Part 23 (1/2)

”Show me how to wash my face!” exclaimed Duane, delighted. ”This is luxury----”

”I want him to see the Gray Water before it's too late, with the sunlight on the trees and the big trout jumping,” protested Scott.

”I'll do my own jumping if you'll furnish the tub,” observed Duane.

”Where's that agreeable maid who washes your guests' faces?”

Kathleen nodded an amused dismissal to them. Arm in arm they entered the house, which was built out of squared blocks of field stone. Scott motioned the servants aside and did the piloting himself up a broad stone stairs, east along a wide sunny corridor full of nooks and angles and antique sofas and potted flowers.

”Not that way,” he said; ”Dysart is in there taking a nap. Turn to the left.”

”Dysart?” repeated Duane. ”I didn't know there was to be anybody else here.”

”I asked Jack Dysart because he's a good rod. Kathleen raised the deuce about it when I told her, but it was too late. Anyway, I didn't know she had no use for him. He's certainly clever at dry-fly casting. He uses pneumatic bodies, not cork or paraffine.”

”Is his wife here?” asked Duane carelessly.

”Yes. Geraldine asked her as soon as she heard I'd written to Jack. But when I told her the next day that I expected you, too, she got mad all over, and we had a lively talk-fest. What was there wrong in my having you and the Dysarts here at the same time? Don't you get on?”

”Charmingly,” replied Duane airily.... ”It will be very interesting, I think. Is there anybody else here?”

”Delancy Grandcourt. Isn't he the dead one? But Geraldine wanted him.

And there's that stick of a Quest girl, and Bunbury Gray. Nada came over this afternoon from the Tappans' at Iron Hill--thank goodness----”

”I didn't know my sister was to be here.”

”Yes; and you make twelve, counting Geraldine and me and the Pink 'uns.”

”You didn't tell me it was to be a round-up,” repeated Duane, absently surveying his chintz-hung quarters. ”This is a pretty place you've given me. Where do you get all your electric lights? Where do you get fancy plumbing in this wilderness?”

”Our own plant,” explained the boy proudly. ”Isn't that corking water?

Look at it--heavenly cold and clear, or hot as h.e.l.l, whichever way you're inclined--” turning on a silver spigot chiselled like a cherub.

”That water comes from Cloudy Lake, up there on that dome-shaped mountain. Here, stand here beside me, Duane, and you can see it from your window. That's the Gilded Dome--that big peak. It's in our park.

There are a few elk on it, not many, because they'd starve out the deer.

As it is, we have to cut browse in winter. For Heaven's sake, hurry, man! Get into your bath and out again, or we'll miss the trout jumping along Gray Water and Hurryon Brook.”

”Let 'em jump!” retorted Duane, forcibly ejecting his host from the room and locking the door. Then, lighting a cigarette, he strolled into the bath room and started the water running into the porcelain tub.

He was in excellent spirits, quite undisturbed by the unexpected proximity of Rosalie Dysart or the possible renewal of their hitherto slightly hazardous friends.h.i.+p. He laid his cigarette aside for the express purpose of whistling while undressing.

Half an hour later, bathed, shaved, and sartorially freshened, he selected a blue corn-flower from the rural bouquet on his dresser, drew it through his b.u.t.tonhole, gave a last alluring twist to his tie, surveyed himself in the mirror, whistled a few bars, was perfectly satisfied with himself, then, unlocking the door, strolled out into the corridor. Having no memory for direction, he took the wrong turn.

A distractingly pretty maid laid aside her sewing and rose from her chair to set him right; he bestowed upon her his most courtly thanks.

She was unusually pretty, so he thanked her again, and she dimpled, one hand fingering her ap.r.o.n's edge.

”My child,” said he gravely, ”are you by any fortunate chance as good as you are ornamental?”

She replied that she thought she was.