Part 27 (1/2)
1 egg.
A little gravy and mushroom catsup.
_Method._--Mince the beef finely, and moisten it with a little nice gravy.
Add the onion to it, and season nicely with catsup.
Mix the mashed potatoes with plenty of b.u.t.ter, and the egg well beaten, pepper and salt.
Place the mince in greased scallop, and cover with the potatoes.
Bake in a quick oven until lightly browned.
When economy has to be studied, leave out the eggs and subst.i.tute clarified dripping for the b.u.t.ter. The mixture can be baked in a pie-dish, if more convenient.
Cold Beef Olives.
_Ingredients_--Some cold roast beef.
Some veal forcemeat, omitting the suet.
Some gravy.
Pepper and salt.
Some mashed potatoes.
_Method._--Take slices of cold beef, and cut them into strips 1 inches in width.
Lay on each a little veal stuffing; roll them round it, and tie them with string.
Put them into a stewpan close together; pour the gravy over them, and simmer them gently for ten minutes.
Dish them on a border of mashed potatoes.
Thicken the gravy with a little flour, and pour it over them.
Quenelles of Veal.
_Ingredients_--1 lb. of fillet of veal.
1 oz. of b.u.t.ter.
2 oz. of flour.
1 gill of water.
A few drops of lemon juice.
2 eggs.