Part 26 (1/2)
”I don't think they're thinking,” Flint said. ”So that means they're getting into s.h.i.+ps with no planning or preparation. They may initially be heading to Amoma or somewhere in the Disty home system, but they'll soon discover they don't have enough fuel or a s.h.i.+p with the right distance capabilities, or enough food or anything. And that means-”
”They'll come here. Got it.” DeRicci leaned her forehead on the thick plastic. It was as warm as she was. ”Thanks for the heads-up, Miles.”
”Thought you needed to know,” he said, and signed off.
Thought she needed to know. DeRicci sighed. As if she could do anything about it. She had a t.i.tle and no powers. She couldn't even shut down Armstrong's ports.
If Flint was right, someone would have to act. DeRicci would just have to figure out who that someone was.
The conversation with DeRicci left Flint disturbed. She had sounded odd. And it wasn't like her to lose focus as she had in the first part of the conversation.
Still, he had done all he could. Someone had to be warned about the impending disaster, and the only someone he could guarantee would pay attention to him was Noelle DeRicci.
For better or for worse.
Flint shut off his external links again and continued researching on his center screen. The coding information scrolled on the screens beside him. He set up yet another security perimeter in his networks, figuring someone might have monitored his conversation with DeRicci, no matter how hard he worked to keep it quiet.
He shut off his wall screens, preferring not to see the crisis unfold. He set up his interior links so that he would only get breaking news, and he made sure the news was filtered, so that it would only be the real stuff, not the things the reporters made up for attention.
Then he got to work.
He had a list of survivors' names from the lawsuit they had filed against Mary Sue Jrgen Meister. The names came with addresses and identification codes, but all of that information was more than fifty years old. He couldn't immediately get a listing of the survivors' ages, but he would have guessed that most of them were-at the youngest-thirty- to forty-year-old adults at the time of the filing.
Humans lived more than a hundred and fifty years on average now, but that was a true average. Some died quite young; others lived an extra fifty years beyond that.
He had no idea if the survivors who filed that suit were still alive, or if they had children.
And then there was the issue of the Outlying Colonies.
The Outlying Colonies had acquired the name long ago, when the name had been accurate. Since then, the known universe had grown around them. The Outlying Colonies probably should have been renamed the Center of the Known Universe, but not only was that pretentious, it also didn't give an adequate picture of the colonies themselves.
And now he had to search ancient data files to see if he could find anything from those places. Such a search could take weeks and a lot of credits, paid to a variety of people who claimed to have knowledge, some of whom wouldn't have any. He had to make that same search in the s.p.a.ce of hours, maybe even minutes.
He would have to outthink the colonies-and outthink the survivors, many of whom probably went there in order to escape whatever it was that had gotten the rest of their families killed.
Some of the survivors had to be nearby. Someone had even returned to Mars, if indeed one of the survivors had killed Jrgen. There had to be some survivors in this solar system.
He just had to find them.
He just wished all of this wasn't placed on him. And he wasn't even sure if his work would be valuable. No one had talked to the Disty since this crisis began. Scott-Olson was guessing that the survivor ritual would work, just like Flint was guessing.
He was shooting in the dark. And he couldn't quite shake the feeling that even if he succeeded, he would be doing too little much too late.
Roderick Jefferson was dreaming of Tahiti, sun beating on sand, the ocean lapping against his feet, warm and inviting. Tahiti and some cold pineapple drink, and a woman he didn't know on his arm. A soft woman, a beautiful woman, a woman who- Suddenly, he was being dragged across the carpeted floor of his apartment, people-humans?-holding his arms, pulling him into the bathroom and tossing him into an ice-cold shower. It took him a moment to realize this wasn't part of the dream. He was awake, he was naked, and he was freezing.
”You've been summoned, Mr. Jefferson,” a man the size of a gorilla said from outside the shower. Barely outside. Two men stood in the bathroom, blocking Jefferson's exit. But they hadn't closed the gla.s.s shower door either.
They were staring at him as if they'd never seen a naked diplomat before.
He had a headache, his mouth tasted of sour beer, and his message storage links were pinging. With a single thought, he shut off that internal sound. But the pinging continued.
Emergency links? He shut those down too. He'd given instructions, and no one was paying attention. Dammit.
With one fist, he slammed off the shower, then rubbed the water off his face.
”I told everyone that I was taking the next two weeks off. I was not to be disturbed. I'm leaving in”-he checked his internal network-”four hours. I'm going somewhere warm and tropical with lots of naked women.”
He had no idea where these two thugs had come from or how they managed to get into his apartment, but they had no purpose here, no matter what they were told.
”Sir, there's a crisis-”
”There's always a crisis. And this time, Layne Naher can handle it. I need time off.”
Doctor's orders, in fact. Jefferson had been working too hard. His own psyche was breaking down with all of the internal communications, the stress, the sheer make-or-break att.i.tude of dealing with aliens, aliens, aliens-always different, and always dangerous.
”We were told to bring you, sir, no matter what. We will arrest you if we must.”
Jefferson stared at both men, then realized there were at least three more in the bedroom. They were wearing black, the standard outfit of human security in the Alliance.
”Who the h.e.l.l are you?” Jefferson snapped, realizing in all of his confusion, he hadn't asked. They both touched the backs of their wrists, and the ID tattoos in their cheeks lit up. They were Alliance Security.
Something was seriously wrong.
He sighed and grabbed a warm towel from one of the racks. His head felt like it had had a run-in with a wall. What brand of idiocy had made him think that an old-fas.h.i.+oned hangover would be fun?
With his tongue he pressed the chip on the roof of his mouth, sending endorphins into his system. He followed those with a mild painkiller and some detoxing agents. Then he had his links purify the oxygen in the room, making it just a little richer.
All the tricks a high-level amba.s.sador learned so that he could stay awake and alert, no matter what the crisis.
”How long do I have?” he asked.
”You need to be there in”- the security man paused, as his own links informed him of the time-”in less than three minutes, sir.”
”What the h.e.l.l?” Jefferson snapped. ”Someone want to explain to me what's going on?”
He toweled off as quickly as he could, then pushed past the men to his bedroom. It was dark, and the bed was rumpled. He longed to climb back in it, but he made himself turn toward his closet. The three other men moved toward the living room, still watching.