bent and pushed in the wounded. Even after looking for it for a long time, he still could not figure out what the character was.

By agreement, the direction indicated in the left hand was exactly as follows.

Wei Wu Xian said: “Why do not we need a village?

The orchid bowed to his head. Of course, Wei WuXian did not expect that he was asking. With a great crying face on his face, Wei WuXian went to a village who ate chicken.

Some women in the group are some old and young. Looking at an unknown person’s approach, I was nervous, as if everyone wanted to squeeze the powder and run away. Only after Wei WuXian exchanged a few words with them, a joy smile on their faces, or they finally calmed down and began to react terribly.

When Wei WuXian noticed the signature and noticed the issue, the expression changed quickly. They missed the moment and did not say goodbye to her. During the chat, they did not see Lan w.a.n.g Ji standing on the sign. Wei Wu Xian listened carefully because his corners were still curved. Finally, it seems that the theme has changed, the woman’s expression calms down. They slowly relaxed and smiled him with fear.

Lan w.a.n.g Ji saw them at a distance. He awaited for a moment, but Wei WuXian still seemed to have no plans to return. Lan w.a.n.g Ji, slowly looking at the ground, reaches a small stone stone at his feet.

He continued to do it again and again and again and again again and again again and again sin again and again over and over again. Looking up, he saw that Wei Wuyi pulled something out of his sleeve and delivered it to the most talked woman.

Lan w.a.n.g still stood staring at the sky in his face. When he really could not control himself, ready to approach them, Vei Wuxin finally ended.

He is called Lan w.a.n.gJi. “Han Hsien, you have to go, the rabbit was in the garden!

Lan w.a.n.g Ji did not answer his pleasant comment and replied with a fixed indifference: “What did they answer?” This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.

Wei Wu Xian, “Thus leads to Li City, the first letter of the symbol is” Yi “.

Ran royal family, “Does Li like a cavalry?

Wei WuXian, “Yes and No.

Lan w.a.n.g Ji, “why is this?”

Wei Wu Xian said: “Letters are correct, but it’s not like a cavalry, but yes, yes, young people have a coffin at home.”

They walked through weed livestock and immediately took signs. Wei Wu Xian, the girls a long time ago, most people in this city … Also, their special field makes premature death, is temporary or meeting an accident, so the temporary said that there were many coffins to provide body “coffin, paper and other Everything could have been paper, manicured or anything, but it was not important as it became known by that name. ”

Without damaged cars and stones, there were ovens and grooves on the road. In turn, Wei WuXian spoke when they went, they said people are almost not here to go to Lee’s city, “Wei WuXian stage, where the orchid w.a.n.gJi’s there eyes. People are not concerned with the reasons for the addition of internal goods exports. I have hardly seen in recent years. For many years, no one has had such a path. I definitely explained why it is very difficult to go. ”

Lan w.a.n.g Ji, “And then?

Wei Wuxian, “and what?”

Lan w.a.n.g Ji, “What did you give them?”

Wei WuXian, “Ho … Do you want to say it? It’s lip color.

When they were in Ching, he bought Xingl-abrupt information for him and the cotton master who held it with him is always a small compact of roller. Wei Wu Xian: “You have to show your grat.i.tude to the people when you ask them, I have the money to give them, but they were very scared, I did not do it, and they really do not like the scent of rolls. They seemed to be because I I have never used it before, so I gave it to them I gave it.

When he pauses, he knows that when I always had a cup of flowers and jewelry, HanGuang Jun, why do you, I, lipstick quality is not really wonderful? I look at me in that way. But I do not like it because I use it. “For me to be given a girl, I really have no other way to give them. At least, it’s better than anything else.

As if the pensive memory was blown, Ranch’s home island grew and slowly swam.

Weeds gradually decreased when we went down the narrow streets, returned on both sides, and the roads grew. However, the mist became thicker.

When the left hand attracted the fist, the city gate collapsed at the end of the road. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.

An image and a broken roof were not found in front of the tower in front of the city. It was excessively thin with a single corner distribution. The city wall was covered with an unknown artist’s schedule, which was almost red in color, with almost changed doors, with s.h.i.+elded rust and black. The two doors were thrown out as if someone had left the net.

Even before entering, you may feel that it should be angry that ghosts and demons are in the wild.

While Wei WuXian was walking, he carefully scrutinized it. At the gate of the city, he said: “Feng Shui is horrible.

Ran w.a.n.g Ji constantly conveys: “Mount mountain and rugged rivers.