Part 35 (1/2)

Arrogant jerk. He stepped back as she jammed the car into reverse. She barely remembered to wave at Ellie and Jack before speeding off.

Rocky strolled back up the driveway. Jack was watching his wife's rear end appreciatively as she walked to the house before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. Digging into his pocket, he handed a spare set of house keys to Rocky.

”Ellie said you only have to water the plants once.”

Uh-huh. House-sitting while his friends were away was not at the forefront of his mind right now. ”And what did she say about Janet?”

”That you shouldn't rush her.” Jack's mouth quirked upward, obviously unperturbed at relaying his wife's message.

”Who's rus.h.i.+ng? I've known her a year.”

Jack leaned against the car and folded his arms. ”Yeah, I know. I was there when you met. You decided you wanted her after knowing her a whole two hours. You don't call that rus.h.i.+ng?”

”This from the man who got engaged after knowing a woman-what, two minutes?”

Jack's composure slipped into a slight frown. ”That doesn't count. It wasn't real for at least a week.” Seeing Rocky's smile, he apparently thought better of using the details of his impromptu engagement to Ellie as a s.h.i.+ning example of restraint. ”Come on, Rocky, Ellie has a point. I know you're set on putting your life back together. You've done a good job of it too, starting the business with Ellie and going to law school. But you don't have to have everything everything all at once. You can't just go out and get an instant wife and family.” all at once. You can't just go out and get an instant wife and family.”

”What family? Janet doesn't have kids. And I'm not looking to marry her. I just want to be with her. You know, in that very special way that requires taking off all your clothes,” Rocky explained with a wink.

Jack snorted. ”It doesn't all happen that fast, just because you want it to. And you can't expect her to accommodate the accelerated schedule you've made for your life.”

”Overlooking the fact that it happened exactly that fast for you, I have to repeat, I've known Janet for a year. h.e.l.l, I knew her six months before I even kissed her. That's beyond patient for me. I haven't even had a relations.h.i.+p that lasted that long.”